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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dont make a habit of this....


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Giving us back our skill points because you realised you made a complete mess of balancing a class might be your idea of fair play but its not really any compensation at all.


Firstly what about the money?


Learning new skills is not cheap and if your level 50 this could cost around 500k.


Secondly not everyone has 1 toon.


I have 8 all above level 35 and over half of them are going to have to respec. This means learning new abilities and rotations for them or practically starting again.


There is only one thing for certain that will come out of this kind of change and that is forums full of whines about how this class is op and that class has been uber nerfed, same old rubbish same old stories. Mean time im out of pocket to the sum of 3 million credits just because you think this was a good idea.


Dont make a habit of doing this or atleast give ne some compensation to cover the cost of your mistakes.

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What are you talking about? Generally these things only involve redistributing your skill points, at no cost, and that's what is zeroed out. You still will have the skills you paid for, unless the skill was removed. If they added any new skills, which is rare, then you usually have to pay for those. Edited by Qoojo
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You aren't going to be re-buying your abilities. It's just like going to the respec vendor and resetting your points. I did that with my Shadow and I don't remember having to re-buy any abilities. I only had to reset my skill tree. I also have not heard anyone mention this on the PTS forum. If you know for a fact that you have to re-buy abilities then i would love to see the information.
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Giving us back our skill points because you realised you made a complete mess of balancing a class might be your idea of fair play but its not really any compensation at all.


Firstly what about the money?


Learning new skills is not cheap and if your level 50 this could cost around 500k.


Secondly not everyone has 1 toon.


I have 8 all above level 35 and over half of them are going to have to respec. This means learning new abilities and rotations for them or practically starting again.


There is only one thing for certain that will come out of this kind of change and that is forums full of whines about how this class is op and that class has been uber nerfed, same old rubbish same old stories. Mean time im out of pocket to the sum of 3 million credits just because you think this was a good idea.


Dont make a habit of doing this or atleast give ne some compensation to cover the cost of your mistakes.


Please explain to me how you are out of pocket? you get a free respect, you still have all the abilitys you had before, do you not understand the concept of a respec or what?

Edited by System_TOR
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im just annoyed. Its a lot of work to reset and learn all the characters that are being changed and although skills may not cost as much as i have stated it will still cost and whatever it does cost will be 8 times more expensive for me and 8 times more work. Edited by Mytilus
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im just annoyed. Its a lot of work to reset and learn all the characters that are being changed and although skills may not cost as much as i have stated it will still cost and whatever it does cost will be 8 times more expensive for me.


It will not cost you anything, what part of that do you not understand?


Stop digging yourself deeper into that hole you put yourself in, and face the reality of what you are being told by the community.

Edited by System_TOR
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Firstly what about the money?


Learning new skills is not cheap and if your level 50 this could cost around 500k.



and whatever it does cost will be 8 times more expensive for me and 8 times more work.
That's what you get for being a content locust, or so I've been told. Edited by Ansultares
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he is whining that he will have to respec a ton more after the free reset to see what works....


that is if I read the err...post correctly.


it is called updates and balance... I take it that this is your first MMO... since this happens in them ALL.


So you can honestly say that choosing an ability on your skill tree has absolutely no trainer upgrades as you level?


and yes... that is what people say, or have you not leveled at all on your character and made a troll post?

Edited by skinthinner
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im just annoyed. Its a lot of work to reset and learn all the characters that are being changed and although skills may not cost as much as i have stated it will still cost and whatever it does cost will be 8 times more expensive for me and 8 times more work.


I got so high once I thought I was clear...

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So you can honestly say that choosing an ability on your skill tree has absolutely no trainer upgrades as you level?


he is whining that he will have to respec a ton more after the free reset to see what works....
Not even. Edited by Ansultares
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im just annoyed. Its a lot of work to reset and learn all the characters that are being changed and although skills may not cost as much as i have stated it will still cost and whatever it does cost will be 8 times more expensive for me and 8 times more work.


lol, if you are talking about your talent trees, that doesn't cost anything to stick those points back in the slots. Besides if you know your class well which every player should, you should easily be able to put those points right where you want them. (and this is coming from a player new to SWTOR, it is not rocket science to spec and people seem to think it is)

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So you can honestly say that choosing an ability on your skill tree has absolutely no trainer upgrades as you level?


If you get an ability solely from your talent tree, you don't have to pay for that from the trainer. only base abilities for your class and advanced class come from the trainer

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Giving us back our skill points because you realised you made a complete mess of balancing a class might be your idea of fair play but its not really any compensation at all.


Firstly what about the money?


Learning new skills is not cheap and if your level 50 this could cost around 500k.


Secondly not everyone has 1 toon.


I have 8 all above level 35 and over half of them are going to have to respec. This means learning new abilities and rotations for them or practically starting again.


There is only one thing for certain that will come out of this kind of change and that is forums full of whines about how this class is op and that class has been uber nerfed, same old rubbish same old stories. Mean time im out of pocket to the sum of 3 million credits just because you think this was a good idea.


Dont make a habit of doing this or atleast give ne some compensation to cover the cost of your mistakes.


Seriously dude, get a life.

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As others have said.


It's the skill tree (and associated points) that are being reset.


Not the skills you learn/train from the skill trainer. AFAIK none of the skills from the trainer are being removed. (though there may be new ones added? It's unclear. JK apparently gets a new skill, but from what I understand it's a completely worthless (well, to me) threat dump, and it's unclear whether you have to train it, or if it will have levels, and how much it may cost. Don't think I've read of any new skills for my other chars)

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