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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tank stats and PvP


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As a fairly experienced PvP tank (see my signature) I can tell you straight up these stats are nearly useless in PvP:


Defence, Shield Rating, Absorbance


Defence, Shield Rating, Absorbance - all of these stats only work vs. ranged and melee attacks. However, they have no effect on tech and force attacks. I believe this is the real problem with them. A tank in defensive gear finds that defence totally useless vs. most, if not all, high dmg attacks they will face in PvP, because they are not things you can avoid, because they are type "tech" or force".


I believe this is a design error, that should be looked at closely. It becomes increasingly important as peoples damage is further buffed by gear.


So, instead of using tank gear, despite being tank spec, I am using dps gear because that is what is most effective: I can't rely on getting any benefit from tank gear.


I think the effectiveness of defensive gear for tanks should be altered in the following way:



DEFENCE: No change, or, something similar to below (reduced chance, but you could perhaps avoid force/tech attacks if your defence is high enough).


SHIELDS: Now works vs. all direct damage attacks, regardless of source. For DOT's, this would only apply to the first tick (or initial damage, whichever comes first). After that, they are "past" your shields.


One concern about this alternation, however, is changing the existing balance, like, my dps-geared tank suddenly is now getting extra dmg reduction.


This could be addressed by reducing the shield chance of tech and force attacks by 20% - so, only if you have extra shield chance from your spec/gear will you see any difference.

Doing so, however, directly reduces your own damage output (either by talents spent, or gear used) - I think that is fair.


All this really permits is more variety in gear/specs for pvp w/o influencing the existing balance to much.

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My bad, this post is obviously too intelligent for the PvP forum, I should have whined :eek:


Nah, it's just that this has been discussed ad naseum in another thread or 2.



Tank stats don't do much in PvP and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon.

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I agree completely. I prefer to play a tank-ish toon in PvP, but am sorely disappointed that I'm just as squishy as most of my non tank-ish teammates, with far less dps output, and providing much less protection than healers healing. I have no value compared to a tank in dps gear (which I sadly converted to).


Soreshu form is supposed to reduce all damage by 6%, but this is not reflected in the defense stats of the character sheet for about half the damage I would be taking in PvP. My max HP should be at least 20% higher than non-tanks. I should be preventing at least half as much damage (on average) that healers heal by the end of the warzone. My damage output should be very low, yet with my current immortal build I beat many of the other dps in WZ, but I'm forced to play a way I do not want to, just to stay viable.


What is even more crazy to me is that I actually seem to have better survivability as a "tank" in dps gear than I did in tank gear, because of my increased damage output.

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armor does not mitigate "magic attacks" in other games why should it in this one?

imo if defense/shield/absorbtion worked on all attacks a bm gear tank would be unstoppable.

i have a 50 tankassin in centurion +3 champion pieces and im already super hard to take down,if my stats worked on force/tech attacks i dont think anyone could beat a tank 1v1

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