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Would You Prefer an Outdoor Player Hub?


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Would You Prefer an Outdoor Player Hub? If so, where and why.


Tatootine because it's one of the most iconic SW environs. My 2nd runner-up is Alderaan.


We have an outdoor player hub on Tatooine, Outlaw's Den. Basically nobody uses it, because people don't like sandbox elements like it.


I would like to see an outdoor player hub that people actually use. Let's say Dantooine -type (but not Dantooine, as it is overused) grass world with a Jedi praxeum, a military base and a Smuggler's hovel for the Reps and Ziost with equivalents for Imps, plus some neutral planet with yet another theme, Yavin IV perhaps, with access to shared FPs there.

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I was just thinking about this last night. It would be nice to have a "Sanctuary" type planet, untouched by war, that players from both sides could interact with each other. Maybe even some player housing with various *locations* on the planet ... beaches, snowy mountains, forests with waterfalls etc. And this is where my mind wanders when I can't sleep :p
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The first city you get to on Voss as a Republic player looks amazing! I agree with the concept though, I hate that I have to go the fleet for everything, I would like to see multiple planets that suffice as player hubs as well. The Republic Fleet is just downright ugly.


I think of something like SWG where there would be hundreds of people at a time in different cities on different planets. That can't really happen in this game because the overall maximum characters per server is so much lower. SWG had what, 30ish servers? This game has 230+ to spread everyone out not to mention so many instances. It's not very social gathering friendly :o

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The first city you get to on Voss as a Republic player looks amazing! I agree with the concept though, I hate that I have to go the fleet for everything, I would like to see multiple planets that suffice as player hubs as well. The Republic Fleet is just downright ugly.


I think of something like SWG where there would be hundreds of people at a time in different cities on different planets. That can't really happen in this game because the overall maximum characters per server is so much lower. SWG had what, 30ish servers? This game has 230+ to spread everyone out not to mention so many instances. It's not very social gathering friendly :o


Server loads and balancing is a much bigger issue that I don't even want to touch in this thread.


I agree that Voss is a pretty cool planet, but I would prefer Alderaan. There is something about the mountains and snow that I like.

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YES! make kaas city a real city! fleet sucks!


Yep. IMO should have been coruscant and Dromund Kaas for everything instead of a fleet.


Maybe fleet could be just a taxi hub to launch flashpoints and ops.


IMO fleet makes us even more disconnected from the world.

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Yep. IMO should have been coruscant and Dromund Kaas for everything instead of a fleet.


Maybe fleet could be just a taxi hub to launch flashpoints and ops.


IMO fleet makes us even more disconnected from the world.


For some reason, Coruscant bores me to tears.


Tatooine or bust.

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