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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What happened to cross-server queues?


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/sigh i bet you see think every sent/mar using transcendence is speed hacking and also has a hack to take no damage , even tho 5 people are attacking them.


Uh no as I happen to use that often on my sent as well in pvp. But I do see the speed hack (not to be mistaken with sorc force speed since I have one of those as well), the anti grav hack that is famous with the Ares program or the preprogrammed teleporting in huttball that can be done with cheat engine. I call a hack when I see it not when a class is using their own abilities. I'll also call a hack when I see trooper/merc suddenly disappearing even tho 5 pepole are attacking them.

Edited by EndoraDC
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Excuse me, but just how do you know what Torti has and has not done?


If the answer isn't "I know him/her personally" then kindly stop babbling when you have no idea what you're talking about.


One can make a reasonable guess about whether or not somone on these forums that isn't a deveolper has not managed a server merge in an MMO.


I know you may think that you or he is an expert on the inner workings of a MMO, but this is not the case. If you or the poster was able to articulate the exact reasons why a server merge is easier than a cross server queue with citations. then I would believe you.


You, nor the poster that says they are easy have provided us with the details why and included a source.

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Cross server queues aren't the answer in my opinion. It ruins the community PvP element. Bioware needs to merge lower population servers with higher population servers in a balanced fashion. This would be the easiest and quickest solution, it's not difficult to move data from one place to another.


Spoken like someone that waits 5mins at max in que, thanks and dismissed...

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Merging servers is easier than a cross-queue, I dont think so


I don't remember server groups in WoW ruining the community but its been 6 years since I played. 7 hour queue times ruins pvp for everyone


A little bit less then 6 years, or you would not have seen cross realm PvP. (it was added in August 2012)

On any note you weren't around long enough to see its effects.


IMHO, cross server PvP is not such a bad thing, but it stands to reason that BioWare would fix and upgrade PvE first, that's how they marketed the game.

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I thought it was coming in 1.2 but I don't see anything in PTS patch notes. I don't see how waiting 7 hours on a WZ is not being fixed


Can someone LMK the status of this please?


They still hope people will be around for patch 1.3...

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Uh no as I happen to use that often on my sent as well in pvp. But I do see the speed hack (not to be mistaken with sorc force speed since I have one of those as well), the anti grav hack that is famous with the Ares program or the preprogrammed teleporting in huttball that can be done with cheat engine. I call a hack when I see it not when a class is using their own abilities. I'll also call a hack when I see trooper/merc suddenly disappearing even tho 5 pepole are attacking them.


lol. I would call you out but so many others have the same problem I'd be frowned upon.

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WoW does NoT have a PvP community...know why?...cuz they have cross server ques


ok WoW players, name me 10 of your biggest in game PvP rivals


If you cant...that proves the point, WoW has no PvP community to speak of...the ONLY time WoW had any PvP community at all was early in that games life when there was Open PvP Same Server...BEFORE cross server ques


Having RIVAL players/guilds that you want to roll face on makes PvP sooooooo much better and more intense, you dont get that with cross-server ques, sorry


Honestly this is false.


" if " you were good enough to make it to the top 10% in arena you would easily be facing the same groups over and over..


its going to be the same when rated comes out...

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thats bad on your server if your waiting 7 hours for a que


Multi server WZ/FP wouldnt ruin the community at all its not going to stop you from queing with your friends its going to make it easier to get groups when ppl are not online, it will also let us experience other players pvping instead of being targeted everygame cause the opposition knows your a healer ect. I mean eventually they may find out or remember me from previous games but u wont be playing the same people day in and day out.


If the pool of players is larger to pick from for ques they would be almost instant every game.


How many of you have tryed all day To get HM FP going with no success multi realm WZ/FPs would fix that for sure you may have to wait 20 mins to find a tank or a healer but thats way shorter then I didnt find a group again today maybe tomorrow! : (

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Man what rock did you crawl out from under WOW has the biggest PVP community ive ever played on but IM SICK AND TIRED of the game and pandas belong in the forest or on my kids TV "kungfu panda"


SWToR is my new MMO and we need to build on this game to make wz game ques pop faster for lower population servers and IMO more players to play against instead of the same players day in and day out. Pre-made groups are your pvp community(the people that you consider worthy) these are the players that are hard core pvpers and want to win, how soon do u think it will be after rated games are live that some teams are guna dominate your server and you wont want to play them again, and wished for multi server matches!

