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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Green matrix shard (possible tiny spoiler)


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So I've been tooling around Belsavis...



trying to find the four Rakata power cubes to gain a green matrix shard.



But after a few days with several hours of searching per day under my belt, I've yet to see a single one. Has anyone gotten their green matrix shard here lately?

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Yeah, it can be kind of a pain, but they are there. Check out the spawn map here:




There's only one up at a time, so you pretty much just have to drive around and check all the spots listed (a couple of them are the wrong thing but anyways) and just keep doing it. Got mine done in an hour-ish just by driving in a pattern like that.

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Yup. I got them. And the previous post and map is the key. It took me a total of 3 tries to get them all. The key spots are highlighted but I'm not sure if it isn't just random.


Let me explain 3 tries. It can get frustrating, so just go in and only devote a little chunk of time per session. Follow the same patter per the map, you are sure to run into them. I found 2 the first time and 1 each following time. It probably took a couple of hours total.


Another thing, only once did I spot the cube from a distance as they do tend to glow a little bit. But they are also sometimes masked by other junk and debri and the grass doesn't help. I literally ran over one I found in the starship werckage only because I happened to look down after beating the mobs in that area.


It can be done, it just takes patience. BTW you can collect more than 4 too. I now make a quick pass through for guildies. And, it is well worth it. I have the all green Matrix Cube as a result and... wow, what a stats boost!

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Same experience here, spend about 3 or 4 hours in a pattern (had bad luck that 2 got snatched right in front of me) and basically helped about 20 people out of my guild to the matrix shard.


If you're doing it at a time when the server population is low it's a lot easier than during early evening, as i found out. lol


Main thing is you need to have some luck that other people aren't going for them at same time

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Thanks guys for the replies. I had been following a circuit as I've read that's the strategy to use, but I'll use the linked one above and give that a whirl.


Edit:: yikes, the link is to the very map I've been using! :) Well I'm nothing if patient. I'll keep at it. Cheers!

Edited by Cerion
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