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Rage Marauder help wanted.


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Ok, I changed to Rage mainly down to the fact I wanted to try it out, normally am Anni or carnage, My mate convinced me to try rage as he said it was funny to lolsmash peoples faces in :rolleyes: and with the 1.2 changes it will be even better :confused:


Now am in Full bm gear, apart from the 2 relics I have the Rakata Power stim and the Champ crit relic, but for the life of me I cant hit 5k dps medals. Best crit i got was 4956K and am normally getting around 250k 300k in WZ depending on how many reps show up and if theres a healer in the group.


I normally use Leap > force crush > Battering assault > Obliterate > smash


But this ofc depends on what am doing at the time, but I try and pull that off as often as I can and I use my buffs as soon as there off CD no luck So can someone help me ? as my mate says if he dosnt get the 5k dps medal hes being a Muppet and messing about.


http://i39.tinypic.com/xneova.jpg Stats

http://tinypic.com/r/348hv9x/5 Build

Edited by WNxAbaddon
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I normally use Leap > force crush > Battering assault > Obliterate > smash


First, drop the obliterate, slap your relic in there instead (or an adrenal). The effect from the leap will still be there to crit your smash, it lasts 15 seconds. Save Obliterate to close the gap from a puchback, or for setting upi your next smash if in close still.

Second, you need more Surge. You want to get tothe soft cap around 75%. That will make a big difference.


Looking at the build, if you are primarily pvp, I am not certain why you didn't take payback and defensive roll.

Edited by Shatterstar
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Couple of things I would change. In the gear, get rid of some of that acc and crit, you don't really need it. Most of your damage comes from force attacks (100% base acc) that auto crit. Most of your 5k+ smashes are going to be on light armored targets, I think the highest I've ever hir a marauder for was around 4.5k, and heavy armor maybe 4k.


As for your build, there are a few things I would change.




This is what I use currently. VS is going to be a filler for you, but its not going to be used often enough to justify 3 points in enraged slash imo. Usually I'll cycle through 3 smashes, then pop berserk and get some free VS's off. Every now and then I'll toss some in while shockwave charges are building.


Defensive roll is free points, but I find them more useful there than filling out DWM. Rage spec is about on demand spike damage, min maxing your sustained dps is for raiding. I also picked up CoC because I find myself targeted often enough to get the full use out of it. It's good for shoring up any shortages you might have in the rage generation area.


As for the rage tree, malice is worthless past 1 point filler, smash is already a crit, so the only thing its affecting is force choke and crush. Not worth the extra two points. I'd rather have them in payback. The heal can crit, you'll easily get the 2.5k healing medal every match in BM gear. I would also forgo strangulate and unbreakable rage. Strangulate won't stop interuption from knockbacks or pulls, which will be the main interuption for force choke. Same deal with ravage as far as interupts go, and ravage won't root in rage, so you'll find that people moving out of range screws you over more than anything.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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