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The Story of a Sith


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Hi everyone, this is my first time writing any type of story or fan fiction, so critiques are welcome. This is just to prologue to the story I'll be writing but I wanted to see what people thought of it and how it could be improved before I finished writing this story.


My story was inspired by silvershadows when i read her two Fan Fictions on her characters, and it inspired me to try and write my own. Again, if people like the prologue to the story and can think of ways on how I can make it better, I'm going to try and finish the first story.





Twenty years ago, the future Dark Lord of The Sith was born. When he was the born the world shook with tremendous force and cracked. No one knew what had caused this terrible quake. A twin sister was also born shortly after he was. Although she was handed over to the Republic and he was sold to a slaver to work in the slave mines on Dromund Kaas.



He started working in the mines at the age of five. He was starved, dehydrated, over worked. He should of died for being such a young age, but the force had kept him strong. Five years later at the age of ten he was permanently branded with slave brands. They were three vertical brands going down his face, one through each eye and one through the middle of his nose. Ten more years later the slave master was whipping him for insubordination and he turned on the slave master and threw him twenty feet through the air against a back wall, the slaver died on impact. It was at that moment the shipped him to Korriban.



When he got to Korriban he was stripped of his name and given the name Dath'zul. He was an average sized man with a bald head and the look of evil in his eyes. Dath'zul was born powerful, but nobody knew it. The overseer looked down on him as a weakling, unworthy of being on the home planet of the Sith. He passed all his trials and became Lord Zash's apprentice.



In his travels he met a man named Andronikos Revel. He was average sized with dark as night skin red eyes, and blood red tattoos throughout his face. Nobody could see his face though because he wore a cybernetic breath mask and a hooded vest. This man became Dath'zul's closest friend and ally. They went and did everything together. Andronikos never left his side.



Andronikos was there by his side when he rose to the throne of Dark Lord of the Sith and became a member of the Dark Council. Andronikos helped him throughout the battle of Corellia to help the Empire win it over.




Meanwhile on Tython, his unknown sister was training in the ways of the Jedi. By the end of her trials she began to fall from the light. She later took on a padawan named Kira when her former master had left her to go on a mission and turned up disappearing. They were inseperable. Trava'thal stood up for Kira when Kira told the Jedi Council that she was a "Child of the Emperor". She told the Council that Kira was a good Padawan and that she trusted her with her life.


She later completely fell to the dark side on her quest to destroy the Emperor. She had come back to the light when she had destroyed what she thought was the emperor himself. And little did she know that her brother would come looking for her for her efforts in the war and her crimes against the Empire.








Thanks for reading guys, i hope its good.


Remember any criticism is welcome and wanted, any ways i can make it better would be great too, Thank You! :)

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