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Pvp Vid.. first attempt


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I liked the opening title sequence. As for the rest, the PVP footage didn't do much to showcase your talent, since most of it was either a short clip of you vs. someone who had already taken damage, or you & 4 other people vs. some unlucky victim. For my personal taste, I prefer matches in their entirety so I can maybe learn little tricks (Undying Rage as I run the Huttball across fire?! What a great idea!!) or clips of someone without the odds in his or her favor (2 vs 1, 3 vs 1, a string of several solo kills in a row).
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Music is a gigantic factor in making/breaking a pvp video in my opponion. Having some guy screaming out 'let the bodies hit flooooooOOOOOooooor' whilst you're just standing there being snared just killed it for me.


Some interesting effects in the intro, but was just pretty and again built up to the opening scene I just mentioned.

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Nice intro.


Not so much interesting content tough.


the music was bad, mainly because that song is used in atleast 5098409538405 other pvp videos.


Quite decent for a first video tough, next one just get more footage, so you can choose more interesting fights to show.


Also you need to render your video better next time. It is quite low quality.

Edited by atreyuz
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Into was not bad, the fade of the heart beat could have been better (as it went into the song) the Song itself is use in to many youtube stuff like this. I would say pick a new song. I really didnt feel like i was watching a great vedio.. it was more like ok here a guy just trying to beat down. When i see (or event play mine) im jumping around trying to kill from target to target.. again at the end the heart beat needs to fade in better. Over all, not bad for a 1st time go at it.. ALOT better then what i could do for sure :) keep it up and hope to see alot more videos from ya.
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Nice intro, but that was about it. The song, like the spec, is too trendy and over-saturated. Annihilation is great, don't get me wrong, but like the Drowning Pool song in a Youtube MMORPG PvP video....well....like the village prostitute, everyone's done her.
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well it was my first attempt, hadnt really looked around, wish i hadnt of bothered. Thanks for the ''constructive'' criticism though, youve all said exactly the same thing, and not very nicely either....


Without trying to sound like a douche... you realise where you posted this right? Nothing against anyone here but this is an MMO forum, I wouldn't expect nice attitudes :p


If you are going to post videos people will give you feedback rather bluntly, it's to be expected.


To be fair a lot of the comments while the same are actually rather helpful and not at all mean, yeah there are a few ****** responses but this IS the internet.


Also if it's your first video, take the above comments on board, no-one was really ripping you apart you know aside from the music choice and that's only because it is used in 99.8% of MMO PvP videos :p The music for a PvP video is one of the most important aspects, no-one wants to watch a silent video but we also don't want an over played song as it adds nothing 'unique'. We are a fickle bunch.

Edited by Smaltie
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well it was my first attempt, hadnt really looked around, wish i hadnt of bothered. Thanks for the ''constructive'' criticism though, youve all said exactly the same thing, and not very nicely either....


dont ask the question if you dont want to hear the answer ...



as the guy above me said, this is the internet, if you ask for opinions ... you will get them, and people tend not to sugar coat their opinions on the internet



as for the video itself ... ill be completely honest here, i didnt even watch it


the mention of that song just made me not care


again, as the guy above me said, music choice is very important in a pvp video, it has to set the tone for the video, but not overshadow it


when you use seriously overused music, or very polarizing music (dubstep for example) you will push away alot of prospective viewers simply because they cant stand the music choice you made


the key is to find something that is at least tolerable to the vast majority of people, and also isnt completely overused (drowning pool is certainly in the realm of tolerable, but that particular song is just way way overused)


it isnt an easy feat, but its doable, maybe pick 3-4 songs and get some opinions from people you know with varying musical tastes to see which one they like the best

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