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Make Force Choke like it´s meant to be, or should be...


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The problem we Marauders have right now is:


We are the only ones who can not displace anyone in pvp!


That´s espescially hurting when playing Huttenball, for once an enemy is near your homezone, you cant get him down the ledge.

Or away from a door.


Or on Civil War, down of Turret Control. (Yes, there are still ppl who park themselves on top of a Turret Control so you got real trouble attacking them, pls fix this BW).


and so on,

and so on...


As PT, I can rope them to me.

As Sorc, I can kick all around me

And so forth...


Displacement of enemies is a vital part of strategic pvp.


As far as the strategic element of displacement goes, we Marauders are pretty useless.




Some thoughts:


As of now, Marauders, though charged with an offensive role, are only able to react to the situations on the battlefield.


Reaction would surly befit a more defensive role, whereas action would befit an offensive role. But to take action and force an enemy to react to the actions of an offensive class, this offensive class has to have the proper tools to impose the pressure and create a situation on the battlefield, which forces the enemy to react.


Right now, just ignoring the onslaught of a Marauder and/or walking/running onwards is a common way to drive a Marauder mad and showing him his helplessness.


You scored...

You are still standing atop the Turret Control

You are still at the door...

and so on...



/End of Edit



Here´s an idea:


Please just give the foce choke a 360 degree rotation ability, so I can pick up an enemy, force choking him, while turning me around my axis and thereby "moving" him over the the ridge, so he drops when force choke ends (by whatever circumstances). That would be cool and some intelligent CC with given skill.


Radius = Distance to Target when skill was used.


So you got to calculate the right distance for getting a victim down/away from something. If you are too near, victim will not drop, if you are too far, victim will eventually not fall. This is the advanced play we are used to playing a Marauder.



Just make the choked victim moveable around my axis. That would be a great and much needed addition to our Force Choke CC, for then we would not only be damned to react to the enemies standing here or there, but being able to shape the locations of battles on the battlefield like it would befit an offensive role.

Edited by Grishnaak
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This is a very interesting idea. I was saying last night that I was annoyed that Marauders have no knockbacks or anything similar, leaving us very useless in PvP.


Having such free will over a target would also be very fun!

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You're not the only ones, Scoundrels don't have one either unless you want to try and count K.O. which would really be stretching the point (it moves you slightly as well as knocking you down buuut...)
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You're not the only ones, Scoundrels don't have one either unless you want to try and count K.O. which would really be stretching the point (it moves you slightly as well as knocking you down buuut...)


But this slight move may be enough to drop one down something. At least you got the opportunity to displace an enemy.


I can tell of nice baths in an acid pit following a K.O., or a decent drop down some ledges.


As I said, we Marauders got nothing to move an enemy even one inch so far.

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Play an operative/scoundrel and then complain about no utility.


This statement is a logical fallacy. You aren't attacking his actual argument, you are just diverting the subject.


Unless you can comment on his actual idea, and what he actually said, please, please just stop posting. It makes you look like an ***.

Edited by MoMeter
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Are you kidding OP ? I play Huttball a lot and never felt like I needed additional CC.


How to play defense as a Mara in Huttball (I play anni so may vary a bit depending on class):


1: Harass ball carriers and healers by putting dot after dot on them and spamming vicious slash-basic attack-battering assault.


2: Force choke ball carriers above fires. Force charge to them above fires, you may both die, so what ?


3: If an ally is nearby, he should be using his cc enabling you to destroy the BC with your strongest moves (ravage / annihilation)


If despite all that you still need a knock back, you would probably still not be able to stop the other team from scoring if you had one anyway and need to improve your play.


Our role is raw and mean damage dealing. Leave the CC to other classes, we're good enough as such.

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This statement is a logical fallacy. You aren't attacking his actual argument, you are just diverting the subject.


Unless you can comment on his actual idea, and what he actually said, please, please just stop posting. It makes you look like an ***.


That is not a logical fallacy, you clearly do not know what that phrase means. When you try to inflate your language to look more intelligent than you actually are, you look like an ***.


And ironically, you didn't comment at all on the orginal post. You didn't even try to contradict what I posted. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? So unless you can comment on my actual idea, and what I actually said, please, please just stop posting.


I'll give you a moment to go look in a thesaurus for words to make your post sound more fancy. :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthPunitor
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Lol this after we know marauders are getting a huge buff in 1.2. This class is not all that weak to be honest i have fought against amazing marauders. They know when it is time to fight and when to run. So for all you good marauders keep going. :D
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Lol this after we know marauders are getting a huge buff in 1.2. This class is not all that weak to be honest i have fought against amazing marauders. They know when it is time to fight and when to run. So for all you good marauders keep going. :D


lol yes huge buff in 1.2... *rolls eyes*

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Conceptually I like that idea as well. Sounds like it would be a fun skill to play around with.


However with the severe amount of client/server disconnect issues this game is plagued with I think it may be technically outside the range of what BW and the Hero Engine are capable of.


Though, I would be delighted to be proven wrong on that.

Edited by Foxcolt
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[...]Our role is raw and mean damage dealing. Leave the CC to other classes, we're good enough as such.


You are not 100% right. We already got a CC, it´s the said Force Choke. But we ain´t got a a displacement. As I mentioned in my first post, there are various circumstances on the battlefield which make a displacement of enemies mandatory.


AND, above all else, this displacement is not a 100% thing like the displacements of the other classes (like PT, Jug, Assa, Scoundrel (with K.O.)) for it can be countered by either:


1) the victims "break free" skill

2) the victims buddy´s interrupt skill used on the Marauder


So this addition to the force choke is no 100% guaranty for a displacement, but at least a Marauder would get the opportunity to do any displacement at all, if the "break free" skill of the victim is on CD AND the buddy of the vic is not interrupting.


