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What's your PvP healing average?


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Just wondering what you other CMs do healing-wise in Warzones. I'm kind of curious to see how I'm doing compared to other CMs, because most on my server aren't very good, or are too busy spamming DPS abilities to pad their overall stats.


I use 2-set Rakata + Rakata weapon, otherwise I have full Battlemaster. I can usually break 550k in Voidstar (My highest ever was 580k), just around 180-200k+ in Huttball, and I usually sit around 450k in Alderaan. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just a lot harder for us to break 600k+ than it is for Sages/Sorcs?

Edited by Suwa
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I usually have:


200-300k in huttball

350-450k in Voidstar/Alderaan


with 75-120k damage done

and 250-350k damage received



And I would not really worry about competing with other professions. We each have our niche where we are good at.


Sometimes when I see that we already have enough healers, I'll start shooting instead and be a offhealer incase someone gets focused.

Edited by Easpeak
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My bests:

Voidstar - 594k (I have been into the 590s a couple times but never officially broken 600k healing :( Low end 300k)

Huttball - 321k (tend to be around 200k usually)

Civil War - 503k (usually 300-400k if I heal the middle)

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