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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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I think a cross-server LFP type would be a very bad idea. At best it won't solve the "low population therefore no groups" problem for anything that isn't instanced or not readily puggable (meaning Ops above story-mode are out and no heroic content). At worst it will do the same thing to SWTOR that it has done to WoW and Rift. Sure they're very popular but they are now little more than solo games where you run content with people who could just as easily be AI-controlled NPCs than real people.


However, what will be will be and I rather cynically am expecting that it is simply a matter of time before one such tool gets added. At that point I may very well leave for some other game - only time will tell.


In the mean time may I suggest that everyone on every server do the following and spread the word to others to do likewise.


/cjoin LFG


It will create (if it doesn't already exist) a faction-specific and server-wide channel that can be used to find and form groups. Such a channel has gotten quite popular on the Empire side of Lord Adraas and has thus proven quite effective as an additional group building tool.


Of course if your server is low population and this won't help you have a few options.


1) Wait for the LFP tool and for it to eventually be cross-server... probably another 6 months, give or take.


2) Reroll on a higher population server.

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Honestly idc either way. If they add it great, hello my old wow style lvling, PVP every 4th or 5th lvl run a Fp, it they don't add it ok back to PVP all day.

Though my only issue with just one server que is this: I am the only under 17 character online at the time.

Republic side is dead on my server, they have all 4 or 5 alts and like 20 50s. So reps under 50 will never get grouped (numbers exaggerated ofc, but you get the point)

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I can't understand this mentality of "I will quit if they put in a LFD."


It doesn't change the game for you, so why leave? You can still run Flashpoints and Ops with your guild and enjoy yourself there. LFD doesn't take that away from you.


Problem is the slippery slope.


The same server LFG most people actually have absolutley no problem with.


But it is the Automated things that usually comes with it .

You know things like

Auto invites ,auto teleportation to all off the dungeons.


And then ofcourse X-server but that isnt really LFD

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I can't understand this mentality of "I will quit if they put in a LFD."


It doesn't change the game for you, so why leave? You can still run Flashpoints and Ops with your guild and enjoy yourself there. LFD doesn't take that away from you.


It isn't that its inclusion will cause me to quit... it is the changes that I have now twice seen happen in the games that it has been added to that will most likely drive me away.


Other than class quests... why bother ever leaving the Fleet? I mean I can queue for warzones and wait for them to pop, or flashpoints - no need to bother with doing anything else. Heroic quests? Meh, no point in even bothering - can't find them via a XS-LFD tool because they aren't instanced and by the time they're soloable I don't really need the commendations from them.


Entire worlds become abandoned - once you reach the minimum level for the flashpoints there's no reason to ever leave the central hub. It has the trainers, it has the GTN, it has the crew skills...


In both WoW and Rift I saw the inclusion of this tool turn the games into a lobby-style single-player game. I say that because in my long experience with these tools is that I get as much conversation from xserver players as I do from my companions when out questing...


Don't participate in xserver groups? Don't use the tool? It won't matter. It certainly didn't matter in WoW or Rift, what makes anyone think it'll matter here?


Want to meet future guildies by grouping with them? That goes away too. If I meet a group of cool people the odds are very good they won't be from my server (statistically speaking it would be rare for a xserver pugger to be from my server). Do I reroll? Do I hope for a free or paid transfer?


All of this is why I'll eventually leave - once the game stops functioning like an MMO I will play it as a single-player game and eventually that will wear out and I'll be off to find something new. SWTOR might hold me longer if only because it will take that long for me to finish all 8 class stories, but after that... why stay where there's no real interaction with the people I am playing with beyond "rdy" followed by a bunch of "y" responses assuming someone hasn't already pulled....

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See that's another argument I don't get.


It is currently a lobby game, far more than those others!


What do you do to get a group for a Flashpoint or that? Sit in the Fleet and spam chat channels.


At least with an automated group finder you can go out and explore/do missions/etc while you wait.


The currently system forces you into sitting around on the Fleet waiting for a group. That is a lobby game.

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See that's another argument I don't get.


It is currently a lobby game, far more than those others!


What do you do to get a group for a Flashpoint or that? Sit in the Fleet and spam chat channels.


