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Assassins/Shadow & Juggernaut/Guardian destroying PvP


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I'm sure this is now common knowledge though I would like to say my peace here.


As of late Warzones have become rather tedious when encountering teams that have a lot of Guardian/Juggernauts & Shadows/Assassins. The hybrid specs for these classes are just not dying yet dealing still vast amounts of damage that is just not comparable to the rest of the game. But ofc everyone has now realised this so pretty much every game is just full of these classes as they offer an unfair advantage.


I have seen a hybrid Assassin/Shadow how has attained 9 medals (Immortal) in the first 2 minutes of play, yet many other classes struggle to achieve this over the course of an entire match.


What I am opposed to is introducing mechanics to a game where there is no counter-play to them. There simply is no counter-play to many of these classes mechanics...How I feel these classes are effecting current WZ play:


Huttball (Class Specific):


Assassin/Shadow. Get the ball, pop CC immunity which also removes the ability to lay down damage on them, and sprint to line. No counter-play, highly endless. Why Bioware introduced such strong defensive cooldowns for some classes is quite strange. A Trooper/Bounty Hunter for instance gets a 25% damage reduction, pretty pathetic compared to immunity to stuns, knockbacks, you can't even DoT them up while they have this move active, and it also removes any DoT's on them when they pop it. Silly move that should be seriously brought back into par with the rest of the games defensive cooldowns. Damage is also way beyond what should be acceptable for a tanky class!


Juggernaut/Guardian. These classes can move from the middle of the map to the goal line in seconds. Charge then intercede or the other way round then all you gotta do it pass to an Assassin/Shadow = score. The speed these 2 classes can score at is phenomenal and again my big gripe...No counter play. You have a jugg that has CC immunity when they charge so you can't stop them doing this for 4 seconds. Then pass to a class that can also become immune while carrying the ball at speed. Generally loaded up with utility, a sod to kill and even the DPS classes seem far too durable. Intercede should definitely be a Tank Spec only Talent!!


Void Star & Civil War (Grouped for General summary):


So we have these tanky DPS hybrids dealing good damage, not outstanding but far from poor damage (Killing 1 v 1 next to impossible with a DPS non-force class). The thing i'm not getting here is how they are throwing out the balance for the Warzone designs. You have a good tanky DPS and a healer at 1 point in either civil war or voidstar and 5 people can't take them down before respawns. Really highlighting this as a game flaw in my opinion. The ability to attack against such combo's, although possible, is time consuming and you will have respawns on you before your done with them. Coming back down to the defending being WAY too easy in WZ due to these classes. Most civil wars im in, it is decided by who caps 2 first. Defending is easy and capping is hard. Likewise most voidstars such games end up where noone has broken through as players are living too long.


Lets just hope 1.2 is correcting these issues, though I highly doubt it. Having not played a Shadow/Assassin to high level I don't understand all the patch notes but for sure the middle tree for Jugg/Guardian is gonna be OP for sure.

Edited by vibenode
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I generally get 8 plus medals on my Shadow, I am not Hybrid I am pure Balance. I usually rank in top 3 of warzone. So by your reasoning I should be nerfed too? I tried Infil and I sucked at it. I tried the hybrid and did pretty good but didnt enjoy it.


Now switch to any of my other classes and I no issues with killing any of the "OP" classes. One thing about these kinds of game is that the coolest looking classes are going to be the most played. People shouting they are OP is only going to fuel them to be played more no matter if they are OP or not.


I am a full believer than HYbrid should never ever be as good as a pure spec because to go pure you give up something. A hybrid sage should never heal as good as a pure heal sage nor dps anywhere near as good as a pure dps sage. So on that I do agree. But you have to be careful of yelling for nerfbats to be brought to bare cause the odds of it hitting you soon is likely to happen.

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Got no problem with pure balance spec, awesome DMG but killable. How a DPS class should be. Still have issues with their defensive cooldown being the strongest in the game. Mara/sent probs a close second but they can be CC'd when they pop it. Sin/Shadow cant be.


I also generally get 8-10 medals playing my class but it take me the whole game to achieve this. Not immortal in the first 2 minutes of play. If that doesn't scream imbalance I don't know whut does

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Wait, wait, wait...


...is this guy actually QQing about Vengeance Juggernauts?




PS: The best way to stop Juggernauts charging is...by not offering them a target. No target, no Leap.


As for Assassins...well....they are what they are.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Wait, wait, wait...


...is this guy actually QQing about Vengeance Juggernauts?




Actually Vigilance Jedi but yea...


bout time!!! I been working really hard to get QQ threads...



I think the OP's just confused thou...

Edited by VoidJustice
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Wait, wait, wait...


...is this guy actually QQing about Vengeance Juggernauts?




Clearly you have never seen any decent Vigi players then. 500k dmg and next to impossible to kill. Yeh mon, whut I call balance right there

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Clearly you have never seen any decent Vigi players then. 500k dmg and next to impossible to kill. Yeh mon, whut I call balance right there


500k dmg = OP healer, and most likely Focus not Vigilance.


