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Stereotypical Jedi


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I have had a large debate in my head about what class really has a true Jedi feel, much like the movies. I have played at least each Jedi class to level 20, but my Sage being level 50.



  • So what is your opinion on a Stereotypical Jedi from the Movies?
  • What class best represents that kind of Jedi?
  • What story line represents that type of Jedi?


So it seems that the Guardian is the closest to the Movie Jedi.


  • So if you watched a video of each of the classes play styles would your opinion stay the same?
  • Would it cause you to think twice about the last decision?
  • If the Guardian had to have some abilities given to the ingame Jedi (or even Sith if there is one) classes to make them more of the Stereotypical Jedi, what would those abilities be?
  • Would any abilities like Force Sweep be taken out?
  • Would there be any spec that a certain advanced class has that would represent the classic "Movie" Jedi?

Edited by Morefunnest
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I was thinking the Guardian too. The sage just feels like a Magician or Priest with a glowing stick. People say Yoda was a Sage but if so he was a Sage that was great with a Lightsaber, or IMO he was a a Guardian who was strong in the force and smart.
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Stereotypical/movie Jedi really only ever use Lightsaber combat, force movement, force telekinesis and mind trick. You rarely see them use any other power.


So Jedi Guardain there, Single Lightsaber combat mostly, force leap, force push/saber throw and mind trick in conversations (taunting could be considered mind trick too).


As for the story, Jedi Knight is the save the galaxy form the big bad evil story.



Well temporarily anyway, but that is only revealed in other class stories, if you just played the Jedi Knight story you would probably believe you really did save the galaxy.


Edited by AngelousWang
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The Shadow for me. I know that saber was barely ever used by Jedi but the Shadow has both the martial saber skills and force skills as seen on the movies and most of the novels. Edited by spne
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Obviously a Guardian is most closely related in terms of combat when it comes to Jedi. We hardly see any force moves in the movies. Honestly, how many force attacks do you see in the movies? The occasional force push? A choke done once by Luke in RotJ? Most of the force moves we see performed by Jedi are either speed, jump, mind trick, or pull (of objects such as a lightsaber). Most of the offensive force moves are performed by Sith it seems.
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So I've been discussing this, for some reason this is just something that a game should have, and a lot more people who have a Jedi Consular were also not very happy with it's Jedi feel to it. I mean what is a Jedi without Force Push? Apparently it's a Jedi Consular. . . I hope that Legacy brings abilities like the basic Jedi abilities you see almost everyone have, Force Push and the Ability to Pick up Objects and Throw them (Project)


Reasons Why the Jedi Classes do NOT have a good Jedi feel


1. Some things the Jedi classes are missing that every Jedi should have.


2. They have too MUCH! I mean I know the Sith and Jedi had different amounts of abilities and taking some out would take some fun away. But when do you see a Jedi use Forcequake? A reason might be "it's many years before the movies and most books so they just forgot most of the abilities that the Jedi use in the game"

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