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Seriously, I want to do Esseles FP, somebody come to my server.


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if you cant get a group together for some reason just come back to it in a couple levels and run it solo. though i dont see why people have such hard times getting groups. perhaps join a guild or something.


Doesn't work. Nobody in the guild wants to do it either.

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Why join a guild? I shouldnt be forced into a guild to play the game. Why would I want to solo it? It's a damn FP and this is an MMO. Why the hell cant I play it like an MMO?


Because it's not really an MMO. It's a cooperative RPG like Guild Wars 1 - instanced to the extreme.

Edited by Gungan
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So... this kinda sucks. I got bored at 50, so I rolled an alt on the republic side to have something new to do, and now I cant find groups for the very first FP? This doesnt seem right. Where the heck are all these 1.7 mil subscribers? It's fricken saturday for crying out loud.
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Have you asked? How many people are on the fleet? I find it really unlikely, that you'd have trouble getting at least 1 person for a group you don't need a full group of 4.




Are you serious? Do you need me to make you a damn video of asking for a group for an hour? Of course I asked. I've been spamming LFG for over an hour, AND using /who to try and find folks.

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Oddzball you should seriously re roll on a high population server, i am under the impression you are low level still (the character you are talking about that is) so it won't be any problem for you to start over, and it will pay off in the long run immensely.
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Hi everyone,


As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


Dungeon Finder Needed Badly

Server population is dropping...


We also have our server group forums, which we encourage you to take a look at them if you are looking for others!



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