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Cross server queues aren't the answer in my opinion. It ruins the community PvP element. Bioware needs to merge lower population servers with higher population servers in a balanced fashion. This would be the easiest and quickest solution, it's not difficult to move data from one place to another.




Then players would be forced to change their legacy names/player names. which may not be all that big of a deal to some people. But for people that are happy where they are at. it's a HUGE problem. Can't really do that to people. There is no easy solution other then free server xfers.

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Honestly this is false.


" if " you were good enough to make it to the top 10% in arena you would easily be facing the same groups over and over..


its going to be the same when rated comes out...



top 10%? lulz


I was top .05% and nobody knew anyone. The only people that you would recognize were people you knew from back before cross server bgs. Don't kid yourselves wow pvp community is a farse its just allot of people pvpn for the grind. The only community exists with the people on your arena team/bg team end of story.


And by top 10% you would never face the same groups over and over...it would get better towards the VERY top but even then you hardly knew people.


Now a guildy told me on vent today that the que system might try and find a team/game from your server first but still wouldn't help the community aspect much.

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top 10%? lulz


I was top .05% and nobody knew anyone. The only people that you would recognize were people you knew from back before cross server bgs. Don't kid yourselves wow pvp community is a farse its just allot of people pvpn for the grind. The only community exists with the people on your arena team/bg team end of story.


And by top 10% you would never face the same groups over and over...it would get better towards the VERY top but even then you hardly knew people.


Now a guildy told me on vent today that the que system might try and find a team/game from your server first but still wouldn't help the community aspect much.


thats a load of crap that you were top .05% because if you were you would be playing the same 20 teams just about every night like i did..


the rivalries were insane in glad range so i call BS on you..

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thats a load of crap that you were top .05% because if you were you would be playing the same 20 teams just about every night like i did..


the rivalries were insane in glad range so i call BS on you..


most teams that high played 10 games a week. At different times. Upon which the que system was coded so that you wouldn't face the same team over and over due to win trading.


So I call BS on your BS good sir

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most teams that high played 10 games a week. At different times. Upon which the que system was coded so that you wouldn't face the same team over and over due to win trading.


So I call BS on your BS good sir




you were not a .05% as you say...want to know how i know?


you would get a team ranked to the top, then you would leave that team with a alt as you played on 1 of many other teams that you had to screw around with just like everyone else..


your main team would be 2400 but you had other teams with friends that were in the 2200-2300 for just screwing around with like everyone else... those were the teams that had the huge number of games with not the Glad Title Team which just hung there for a long time till its close to the end of the season when it mattered..


you were fully geared in 2 months anyways so what it didnt matter how many points you got for the next 3 months or whenever the season ended unless you were a healer and wanted a dps set....even then it wasnt that big a deal because of what i said above with teams...


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/ to refresh your memory..lol

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Rated wzs - yes

Unrated wzs - no (or yes with provisions)


It's basically necessary for rated, else you'd get ppl on small servers+faction solo queueing and going with the same team that may as well be a premade as happens already...

Edited by Adzzy
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you were not a .05% as you say...want to know how i know?


you would get a team ranked to the top, then you would leave that team with a alt as you played on 1 of many other teams that you had to screw around with just like everyone else..


your main team would be 2400 but you had other teams with friends that were in the 2200-2300 for just screwing around with like everyone else... those were the teams that had the huge number of games with not the Glad Title Team which just hung there for a long time till its close to the end of the season when it mattered..


you were fully geared in 2 months anyways so what it didnt matter how many points you got for the next 3 months or whenever the season ended unless you were a healer and wanted a dps set....even then it wasnt that big a deal because of what i said above with teams...


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/ to refresh your memory..lol


huh? personal rating wouldn't let u switch teams like that...


Anywho ur missing the point. Even if there was fierce competition between 20-40 teams out of 10000 who cares? Thats a very small community from many different servers. Nobody ever cared to post on the battle group's forums or server forums after the xserver. The only pvp community was that of the twinks because it was small enough and because of the nature of twinking that people actually recognized each other. That won't work in this game the way brackets work :p.

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