It´s way softer than any displacement skill of all the other classes.

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Well, they would have to do the same with Force Stasis, Force Choke's Jedi Knight mirror. Other then that, I think this would be an interesting addition to warriors/knights.


This is true. It has to apply to Force Stasis, too, naturally.

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This is literally the only downside to playing a Mara/Sent. Don't change this, we can't be perfect. You shouldn't let them get this far. They should be slowed and nuked on the walkways before they get close to the goal line. If they're running away, and you haven't slowed and dotted them already, you're doing it wrong. Back up and leap if they're >50%, just chase and let your dots do most of the work if they're <50% but >30%, if they're under that dispatch/vicious throw and let them go die in 3-5 anyway.


Seriously, I made a Sent when I rerolled (Tarentek is largely dead, didn't want to play the SW story again and wanted to try a Sent/Mara since beta) and I haven't done anything other than PVP since level 12 when I tried it for the first time... I'm addicted to melting faces. This class is almost too good. If I have guard on me or a a healer that pays any attention to me, I can EASILY pull over 150k in the lowbie bracket. Sometimes I can do that solo if people don't notice me ******** on their team for most of the match. Two glowsticks make it hard to be sneaky though.


I don't even have half our toolbox yet and I'm damn near unstoppable unless 3+ people are on me at once, and even then I can usually still get one guy down and another close. I have a little trouble with sins now and again and operatives that can stunlock me I have no real chance against other than ideal conditions.

Edited by Racter
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Decent marauders are practically op as it is, why not just give them heals too if you want them to have ubiquitous utility? Then you can just run a full marauder group :rolleyes:


Do you even know anything about Marauders first hand? Just start playing one urself pls, before writing.


And FYI, Marauders got already heal....... :eek:

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This thread just goes to show some people will never be happy


Marauders want more utility like juggs, juggs want more dps and cool downs like marauder


hell I saw a sage healer the other day and I was just thinking "damn i wish i could do that"


every class has to make sacrafices for something or another, thats the idea behind a "balanced" game

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Do you even know anything about Marauders first hand? Just start playing one urself pls, before writing.


And FYI, Marauders got already heal....... :eek:


Do you know anything about marauders/sentinels first hand?


I have a lvl 50 sentinel for a few months now and I'm facerolling people in pvp. As said before, if played well we're almost op.

Even without healer there's rarely a match where I don't hit 300K+ dmg & 75K+ healing.


On topic: You seriously want more KB's than there are already? if you want kb and swing with a glowstick go jugg/guardian.

Our thing in huttball isnt pushbacks, it's leaps & killing stuff quickly


If bioware gives every class everything they might as well remove classes and let everyone be the same

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This thread just goes to show some people will never be happy


Marauders want more utility like juggs, juggs want more dps and cool downs like marauder


hell I saw a sage healer the other day and I was just thinking "damn i wish i could do that"


every class has to make sacrafices for something or another, thats the idea behind a "balanced" game


No, this thread shows only a major flaw in strategic pvp.


And I will not reply to the 0815 same and same again statements which some seem to like so much that they use them in every thread where the word Marauders appears (like: op, good marauders don´t need, op again and some more...).


Just try for once to at least argue on my arguments, and spare me the generalized ** statements you just might have up your sleeve ready to appear in every marauder thread.


Thank you very much.

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Do you know anything about marauders/sentinels first hand?


I have a lvl 50 sentinel for a few months now and I'm facerolling people in pvp. As said before, if played well we're almost op.

Even without healer there's rarely a match where I don't hit 300K+ dmg & 75K+ healing.


On topic: You seriously want more KB's than there are already? if you want kb and swing with a glowstick go jugg/guardian.

Our thing in huttball isnt pushbacks, it's leaps & killing stuff quickly


If bioware gives every class everything they might as well remove classes and let everyone be the same


Yeah, pls breathe in and take your time to read my first post in its full length.

Then tell me where I wrote something about KB.


Oh man....and where did I complain about our dmg? Oh, nowhere...I see...


Just try to understand, pls.

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If anything we should get the ability to pull people TO us. Since we do close up damage and it would displace. A push makes no sense cuz we dont really want to be far from the enemy. As a DPS class this would make sense and give us a displacement. It would enable us to grab a ball carrier away from the goal...


Call it...force magnetism. lol.


Im happy with my sentinel but I wouldnt mind moar stoof. ;)

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No, this thread shows only a major flaw in strategic pvp.


And I will not reply to the 0815 same and same again statements which some seem to like so much that they use them in every thread where the word Marauders appears (like: op, good marauders don´t need, op again and some more...).


Just try for once to at least argue on my arguments, and spare me the generalized ** statements you just might have up your sleeve ready to appear in every marauder thread.


Thank you very much.


First off...i never said anything about mauraders being op, or you not knowing how to play one.


Second off....what makes you think this post is anymore original then the 10000 other posts asking move x and y?


If marauder wants more utility, marauder has to sacrafice something for it....


So maybe you're not the dude who can knock people off the ledge on hutball but you're the dude who can beat the living crap out of the ball carrier while everyone tries desperately to keep you off of him


in the words of The Rock...know your roll Jabronni

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Do you even know anything about Marauders first hand? Just start playing one urself pls, before writing.


And FYI, Marauders got already heal....... :eek:


Yes, i have a 43 marauder carnage spec.


And why would you even mention annihilation healing? Those are self heals and dont compare what-so-ever to classes speccd for healing.


Marauders serve a very specific purpose in groups. Already they are excellent ball carriers (between predation and force charge). They have an instant stealth ability and are unmatched in 1v1 combat.


Giving them a displacement would completely undermine the roles of other classes. Youre asking for something that would make them completely op (and is a change you seem to want just to be completely op in huttball).

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