At least with an automated group finder you can go out and explore/do missions/etc while you wait.


The currently system forces you into sitting around on the Fleet waiting for a group. That is a lobby game.


Why are you only LFG on the Fleet? How about also LFG on the world that best fits the level range of the flashpoint you want to do?


How about "/cjoin LFG"? A number of servers are using this player-made server-wide channel as a supplement to standing around the Fleet. Spread the word and as more people use it you will find as I have it becomes a wonderful adjunct to /general of whatever world you're on.


When you run a heroic and its a good group - ask them if they want to run a flashpoint after finishing the heroic?


The Fleet is barren (comparitively) because its a "pass through" spot - people don't tend to hang around for long. Its no wonder it can be difficult to find groups there - in fact its a minor miracle any get formed there at all. This is a legacy of the effect of XS-LFD in WoW in particular - people forget they are allowed to LFG in some other place than whatever faction capitol they reside in.


If you were an advertiser looking to sell a product that appealed to fans of Soap Operas would you advertise it on ESPN? Or would you advertise on channels that show Soap Operas and the times they show them? Same thing in this case... go to where your "advertisement" (i.e. a group to do "X") will find the largest pool of potential "customers" (i.e. people to run "X" with) can be found.

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Why are you only LFG on the Fleet? How about also LFG on the world that best fits the level range of the flashpoint you want to do?


How about "/cjoin LFG"? A number of servers are using this player-made server-wide channel as a supplement to standing around the Fleet. Spread the word and as more people use it you will find as I have it becomes a wonderful adjunct to /general of whatever world you're on.


When you run a heroic and its a good group - ask them if they want to run a flashpoint after finishing the heroic?


The Fleet is barren (comparitively) because its a "pass through" spot - people don't tend to hang around for long. Its no wonder it can be difficult to find groups there - in fact its a minor miracle any get formed there at all. This is a legacy of the effect of XS-LFD in WoW in particular - people forget they are allowed to LFG in some other place than whatever faction capitol they reside in.


If you were an advertiser looking to sell a product that appealed to fans of Soap Operas would you advertise it on ESPN? Or would you advertise on channels that show Soap Operas and the times they show them? Same thing in this case... go to where your "advertisement" (i.e. a group to do "X") will find the largest pool of potential "customers" (i.e. people to run "X" with) can be found.


I've tried asking on the world most level appropriate, sadly they are far less populated than the Fleet.


When we finish a Flashpoint (I'm not level for heroics yet) as it has usually taken an hour to an hour and a half depending on the group and FP, most of the time everyone wants to log off for a break, especially as it usually takes about half an hour or longer to get the group in the first place.


Your analogy is slightly flawed, advertisers will look to push their product everywhere they can. And so instead of being limited to only advertising in one city (server) they would far prefer to advertise across multiple cities (servers.) so as to maximise their chances of gaining an audience (party members.)

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I've tried asking on the world most level appropriate, sadly they are far less populated than the Fleet.


When we finish a Flashpoint (I'm not level for heroics yet) as it has usually taken an hour to an hour and a half depending on the group and FP, most of the time everyone wants to log off for a break, especially as it usually takes about half an hour or longer to get the group in the first place.


Your analogy is slightly flawed, advertisers will look to push their product everywhere they can. And so instead of being limited to only advertising in one city (server) they would far prefer to advertise across multiple cities (servers.) so as to maximise their chances of gaining an audience (party members.)


On my Server the LFG chat has gained some ground and is used to some extent. It is a great idea that was used to amazing effect on my server in RIFT (when i was still playing it). However, if your talking about cross-server lfg ques, forget it. That concept has killed the communities and the game play experience on both WOW and RIFT.


For example, a player ques as a tank, gets in a group. Says "sorry, can someone else tank?" and when no one can (because they aren't tanks retarded player) they have to wait x number of minutes to kick, then find a tank manually or re-que which puts them on the bottom of the que. This COMPLETELY ruins the game. And since they are probably from another server at this point you can't ignore them to prevent a re-grouping.


