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Same faction Novare coast doesn't make sense!


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The training wasn't real, but it was treated (to an extent) like reality, and soldiers are rewarded for their abilities and accomplishments in these test scenarios.


Alternatively, same reason you are given medals for killing your own allies in Huttball.


Also you are not killing anyone in SWTOR , you defeat them, in Hutball and everywhere, Bioware explained death in TOR , they said its defeat . Its not like in WoW



Lore reason for jedi vs jedi can be 2 republic generals arguing about what coarse of action to take in a given time with all playable classes on both side of the arguement.


Kaedusz you just made that up, doesn't mean that its canon!

Edited by sithlordcip
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There is nothing wrong with claiming War Games...it is not a silly excuse. In fact, the town I live in shuts down its airport and a small section of the town every year for war games, they can take anywhere from two days to a week. And like I said before, these WZ's are more like slayer matches or Team deathmatches than lore from the universe...otherwise you could only play them once...ever, like the first group to play them would decide the outcome of the battle....and, if you stick with the lore thought as it is in Star Wars (which is way better than the way lore is treated in Star Trek) than nothing could be done to change that outcome....so there would not be a point to playing that WZ ever again
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Also you are not killing anyone in SWTOR , you defeat them, in Hutball and everywhere, Bioware explained death in TOR , they said its defeat . Its not like in WoW


Okay. Stabbing/shooting/electrocuting your allies fighting over a ball in Huttball.

Edited by Moitteva
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I really enjoy the consistent defense of the training exercise set up for same-faction warzones. It's actually made me think of how to re-run old flashpoints as well, by considering those to be simulations of "important events" that can train new characters coming up through the ranks.


Also, let's not pretend that the only training and simulation occurs at barracks. Setting up off-site wargame environments is fairly common and important to military training exercises. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of it being "virtual reality", there are a host of uninhabited parts of planets (or whole planets for that matter) that could be used by either side as staging areas for turret control, bunker defense, or starship capture.

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They shouldnt have same faction WZs period! They should open up cross server pvp and we wouldnt have que issues or have a problem facing our own faction. I realise hutball can be a mishmosh of players... but with that said it shouldnt matter because you should be able to get pubs and imps on the same team. Its a hut game and they wouldnt single out imps vs rebs... they want team vs team so throw them all together. However the rest of the WZs are sorta geared towards faction vs faction.
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my thoughts are


i wonder how many days are gonna be spent watching my warzone close due to no one playing because everyone already had there laughs at the joke pvp is turning into in this game


and pvp in wow is much better? or in warhammer or rift? seriously stop putting ur heads where u know where

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How can republic fight rep and emp fight emp? Its a planet full of resources and both the rep and the emp want to get their hands on those resources.


Same faction battles don't make sense unless its huttball but that is more of a sport and makes sense.


What are your thoughts on this? To me its kinda lorebreaking and immersion breaking.


ACtually regarding Empire it does make sense. You have rivaling Sith Lords remember. So one Sith lord might want it for his own dark scheming as does another :).


Reppie might be stranger though.

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I am curious to know if they are removing this concept of same faction pvp now with the removal of rated warzones in 1.2


They are postponing Rated Warzones due to it needing more work. Obviously same-faction PvP works. Give up your little crusade, to be blunt, you are the only one who cares.


Okay. One other person agrees. Sorry.

Edited by Guildrum
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How can republic fight rep and emp fight emp? Its a planet full of resources and both the rep and the emp want to get their hands on those resources.


Same faction battles don't make sense unless its huttball but that is more of a sport and makes sense.


What are your thoughts on this? To me its kinda lorebreaking and immersion breaking.


Ever taken part in wargames? You are told its a "game" but everyone is supposed to treat it as if it were the real thing. As for discrepancies like "death" and the intro with explosions and such, maybe their militarism springs for special effects?

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