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JK Sentinel Difficulties


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I have a Sentinel level 34 specialized in Combat, and now I'm stuck on Tatooine trying to overthrow the 3 Sith located where the republic ship chrash. Recently changed to Watchman and getting the same difficulty problem.


The fact is that they are level 32, me and Kira 34 but there is no way to defeat them (neither one by one)


Normally the sequence I use is:


First charge sabers and then cauterize. Then Force Leap, then Master Strike, Blade Storm, I put everything I have, trying to stop their attacks with kick or lifting Force. Even I use medpack low on health, but usually Kira dies pretty fast and then I fall seconds later.


The point is that this has happened to me not only here, but every time I meet a Sith Elite (I do bosses well, curiously) or yellow star captains, It happens to me, I've had much difficulty, even having to relive several times, which gets really bad experience of the game, also spending a fortune repairing my stuff.


Any advice on how to do? I'm realizing that perhaps the sentinel was not my best choice, as I see in forums that people criticize it pretty much.


Don't know if it was a bad choice or bad is the way I use my skills.



Thank you very much!

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This is a very tough scenario. I am not sure why. My character was over-leveled like you are, and other elites she could cut through like a hot knife through butter, but these Sith elites were tough SOBs.


It sounds like you're doing what I would have recommended... using your interrupts, starting burns early, etc. The only thing I can suggest is making sure you and Kira are both geared up well.

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Make sure you are using your defensive cool downs too.


Put up rebuke early because it is 30 sec of extra damage and 20% damage reduction.


Also save Saber Ward for near then end of the fight as they seem to do more damage the lower health they have. Although that could just be how it feels.


Good Luck

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I have a Sentinel level 34 specialized in Combat, and now I'm stuck on Tatooine trying to overthrow the 3 Sith located where the republic ship chrash. Recently changed to Watchman and getting the same difficulty problem.


The fact is that they are level 32, me and Kira 34 but there is no way to defeat them (neither one by one)


Normally the sequence I use is:


First charge sabers and then cauterize. Then Force Leap, then Master Strike, Blade Storm, I put everything I have, trying to stop their attacks with kick or lifting Force. Even I use medpack low on health, but usually Kira dies pretty fast and then I fall seconds later.


The point is that this has happened to me not only here, but every time I meet a Sith Elite (I do bosses well, curiously) or yellow star captains, It happens to me, I've had much difficulty, even having to relive several times, which gets really bad experience of the game, also spending a fortune repairing my stuff.


Any advice on how to do? I'm realizing that perhaps the sentinel was not my best choice, as I see in forums that people criticize it pretty much.


Don't know if it was a bad choice or bad is the way I use my skills.



Thank you very much!


It important to know what skills do what. Before you enter the battle make sure to quickslot some relics so you can use multiple relics before and during the fight. Pop your relic, saber wand (defense), zen (if applicable), rebuke, then send kira in first. Then you jump, when you jump an ability should light up called opportune strike, if not, use saber throw or leg slash, which both able opportune strike, under combat spec. Then I would do pacify or stasis, then use precision slash, then your heavy hitters, master strike (let the ability finish doing damage, do not cut it off half way like most sentinels), then blade storm (which may able pummel to become available). Use awe then pummel. Then cauterize (which may able reposite, use if applicable) and blade rush (multiple times) .Do not forget about stims, medpacs, and adernals (these should all be quickslotted). also, when you are low on health guarded by the force and stealth are game changing. Stealth also increases alacrity, so it's not a bad idea to use it anytime. Build focus when needed, Hope this helps.

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I had the same problems and everyone that I have teamed up with has had problems too. I could kill one but I was very lucky. I suggest teaming up with someone. or just keep trying and every time you die repair your gear and try a different approach.
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Its nor hard when you know what the mobs does , when he goes red and put his lightsabers up , get asap away from him even your companion because he hits like a truck after his rage he goes back to normal and you can dps him again as normal.


Good luck with it

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General idea of questing (may apply to PVP too)

Pay attention to the abilities and know what to avoid/interupt.

If you're facing something tough, always use your defensive cooldowns early like rebuke which has a 1min cd? I can't remember exactly.

Pop a med pack early in the fight just to keep your health up and hopefully able to use it again at a later time.


I didn't have much problems questing so it's pretty much doable. Good luck and I hope I've helped.

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I have a Sentinel level 34 specialized in Combat, and now I'm stuck on Tatooine trying to overthrow the 3 Sith located where the republic ship chrash. Recently changed to Watchman and getting the same difficulty problem.