... anything close to this may be a hack or an exploit.


Otherwise video plx or your making it up.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Dont forget to come back and post about the rest of the classes being over powered after they nerf these classes for you. Then after that nerf dont forget to come back and complain that no one can kill anyone because we are using water guns and nerf bats.


Just stop already and start using tactics instead of trying to take people 1v1 or 1v2. Thats not the key to success. If 5 people cant play smart enough to kill the healer first then drop the tank, thats not the class being over powered, thats you guys playing like idiots.

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Seriously dunno yet again why I bothered posting on these forums. Noone can have a real discussion as everytime someone sees someone mention their class their hackles are up ready to defend the honour of their class. I really do despair about this games playerbase sometimes


ahh... no proof... I see...

Well I saw the Operative do 1 MILLLION DAMGE IN ONE HIT


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500k dmg = OP healer, and most likely Focus not Vigilance.


... anything close to this may be a hack or an exploit.


Otherwise video plx or your making it up.


Oh yeh im making it up...already had someone in my guild playing vigi who hit 460k.

Edited by Notannos
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Oh yeh im making it up...already had someone in my guild playing vigi who hit 460k.


so no data... just your word and a bunch of anger...

I see!


Did you see him do 460k damage? Did you see him not die as he is unkillable?


I think I've been rather reasonable.

Edited by Notannos
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Dont forget to come back and post about the rest of the classes being over powered after they nerf these classes for you. Then after that nerf dont forget to come back and complain that no one can kill anyone because we are using water guns and nerf bats.


Just stop already and start using tactics instead of trying to take people 1v1 or 1v2. Thats not the key to success. If 5 people cant play smart enough to kill the healer first then drop the tank, thats not the class being over powered, thats you guys playing like idiots.


This! Sssssoooooo this!

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What do hybrids have to do with it?


Killing a full tank with a healer is even harder before respawns and according to your topic upsets wz balance even more.


So we should remove tanks from pvp because 1 healer + tank can hold a point until backup arrives, is that it?

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Can we please stop calling 31/0/10 KC/darkness in dps gear hybrids? 23/0/18 in dark charge, with dps gear was a hybrid. What you uninformed masses like the op descibe is just a tank in dps gear. If you're really that concerned about tanks in PvP, may I propose that BW makes some changes to tank stats in PvP? Rather than making an entire set of gear rather pointless? A tank spec in tank gear isn't going to put up close to the kind of numbers that people pull out of thin air.


TLDR; the problem lies in the fact that PvP tank gear and stats are useless. Fix that and the damage fixes itself without a pointless nerf to a class/spec that was recently buffed for underperformance.

Edited by Cowflab
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Can we please stop calling 31/0/10 KC/darkness in dps gear hybrids? 23/0/18 in dark charge, with dps gear was a hybrid. What you uninformed masses like the op descibe is just a tank in dps gear. If you're really that concerned about tanks in PvP, may I propose that BW makes some changes to tank stats in PvP? Rather than making an entire set of gear rather pointless? A tank spec in tank gear isn't going to put up close to the kind of numbers that people pull out of thin air.


TLDR; the problem lies in the fact that PvP tank gear and stats are useless. Fix that and the damage fixes itself without a pointless nerf to a class/spec that was recently buffed for underperformance.


I use the defensive set. People just don;t know how to play a PvP tank.


Their loss.


@Op - You have no idea what your talking about.


Shadow in Huttball - Has to Force Speed to get the ball first. Therefore for 20 seconds of having the ball the Shadow cannot use it. That means they can walk/get yanked. Otherwise they are a Focus fire target.



BTW Resilience lasts 5 seconds. Stop being a scrub and using stuns on the class and wait 2 globals for it to drop.




I personally think its hysterical how people are complaining about LOL 400-500k DPS on Shadow tanks and Juggs. These people are going to get rolled in Rateds WZs by competant PvP teams.

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The vast majority of baddies in every MMo are dps.


This is an MMo where tanks are viable.


The op wants to have easymode.


In other words he would rather cry nerf than improve, and bases his puke post on scoreboards.




Baddie wants tanks nerfed in one of the few mmos where they are viable

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Clearly you have never seen any decent players then. 500k dmg and next to impossible to kill. Yeh mon, whut I call balance right there


Fixed for you.


By the way, if your brain can't process, I took out the "Vigi" word from it.



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Shadow's Resillience and Assassin's Force Shroud only protect them from force and tech powers.


While MOST CC abilities are Force and Tech powers, there are a few that are physical powers. Like Force Leap/Charge's root, and SNiper's leg shot roots.


Not complete immunity to CC. :p Just the majority of it.

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don't expect anything from the swtor pvp department. you all know the ilum desaster. add the bad gearing system and the class imbalances, the vast amount of cc every class has and the horrible changes in 1.2 - and you know that the guys designing pvp in this game have no idea what they're doing.
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