Any type of dungeon finder will not be necessary once more communities have a higher level 50 base. (since the more 50's you have, they more players there are of other levels). Have a little patience the game is still new and populations are growing.

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On my Server the LFG chat has gained some ground and is used to some extent. It is a great idea that was used to amazing effect on my server in RIFT (when i was still playing it). However, if your talking about cross-server lfg ques, forget it. That concept has killed the communities and the game play experience on both WOW and RIFT.


For example, a player ques as a tank, gets in a group. Says "sorry, can someone else tank?" and when no one can (because they aren't tanks retarded player) they have to wait x number of minutes to kick, then find a tank manually or re-que which puts them on the bottom of the que. This COMPLETELY ruins the game. And since they are probably from another server at this point you can't ignore them to prevent a re-grouping.


Any type of dungeon finder will not be necessary once more communities have a higher level 50 base. (since the more 50's you have, they more players there are of other levels). Have a little patience the game is still new and populations are growing.


Yes this opinion has been raised before. But as has been countered, it's merely an opinion.


The tool didn't cause this, it just gave you access to a larger pool of players in which you found the bad ones.


If you constantly drove down a small country road to work then you would likely only encounter a few drivers, and so most of them would probably be decent. However if you then took a freeway to work, you'd be amongst a larger amount of drivers and so you'd be more likely to encounter bad ones.

Was this the fault of the freeway? Does it make it bad and should other cities then not build any?

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Yes this opinion has been raised before. But as has been countered, it's merely an opinion.


The tool didn't cause this, it just gave you access to a larger pool of players in which you found the bad ones.


If you constantly drove down a small country road to work then you would likely only encounter a few drivers, and so most of them would probably be decent. However if you then took a freeway to work, you'd be amongst a larger amount of drivers and so you'd be more likely to encounter bad ones.

Was this the fault of the freeway? Does it make it bad and should other cities then not build any?


The problem with the LFG tool is that it is SO impersonal. It encourages people to be stupid and attempt to do things they cannot do or assume others can make up for them being bad. This should be discouraged. Using your example, on a heavily populated highway, what are the odds of you being noticed by a police officer if everyone around you is getting in their way. And if your driving badly, everyone else on the highway is affected by your actions. However on a small country road, other people can pass you and avoid you, and you'll get caught by the police.

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The problem with the LFG tool is that it is SO impersonal. It encourages people to be stupid and attempt to do things they cannot do or assume others can make up for them being bad. This should be discouraged. Using your example, on a heavily populated highway, what are the odds of you being noticed by a police officer if everyone around you is getting in their way. And if your driving badly, everyone else on the highway is affected by your actions. However on a small country road, other people can pass you and avoid you, and you'll get caught by the police.


It doesn't cause or encourage bad behaviour any more than a car encourages people to be bad drivers!


It is a tool, nothing more. How it is used is up to the player. Your problem is with the players in an MMO, not the tools provided to you.


By your same argument Server Transfers encourage people to act terrible on their server and then transfer to the next. Quick, let's protest against Server Transfers, they destroy communities!


(Also you are far more likely to be caught by the police on a freeway, as there are speed cameras, CCTV and more police cars patrolling freeways than quiet country roads.)

Edited by chaosdefined
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It doesn't cause or encourage bad behaviour any more than a car encourages people to be bad drivers!


It is a tool, nothing more. How it is used is up to the player. Your problem is with the players in an MMO, not the tools provided to you.


Believe what you will, but I stand by the the introduction of LFG finders have ruined past games by shear domino effect of what follows them and will happen to this game as well. If BW can figure out a way to avoid the obvious problems with LFG then by all means implement it. The point of finding other people isn't just to do the dungeon, its to do it and COMPLETE it, something that cannot be done with bad people. And since there are more bad drivers on the highway than an old country road, guess who'll be grouped with more often than not.

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Believe what you will, but I stand by the the introduction of LFG finders have ruined past games by shear domino effect of what follows them and will happen to this game as well. If BW can figure out a way to avoid the obvious problems with LFG then by all means implement it. The point of finding other people isn't just to do the dungeon, its to do it and COMPLETE it, something that cannot be done with bad people. And since there are more bad drivers on the highway than an old country road, guess who'll be grouped with more often than not.