The fact is that they are level 32, me and Kira


Stopped right there. This is your Problem. Kira sucks *** for a sentinel. Call for the stud T7, get him oranges from GTN/comms, update it and then kill those ugly mofos.


Most probelms with the sentinel early game can be solved by not using Kira.


Kira sucks for sentinel, dont use her. I don't give a fudge if you are hot for her.


She sucks.


PD: Also save your pacify for when they refuse to die. This trick will also help you agaisnt other sentinels/marauders later on.

Edited by nachoman_randy
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Don't let Kira go first. Jump - Overload Saber - Zealous - Caut - Slash. Fill your focus with strikes (if you run out of it). Use rebuke at 80% HP and Saber Ward at around 35%. Use your Heroic Moment if needed. Everytime you hit about 5% HP, Cloak. Wait for your cooldowns then repeat the sequence. Always use your Zen and Pacify when applicable. Be sure to give him DoTs first before you Stasis him. Bring stims and packs they are very handy.
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Well, thank you very much for your answers, They were very helpful and finally I overthrow them... sorry, not the three of them, I did the same guy three times, so I left my Jedi friend overthere surrounded by powerful Siths lol



I can't leave Kira now, because I've got her well equipped, and my droids are almost naked, I think I'm waiting for Doc by now.


What I did to kill that Sith was running away the moment he lifted up, and then came back to restart my attacks. It worked, I got almost killed but I got it.


It's always interesting to know what sequences of skills are using your similars, so thank you very much, I'm gonna practice what I learned here from you guys.



May the luck be with you.

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Stopped right there. This is your Problem. Kira sucks *** for a sentinel. Call for the stud T7, get him oranges from GTN/comms, update it and then kill those ugly mofos.


Actually, switching from T7 to Kira, event though she was less well geared than he was at the time, did the trick for me in this battle.


The problem, at least for me, was not burning down the enemies quite fast enough. Kira added just enough DPS that with some emergency powers and a health pack we were able to beat him before he beat me.


Basically in a fight like this it is a race to 0 HP. You can win either by taking less, or doing more. T7 helps you take less. Kira helps you do more. Either way can work if you know what you are doing.

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Actually, switching from T7 to Kira, event though she was less well geared than he was at the time, did the trick for me in this battle.


The problem, at least for me, was not burning down the enemies quite fast enough. Kira added just enough DPS that with some emergency powers and a health pack we were able to beat him before he beat me.


Basically in a fight like this it is a race to 0 HP. You can win either by taking less, or doing more. T7 helps you take less. Kira helps you do more. Either way can work if you know what you are doing.


See T7 as extra hp. If he falls you are at full bar still. If Kira falls you probably are injured already.

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I have a Sentinel level 34 specialized in Combat, and now I'm stuck on Tatooine trying to overthrow the 3 Sith located where the republic ship chrash. Recently changed to Watchman and getting the same difficulty problem.


The fact is that they are level 32, me and Kira 34 but there is no way to defeat them (neither one by one)


Normally the sequence I use is:


First charge sabers and then cauterize. Then Force Leap, then Master Strike, Blade Storm, I put everything I have, trying to stop their attacks with kick or lifting Force. Even I use medpack low on health, but usually Kira dies pretty fast and then I fall seconds later.


The point is that this has happened to me not only here, but every time I meet a Sith Elite (I do bosses well, curiously) or yellow star captains, It happens to me, I've had much difficulty, even having to relive several times, which gets really bad experience of the game, also spending a fortune repairing my stuff.


Any advice on how to do? I'm realizing that perhaps the sentinel was not my best choice, as I see in forums that people criticize it pretty much.


Don't know if it was a bad choice or bad is the way I use my skills.



Thank you very much!



Roll Watchman - problem solved.

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The Harrows.... yup, I hate the Harrows. They are tough, and bordering on the unfair, but they can be burned down, but you need to be patient and follow the advice given here. It's always pretty good.


I went in died a few times and got the hec out. I knew I was overmatched and my tactics had to change. I'm pretty sure I was at level, but I don't think it matters that much because these guys will wipe you at 3 or 4 levels higher. Its the tactics.


So, for me it was T7. He did the trick as well as timely use of my CDs and cammo. I geared up T7, the best I could. Found this nice healthpack on GTN that heals both main and companion and went in with a very different approach.


First, made sure T7s abilities were all on and on auto. If you haven't used him they will not be on by default. Next, I sent him in first to pull aggro. Then, jumped into the fray dealing as much damage as I could. T7 kept aggro and I did damage and interrupted.


