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Input needed from some of the Great Vanguards


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There is no all the free crits. You still can only use HiB once every 15 seconds. So you are using it only every 15 seconds with a crit anyways. Did you ever have it come off cd when you didn't have a proc previously?


Yeah, I know it doesn't screw with the cooldown. With the way it works with gut's ticks however, Combat Tactic's buff has been up more than I can use it. Patronizing is a great way to make an argument I hear though.


Anyways, like I said, gonna set up a meter myself and test it. Rather have some actual numbers.

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you forget HIB has guaranteed crit, also, stock strike is talented to have massive amounts of crit built in. i think the specs are intended to work like this:


tactics is ment to be guaranteed crits and sustained dps. you stack power/surge since crit is less desireable for maximum dps.


Assault doesnt get guaranteed crits but has a higher baseline dmg for their attacks (namely HIB). which means you stack crit /shrug (dont play assualt much)




most rakata/pvp gear has crit in it already, i know its a favorit stat. This combined with the fact that alot of tactics main talents are elemental dmg which gets a small crit boost from talents means you likely see better numbers spamming any elemental attack you have.


I have not accumulated power/surge armor to test my theory but....still...there you have it....


also, id like to point out, gut is not REQUIRED for HiB. cryo grenade, ion pulse, and incappacitates also make HIB accessable.

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you can't really compare dpsing in pvp with dpsing a training dummy or a mob. pvp is a 100% fluid situation while pve is a bit of script and far more optimal conditions for crunching numbers.


For sure, but it does give some baselines anyhow.


But taking HiB out of the equation would hurt more against melee players and runners in the long run anyways. Gut a guy after he charges and use HTL to create some distance and smack him with your 10 meter+ stuff.

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you can't really compare dpsing in pvp with dpsing a training dummy or a mob. pvp is a 100% fluid situation while pve is a bit of script and far more optimal conditions for crunching numbers.



this. this thread has half the posters talking about pvp and half talking about pve. all of my comments are about pvp.


on a side note, i have tank'd and dps'd with my pvp tactics build in hm flash points. i just swap in hec. maybe its just my ability to manage my ammo but i never had issues.

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this. this thread has half the posters talking about pvp and half talking about pve. all of my comments are about pvp.


on a side note, i have tank'd and dps'd with my pvp tactics build in hm flash points. i just swap in hec. maybe its just my ability to manage my ammo but i never had issues.


Been talking about both myself. And really if an ability wasn't worth using in PvE it's very doubtful it would be worth a damn in a pvp situation.


If you aren't kiting melee and using HiB + other ranged attacks you aren't doing pvp right as Tactics.

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If you aren't kiting melee and using HiB + other ranged attacks you aren't doing pvp right as Tactics.


I think you need to fix this statment:


If you have to kite melee using HiB and ranged attacks than you aren't playing Tactics/AP correctly.


PFT/PG = no need to kite.


I find that melee tend to run more often from me than me from them. I spend more time chasing assassins and marauders (who are trying to get to a range to jump at me again) than I do kiting. I will occassionally kite, but only if I am fighting two people, and I am about to die.


When Karandor told us on the BH forums that you guys were behind the times when it comes to testing, I didn't think it was this backwards here.

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I think you need to fix this statment:


If you have to kite melee using HiB and ranged attacks than you aren't playing Tactics/AP correctly.



And now I know you have no idea what you're doing. I can stop bothering to check in here because I doubt I'll see any math anytime soon, despite the fact you have the tools now to actually check this.


Have fun sitting in melee range the whole time just so you can build up stacks, I kinda tend to draw too much attention to sit there spamming Ion Pulse and live because I tend to kill people.

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And now I know you have no idea what you're doing. I can stop bothering to check in here because I doubt I'll see any math anytime soon, despite the fact you have the tools now to actually check this.


Have fun sitting in melee range the whole time just so you can build up stacks, I kinda tend to draw too much attention to sit there spamming Ion Pulse and live because I tend to kill people.



Actually you kind of verified to everyone else how far behind the 8 ball most Vanguards are when it comes to playing anything that isn't Ironfist. It also explains why most bh's find vanguards to be the easiest kills in the game.



When a vanguard starts to kite, I laugh and kill him quickly.

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