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Why the focus on fluff over substance?


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1.2 is mostly a massive fluff patch. This alone is not a bad thing but why are we getting fluff before adding in much needed systems and bug fixes?


Many of the bugs have been there since beta, some really big ones.


Making the game really solid first then adding in the fluff would seem more logical.

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Thanks for explaining whats substance and whats fluff.


I mean, other then a LFG tool i can't really think of much else off the top of my head.


Fluff is nearly the entire patch notes. Substance is bugs and core systems.


It's stuff that anyone who has player another MMO knows well.

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They have explained how they prioritize development...basically, it boils down to gamestoppers get fixed immediately, everything else get's triaged.


Also remember that there are different departments. The guys that do the UI stuff aren't systems designers, who aren't the art guys, who aren't the debuggers etc etc...Just because there's a bug in aspect X of the game, or a system they want to implement in aspect Y, that doesn't change the fact that the other departments are still doing what *they* do, because they're not the guys that fix *those* bugs in X, or develop *that* new system Y.


So they finish what they do in Z, and the bug guys are still working on their problem X, and the system guys are still hammering out Y....they should wait to release Z because unrelated issues X and Y aren't done?

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Assuming you mean 'lore' or background/roleplay tools when you say fluff:


No its not really a fluff patch. There is new Flashpoint, Operation, crafting systems update, class balancing and a battleground.


Its one of the problems - patch is trying to do so much that they can't get it done.

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I don't see this game needing anything. Maybe some server merges.

Everything else is fine, stop doomsayin'.


Did I say anything about doom? The game is missing many many things and has so many bugs that have been in since the beta. Why not fix that stuff before adding in a bunch of fluff.


Oh good I can dance with my pet in 1.2!!

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Fluff is nearly the entire patch notes. Substance is bugs and core systems.


It's stuff that anyone who has player another MMO knows well.


Oh i see. If you're a veteran mmo player "then you just know" Some sixth sense? Uh okay. You at least explained bugs. I had a few bugs, glitching through walls, minor stuff barely worth mentioning. Had one gamebreaker and it got fixed with a "stuck" petition. So again, no idea what the problem is.


And i for one like "Fluff" I have a feeling i'll love the legacy system and im going to enjoy not being a rainbow trooper with the appearance tab.


Kinda surprised im here with just 3 mmos under my belt, explaining a system update to you.

Update does not equal Hot fix. Repeat that.

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Oh i see. If you're a veteran mmo player "then you just know" Some sixth sense? Uh okay. You at least explained bugs. I had a few bugs, glitching through walls, minor stuff barely worth mentioning. Had one gamebreaker and it got fixed with a "stuck" petition. So again, no idea what the problem is.


And i for one like "Fluff" I have a feeling i'll love the legacy system and im going to enjoy not being a rainbow trooper with the appearance tab.


Kinda surprised im here with just 3 mmos under my belt, explaining a system update to you.

Update does not equal Hot fix. Repeat that.


ME ME ME ME yes I got it, its all about you.


Because you may not have run into certain bugs does not need they should be ignored. There are so many little bugs here and there that should have been fixed ages ago. Soa is STILL broken and how many times have they "fixed" those bugs?

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ME ME ME ME yes I got it, its all about you.


Because you may not have run into certain bugs does not need they should be ignored. There are so many little bugs here and there that should have been fixed ages ago. Soa is STILL broken and how many times have they "fixed" those bugs?


Lol i don't know who said it but "Raid or die". That attitude won't get you far. A bugged raid STILL isn't game breaking.


The Raid or die attitude? Let me refute that, Vary your gameplay or quit. If you got a bugged raid, sorry, i guess try it again.


And also nowhere did i say "ignore these bugs i didnt get those yet". Putting words in my mouth won't help your cause. You say theres "so many bugs" WHERE? Give me details. If anything the most you'll come up with are texture bugs and maybe some stuck bugs. Nothing gamebreaking, point is moot.

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Hi there!


As we currently already have a number of active discussions on Game Update 1.2, we'll be closing this thread in the interest of consolidation.


For general discussion of the 1.2 Game Update and patch notes, please feel free to visit and participate in this thread.


For a reminder of the content being added in 1.2, check out our 1.2 video update, available here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363762


Among the content being added, you'll find the Legacy System, a new Warzone-- the Novare Coast, a new Operation-- Explosive Conflict, a new Flashpoint-- The Lost Island, UI customization options, improved textures and appearance customization, warzone rankings, and numerous other content additions.


For a growing list of general and miscellaneous bug fixes, feel free to check out this thread.

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