So you're saying there are more bad players on other servers than yours.


Sadly, I'll never understand players who have xenophobic attitudes and play MMO's.


And in my opinion, I still really enjoyed WoW after the Cross-Server LFD for years after it was brought in. But that's because I had a great guild and so didn't use it much. Even when I did, barely had any problems.


See, it's all perspective and opinion. At least we can list some actual facts as to how it improves the game, instead of opinions of how other players are mean.

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So you're saying there are more bad players on other servers than yours.


Sadly, I'll never understand players who have xenophobic attitudes and play MMO's.


And in my opinion, I still really enjoyed WoW after the Cross-Server LFD for years after it was brought in. But that's because I had a great guild and so didn't use it much. Even when I did, barely had any problems.


See, it's all perspective and opinion. At least we can list some actual facts as to how it improves the game, instead of opinions of how other players are mean.


I'm not getting into a philosophical discussion about people with you. Period.


However, in any good discussion both positive and negative issues must be brought to life and discussed. The important thing to remember is that we should use these forums to help the game as a whole, and let the Devs hear the voices of us, the players. I've actually enjoyed this debate with you, haven't had one in a good while, but this will be my last post regarding our discussion.


I'll end this with one final example. RIFT, before LFG, doing heroics had a 100% completion rate for me. After the LFG completions took 3-4 times as long, and completion rates went down to about 65%.

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I'm not getting into a philosophical discussion about people with you. Period.


However, in any good discussion both positive and negative issues must be brought to life and discussed. The important thing to remember is that we should use these forums to help the game as a whole, and let the Devs hear the voices of us, the players. I've actually enjoyed this debate with you, haven't had one in a good while, but this will be my last post regarding our discussion.


I'll end this with one final example. RIFT, before LFG, doing heroics had a 100% completion rate for me. After the LFG completions took 3-4 times as long, and completion rates went down to about 65%.


Well numbers speak louder than opinions. The reason Cross Server LFG's get added into games is because the companies look at the number of players who are experiencing content, see that it is very low and so add the tools to help them see all the dungeons/flashpoints.


Evidently, if a game adds in a Cross-Server tool, it is because of a lack of success.

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On my Server the LFG chat has gained some ground and is used to some extent. It is a great idea that was used to amazing effect on my server in RIFT (when i was still playing it). However, if your talking about cross-server lfg ques, forget it. That concept has killed the communities and the game play experience on both WOW and RIFT.


For example, a player ques as a tank, gets in a group. Says "sorry, can someone else tank?" and when no one can (because they aren't tanks retarded player) they have to wait x number of minutes to kick, then find a tank manually or re-que which puts them on the bottom of the que. This COMPLETELY ruins the game. And since they are probably from another server at this point you can't ignore them to prevent a re-grouping.


Any type of dungeon finder will not be necessary once more communities have a higher level 50 base. (since the more 50's you have, they more players there are of other levels). Have a little patience the game is still new and populations are growing.


That is the flaw of the tool. It should have been designed so that your spec was also taken into consideration; granted, with WoW having dual spec, this would be harder to enforce becuase you could have a tank/healer spec on some classes, then use the queue, then respec before the dungeon starts (speccing at the start of a dungeon could be disallowed, I guess, to combat this, but only starts other issues).


And really, in the hundreds of dungeon runs I've done in WoW, I've only ever had the issue you talk about happen a very limited amount of times. So limited that I don't even think about it much outside of the few times it actually happens.


There is a trend I see developing here. One group doesn't like the tool because they want to be in control of the people they play with. Another group (the one I'm in), doesn't really care who they play with, as long as they get to play.

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That is the flaw of the tool. It should have been designed so that your spec was also taken into consideration; granted, with WoW having dual spec, this would be harder to enforce becuase you could have a tank/healer spec on some classes, then use the queue, then respec before the dungeon starts (speccing at the start of a dungeon could be disallowed, I guess, to combat this, but only starts other issues).


And really, in the hundreds of dungeon runs I've done in WoW, I've only ever had the issue you talk about happen a very limited amount of times. So limited that I don't even think about it much outside of the few times it actually happens.


