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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

40k Credits in 9 - 11 minutes


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Shh! Don't go blabbing about this on the FORUMS of all places!


The poster above with the fake patch note has it right.


If Bioware thinks the credits are too easy to get, they'll ruin it! (I mean, 'fix' it)


Like, removing most or all the chests from bp, removing ability to use mounts in bp, reduce the credit payout in chests in bp, etc.

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While I can't say the same about the Imperial side, but on the Republic side, if you just do all your daily missions on Ilum and Belsavis (not including the Heroic missions or any drops you receive) you get ~110,000 credits per day.


Doing the Heroics and picking up/selling drops may well push it to about ~150,000.


If you spend a a couple hours doing that a day alone or with a group, then you'll have plenty of money in no time.


Granted it isn't as convenient as 9-11 minutes for 40k, but it also isn't as mundane either.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Granted it isn't as convenient as 9-11 minutes for 40k, but it also isn't as mundane either.


It's just as mundane, as most who do dailies will agree.


I've done my dailies every day for the last 3 weeks and I'm pretty sure I could do those quests blindfolded at this point.

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For those of us who don't have a lvl 50 toon, what should we do for credits (besides abusing our companions :))? Such as the leadup to 25, I am consistently in the 60-70k range but then feel like I shouldn't be dumping over half my savings on a single skill (I know this will change with 1.2 but I imagine it will still be a bit pricey). It is also around this time when skill training in general starts becoming more expensive slowing my accumulation of credits considerably.
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For those of us who don't have a lvl 50 toon, what should we do for credits (besides abusing our companions :))? Such as the leadup to 25, I am consistently in the 60-70k range but then feel like I shouldn't be dumping over half my savings on a single skill (I know this will change with 1.2 but I imagine it will still be a bit pricey). It is also around this time when skill training in general starts becoming more expensive slowing my accumulation of credits considerably.


Like the poster above says, do PvP.

Also be sure to do the daily spaceship quests.

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Pro tip: Ignore people who make a rude, trollish, or otherwise completely irrelevant and negative reply to your thread. Theres no point in taking the bait. On the plus side, you got a bump in a busy forum.


Learn to take the high road. I'm guilty of taking the bait myself and posting things that may come off as trollish at times so I'm far from perfect but just thank them for the bump and ignore the negativity. It will never go away, you are NOT going to teach them a lesson by scolding them on the internet, and if you get riled up, the terrorists won.

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so you're a farmer


No, not per se. For me, its a side thing. I have more then enough credits. I'll run through it like twice a day and see what I find in the chests since they have a wide loot range. I also collect custom gear so I like to run Flashpoints for those drops too. I usually get an orange once every 4 or 5 runs from the chests.

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