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This Shouldnt Happen......


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I know I am probably going to get a lot of flak for this, but here it goes. I believe lvl 340 Epic (purple) crafting missions shouldn't fail, especially since you can only do it one time and it takes a decent about of credits and time to do. :confused:


For example, I sent my companion which has a +2 to slicing crit on a lvl 340 epic slicing mission. I am 400 in slicing, I come back later on in the day to find out he failed. Yes I know there is always that small chance, I just think that's a little lame. :mad: Well that's my two cents, anyone else agree with me?

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So don't worry, this easily patchable problem will be fixed in their major update and patch in which they add new content.... could be done on Tuesday... hmmmmnope.


That was uncalled for... :/


Its hardly a major problem. Who would have thought they'd release it in their next real patch, which happens to be a major content patch?

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