There is a trend I see developing here. One group doesn't like the tool because they want to be in control of the people they play with. Another group (the one I'm in), doesn't really care who they play with, as long as they get to play.


Your absolutely right, I prefer to know who I'm grouping with, rather than an under geared player who lied about what he can do. If I form the team then I can screen players to make sure that we have a successful run. The majority I find this way are good and very dew are bad. Unfortunately, I had the situation I described happen all the time in WOW.

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The inclusion of the XS-LFD tool in WoW...


- Left non-capitol zones at or above the minimum level to use the tool empty. There was never a reason to leave the capitol when the xp and loot and convenience of XS-LFD groups far surpassed actually going out and "adventuring".


- Destroyed any hope of open-world pvp. No one would be out questing in any contested areas because, again, why bother leaving the capitols?


- Looking for help to do non-instanced group content? Assuming there was any left (it was all nerfed by Blizzard to be soloable) you would be out of luck there too. Everyone was in the capitol waiting for their dungeon pop.


- Looking to make new friends and find a nice guild based on playing with others over multiple occasions? Nope. If you already had friends, fine. If you were new to the server, or worse new to the game, your only hope to make friends was to spam general "LF Guild" and hope that whatever "pickup guild" you joined was decent. If not it was drop and try again, and again, and again as necessary.


I played Rift for a few months in the middle of last year and saw these same things repeating themselves in that game. What possible reason would I have to expect SWTOR to be any different? It won't be the tool itself that drives me away. It'll be the influence on the rest of the game that such a cross-server tool will inevitably exert that will suck the fun and enjoyment of it from me.


If the problem is low server population... reroll on a higher population server. I mean if you have no one to group with you aren't really losing anything. Become a spacebar warrior and you can recreate a level 50 in less than a month of dedicated playing... what are you waiting for?

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The inclusion of the XS-LFD tool in WoW...


- Left non-capitol zones at or above the minimum level to use the tool empty. There was never a reason to leave the capitol when the xp and loot and convenience of XS-LFD groups far surpassed actually going out and "adventuring".


- Destroyed any hope of open-world pvp. No one would be out questing in any contested areas because, again, why bother leaving the capitols?


- Looking for help to do non-instanced group content? Assuming there was any left (it was all nerfed by Blizzard to be soloable) you would be out of luck there too. Everyone was in the capitol waiting for their dungeon pop.


- Looking to make new friends and find a nice guild based on playing with others over multiple occasions? Nope. If you already had friends, fine. If you were new to the server, or worse new to the game, your only hope to make friends was to spam general "LF Guild" and hope that whatever "pickup guild" you joined was decent. If not it was drop and try again, and again, and again as necessary.


I played Rift for a few months in the middle of last year and saw these same things repeating themselves in that game. What possible reason would I have to expect SWTOR to be any different? It won't be the tool itself that drives me away. It'll be the influence on the rest of the game that such a cross-server tool will inevitably exert that will suck the fun and enjoyment of it from me.


If the problem is low server population... reroll on a higher population server. I mean if you have no one to group with you aren't really losing anything. Become a spacebar warrior and you can recreate a level 50 in less than a month of dedicated playing... what are you waiting for?


Have you bothered to read any of even the latest posts? I already said currently you're stuck in the Fleet if you want to try and get a group. At least in WoW you can queue up and then go off to explore or farm or do quests.


Also your solution of "roll on another server" is extremely impersonal and impractical. It's far too much of a "not my problem, deal with it." attitude to have towards players who are struggling on low populations.

Look at all the complaints about the huge queues to get logged in on The Fatman server. They took your advise, now look at the problems.

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The inclusion of the XS-LFD tool in WoW...


- Left non-capitol zones at or above the minimum level to use the tool empty. There was never a reason to leave the capitol when the xp and loot and convenience of XS-LFD groups far surpassed actually going out and "adventuring".


- Destroyed any hope of open-world pvp. No one would be out questing in any contested areas because, again, why bother leaving the capitols?


- Looking for help to do non-instanced group content? Assuming there was any left (it was all nerfed by Blizzard to be soloable) you would be out of luck there too. Everyone was in the capitol waiting for their dungeon pop.


