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I quite like Hutball on the whole (despite some reservations about class balance which is amply covered by others). However, one of the things that can get really frustrating is playing with people who don't (or won't) pass the ball. I'm not really sure if the following would work well, or actually encourage people to pass, but its something that could be tried on the test servers at least:


1. "Hotball": after holding the ball for a short period of time the ball starts to glow red and apply a damage-over-time effect (which could progressively increase the longer you hold the ball). Ultimately if you hang onto the ball for too long you get burnt to a crisp (with your toon turning into charcol then disitergrating into a nice little pile of powder on the ground).




2. "ExplosiveBall" (BangBall ?). As soon as you take possession of the ball it starts a count down timer. If you don't pass the ball when the timer reaches zero, the ball explodes, gibbing you all over the map.


In either scenario if the toon carrying the ball is killed by the effects of the ball, the ball is passed to the nearest opposing team member (figure this would encourage people to still toss the ball into the middle of no-where rather than just think "well I'm going to cark it anyway I might as well hang onto it").


Probably have to make people who are carrying the ball immune to stun CC effects while they have the ball for the above to work.


Could make for an interesting twist to the map (or for a new type of map for that matter).

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