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Watchman spec hater...converted


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I refused to use it, but after toughing it out, and PRACTICING, no amount of sweep damage can compare to the damage and absolute fun watchman is to play. Took me awhile to get good at this, but I feel good one vrs one against anyone..and if i am guarded or have a pocket healer haha wow.


The burst is even managable and predictable.


My only complaint: I left sentinal long ago to play my sage, after i mastered pvp on sage i came back. Now..nothing is is fun to play when compared to watchman sentinal. They all just seem....to easy? maybe? lol


Thanks for the forum info, it has helped me this last month.

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Forums helped? wut?

Guess theres a first for everything.


Getting help in these forums is like trying to find diamonds in a cesspool.


But yea, Watchman is an enjoyable spec, mainly because you're more in control of your direct damage output. I find the reliability a must have in PvP.

Edited by Slowmojo
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