- Looking to make new friends and find a nice guild based on playing with others over multiple occasions? Nope. If you already had friends, fine. If you were new to the server, or worse new to the game, your only hope to make friends was to spam general "LF Guild" and hope that whatever "pickup guild" you joined was decent. If not it was drop and try again, and again, and again as necessary.


I played Rift for a few months in the middle of last year and saw these same things repeating themselves in that game. What possible reason would I have to expect SWTOR to be any different? It won't be the tool itself that drives me away. It'll be the influence on the rest of the game that such a cross-server tool will inevitably exert that will suck the fun and enjoyment of it from me.


If the problem is low server population... reroll on a higher population server. I mean if you have no one to group with you aren't really losing anything. Become a spacebar warrior and you can recreate a level 50 in less than a month of dedicated playing... what are you waiting for?


In regards to the guild thing, the guild I'm apart of is actually a community of gamers for one thing spanning across many games. But two, we actually recruit based on merit and not pick up. If we find people who are good or have potential then we recruit them. On WOW we where known for our pugs because we would have a small group of great players and we'd take on the extra people and they might turn out to be good players who will join us or we sometimes did co-ops with other guilds. This is a great system for a good community and not a bunch of people. Quality over quantity. And the LFG tool will make it quantity over quality which skews the % of good to bad players.


In regards to time issues. Why would I spend 30-60 minuets forming a group if i didn't expect to complete it. Rather than spend 30-40 minutes in que, hoping for a completion. Not to mention If I form the group, then it will take less time to do the dungeon, than a bad group who constantly wipes.


In regards to going out of cities and adventuring. Well, at level 50 end game content should be the concern. And at lower levels for this game, the people on your planet will be doing the heroics. Best scenario, find one other person, and have one of you in fleet, the other on the world and both be in chat. As this isn't possible, the LFG chat comes back into play. Which solves this issue entirely.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Your argument seems to be simply that you don't want it because you don't want to use it.


You have no regard for any other players in this matter.


Good news is, when it gets implemented, you don't have to use it. Even after Cross Server LFD on WoW there were still loads of pugs being organised on my server through Trade chat.

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Your argument seems to be simply that you don't want it because you don't want to use it.


You have no regard for any other players in this matter.


Good news is, when it gets implemented, you don't have to use it. Even after Cross Server LFD on WoW there were still loads of pugs being organised on my server through Trade chat.


You couldn't be more wrong, I care about the long term ramifications and what comes after the implementation of LFG tools. The post server communities and quality of play goes down. For those people who just want to play, wouldn't quality play be better than frustration over bad players and slow progress. I go for quality play more than anything else. On this game I have had trouble getting into FP's but, I get in and we complete it in record time. I have fun and am not raging at other people across the country for screwing up. Quality fun all the way.

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You couldn't be more wrong, I care about the long term ramifications and what comes after the implementation of LFG tools. The post server communities and quality of play goes down. For those people who just want to play, wouldn't quality play be better than frustration over bad players and slow progress. I go for quality play more than anything else. On this game I have had trouble getting into FP's but, I get in and we complete it in record time. I have fun and am not raging at other people across the country for screwing up. Quality fun all the way.


Funnily enough the majority of my dungeon runs using the Cross-Server tool resulted in a quick, easy and fun time too.


Like I said, we're both just stating opinions here. However it's the numbers that matter, and currently the numbers for people completing Flashpoints is low, hence why Bioware are looking into Group Finder tools.

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Funnily enough the majority of my dungeon runs using the Cross-Server tool resulted in a quick, easy and fun time too.


Like I said, we're both just stating opinions here. However it's the numbers that matter, and currently the numbers for people completing Flashpoints is low, hence why Bioware are looking into Group Finder tools.


I personally believe (an yes this is my opinion) that as more people hit 50 and get tired of leveling on the planets then more people will be doing FP's on all levels. The difference between this game and WOW and RIFT is that regardless of your race, you will do the same planets after you hit level 10. There is no variety which is why I feel that FP participation will go up given some time. The game is still new and level 50 populations aren't quite there yet.

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