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Post 1.2 carnage


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So ignoring all the "Carnage is for noobs! LOLOLOL" post, do you think it will have a place in RATED wzs? The reason I specify rated is that I personally dont believe it has the survivability for pug play when you dont know if you will have a reliable healer. Carnage is getting a slight boost in dmg so that its not as gimp but I dont think it will be able to compete with Anni/rage, but will the snare mechanics and the slight dmg increase make it viable for rated as far as harassing healers/ball carriers, using predation often so that those sneaky ops/scoundrels cant get away. Thoughts? And anyone who has tried Carnage/Combat on the PTS any insight would be helpful.
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Will probably be just as competitive in huttball with the roots, and possibly in civil war with an early predation to get to a side node faster. Not sure about N. Coast or Voidstar though.


edit: Rated is going to be much more than 'what damage can I pump out in a match'. It's not a deathmatch, there are objectives.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Will probably be just as competitive in huttball with the roots, and possibly in civil war with an early predation to get to a side node faster. Not sure about N. Coast or Voidstar though.


edit: Rated is going to be much more than 'what damage can I pump out in a match'. It's not a deathmatch, there are objectives.


Exactly, which was why I was specifying rated. Cause even pre 1.2 i annoy the hell out of healers who try to run. lol

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specs arent noob, players are


carnage is a good spec, even now, even in a pug, even without a healer


its just not as good as annihilation is


marauders are spoiled by having one of the best (if not the best) spec in the game right now in annihilation, and people compare carnage to that and claim its bad, its really not bad, its a solid spec



come 1.2, in pre-made rated pvp, i think spec will be fairly unimportant, what will matter more is your synergy with your group and your overall ability to work as a team to win the game


any spec has weaknesses that need to be covered up by your teammates, playing carnage or rage instead of annihilation just means your team has different weaknesses to cover up for

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The edit was more for JM. The biggest weakness I see right now in anni and carnage is that pressuring healers will be harder, because they will most likely all be guarded. Rage will likely have an easier time with it simply because of the aoe capability. It's much harder to peel when melee dps become a liability stepping inside the aoe, and tanks guarding healers will need to find a position outside the aoe but still in range to guard. Which won't be impossible, but certainly harder considering how fluid pvp is.
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