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Idea for open world PvP - Dailies in the same location


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Instead of what it is now, in which Pubs/Imps have their own separate questing locations for doing dailies, what if, instead, they had to go into the same location in order to complete their dailies?


Players won't necessarily fight over resources, but this could potentially allow for a lot more open world encounters while there is enough incentive to keep people interested (Get dailies done). Besides that, it would make doing dailies a lot more interesting.

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It would fail miserably. The population imbalance doesn't support anything like that.


They need to just revamp Open World PvP and add defensive structures for the underpop faction to have as a place to fall back to and be assaulted if the balance is that far out.

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dailies in same area sound really fun actually. Love a good challenge which is why I always enjoyed playing on the less populated side in both wow and swtor. I doubt this gets implemented any time soon however. Bioware doesnt seem to care about world pvp atm. Edited by ReckonerH
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