T7 was starting to die fast but the Harrows life line was going down fast too, and I guess his rage timer is based on his health because when he was at about 25% maybe a little higher he went into that levitation state. BTW, I think he is invulnerable so stop hitting him. T7, was barely alive at that point. I used the combo health pack and got ready for the final gasp.


When the Harrow dropped back in to the fray, I cammoed so T7 would get full aggro again, and popped very CD I had including and most notably rebuike. T7 died in an instant. and it was me and the Harrow but he was still at 25% and I was well above 50. At that point it was a race. He hits hard but with rebuke and saber ward, I endured and finally took him out with 25% health left. Done... with 2 more to go. lol


It got better from there although I knew one mistake could cost me a wipe.


Nonetheless I hate the Harrows. Freaking love to beat them down. So if we are on the same server and you need help, drop me a note. I will go with you and tear them up.


Qarran, Level 50 Combat Sentinel Vornskr.

Edited by Rafaman
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The thing I like about using Kira as a sentinel is, it's how end game basically is. A DPS race. Even at 50 doing the dailies if I decide to not use doc, it's basically a DPS race with everything.


But for that scenario, I was about your level and I used Kira. I didn't touch T7 after I got Kira until later. I'm a stickler for not using defensive CDs unless I need to. I die some times due to that but that's just me. But for those type of fights I always send in Kira, watch her hp drop to about 75% and then leap in and go all out. If she dies, then I figure, she did her share of DPSing, if the mob turns to me while she's still alive, great, it's a dps race.


The key to surviving as it always is, is using force kick at the right moments (against mobs with those big hits or spells).

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Well, thank you very much for your answers, They were very helpful and finally I overthrow them... sorry, not the three of them, I did the same guy three times, so I left my Jedi friend overthere surrounded by powerful Siths lol



I can't leave Kira now, because I've got her well equipped, and my droids are almost naked, I think I'm waiting for Doc by now.


What I did to kill that Sith was running away the moment he lifted up, and then came back to restart my attacks. It worked, I got almost killed but I got it.


It's always interesting to know what sequences of skills are using your similars, so thank you very much, I'm gonna practice what I learned here from you guys.



May the luck be with you.


Happy to hear!:D

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Gz on downing them, however i noticed you said you respecced watchman & you mentioned using bladestorm.


So I'm wondering if that bladestorm was while combat or watchman specced.

If it was while watchman specced; DON'T! I't costs a lot of focus and there's more useful stuff you can spend focus on.

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I remember having a lot of trouble with these guys too. Made me really worried that I was severely under-leveled or under-geared. But no, it's just a hard fight. I used T7 and Watchman spec, medpac, all my defensive CDs, backed off when they enrage, Pacify, Awe, Rebuke, relic, Overload saber as often as possible to keep those burns rolling. If you have to, apply burns (Caut + OS x3) and then kite. I think I died 3 times before I figured the 1st one out. Then I just had to repeat the same ordeal 2 more times. They're tough, but not unbeatable. Stick with it. Pop Zen early and often (you'll probably get 2 shots of it per fight). If you choose to use Kira, leap in first, use Ward, Rebuke, then drop aggro and let Kira take the beating, before she dies use Heroic Moment. Good Luck.
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I just beat this last night after 5 defeats on the first guy. Finally had to get tricky. I got the Sith to the point he does the knock back and starts floating. Then I just ran away. Put the hostile lizards between you and the Sith (just don't aggro them yourself). When the Sith starts chasing you, the lizards will aggro him and finish him off for you.
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Stopped right there. This is your Problem. Kira sucks *** for a sentinel. Call for the stud T7, get him oranges from GTN/comms, update it and then kill those ugly mofos.


Most probelms with the sentinel early game can be solved by not using Kira.


Kira sucks for sentinel, dont use her. I don't give a fudge if you are hot for her.


She sucks.


PD: Also save your pacify for when they refuse to die. This trick will also help you agaisnt other sentinels/marauders later on.


This is absolutely NOT true. Kira may not have the survivability of T-7, but when geared properly she has very good DPS even at lower levels. I leveled 10-Doc with Kira and had very little problem with quests.


As far as how to beat those sith, it's a matter of trial and error I think. As others mentioned, use those defensive CD's. If possible, get 30 centering before the fight starts to get a big boost. Pop a relic at the start, throw up rebuke and go to town. I'd say use saber ward at more like 50-60% as well as a med pack. If your health gets too low, force camou (I think you have that by 34) and let Kira take some abuse. If things REALLY go South and you just can't beat them, you can always burn your 20min call on force CD to get the upperhand.

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