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Incredibly, Ship Droid wasn't an April Fools!


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OK, that's it. That's the last straw. In fairness, I give every new MMO the 30 days that come with buying the game plus a 3 month paid up-front to get their act together. To date, I leveled two toons to 50 and started a guild, that at one time had 60 unique members. I've been playing since pre-launch and have come to the point where I want to scratch my eyeballs out.


It's apparent now that Bioware and their 300 million dollar Istar-esque epic fail called SW:TOR and I have very different ideas about what an enjoyable game is. My idea is one that folks can play online with friends well into the future, develop guild community, explore and expand. Theirs is one bereft of creativity and looks as if designed on Windows XP using a hodgepodge of half-finished ideas just enough to satisfy the money-men backers into thinking they've actually been working on something.


It's bad enough suffering with graphics that belong in 2004, space battles that belong in 1997 and story lines that, quite frankly, I could've written in high school the morning the assignment was due. If this game didn't have a Star Wars theme, no one and I mean NO ONE would be playing it.


NOTHING in the upcoming 1.2 is of any interest to me. The Legacy system? Meh. A solo RP game system at best that should have been in place at launch. Ship Droid? Give me a frickin' frackin' break!!! It's Rise of the Rakghouls Part 2 (after Taris does ANYONE want to see another frickin' frackin' rakghoul again, ever? NO!) A guild bank? Whoopie-ding-dong! How about a guild ranking system, guild v guild battles, guild hall, guild recruitment search... and, omg... etc etc etc. You're boring me to TEARS Texas!


And don't get me started about trying to find one single planet that I can honestly say I loved playing and I would return there again and again. There's none. Mostly the comments are, "Finally leaving this gawd forsaken rock. On to the next." Is that really what the designers had in mind when they were laying out the blueprints for this game?


And the horrific maps! Horrific. HOR-riffic. Did the guy (or gal) that designed the map system ever work on a map system before? Were they ever a cartographer enthusiaist in other games? Do they even know what a map should look like or how it should be deployed? One of the single most disappointing and annoying aspects of the game.


Armor? Who the heck was in charge of the armor in this game? It's pretty much just grab whatever drops that has the best stats with no thoughts toward style, theme and cool factor. There's one or two PvP armor sets in the end game and that's it. It's terrible. TERRIBLE!!!


And character customization? HA-HA! LOL! What a joke. Pretty much humans with either tan, red, green or blue skin. You can add a couple horns and something that looks like their faces are melting and that's it. That's it. Repeat, that's it. Why can't I play a Wookie or Yoda's Species? Why not an R2 unit? Hey, now that would be cool. Oh, that might smack of something interesting. We wouldn't want that. Everyone looks exactly the same. Ugly, ugly, and ugly.


One last thing... As a Jedi Shadow at level 50, I'm still throwing the same rocks at enemies I was throwing at level 10. BORING, BORING, BORING!!! There's only a dozen skills any one class uses over and over and over again all the way through the game. Is this riveting game play? That's a rhetorical question. Oh, and I don't want to devalue my Jedi with some Legacy skills. That's not creating meaningful class skills, that's just lazy.




Bye-bye, farewell, ta-ta, auf wiederhören, see ya don't wanna be ya... I'm playing TERA beta this weekend, looking forward to The Secret World in June and, of course, Guild Wars 2!!!


Don't let the airlock door kick you on the arse on the way out,




PS-Those of you that love the game for whatever masochistic reasons, can leave your comments in the nearest elevator shaft that you came to after you took your ship to some station and then had to take an elevator to get to the next station that gets you to the shuttle that gets you to the station that gets you to the next planet where there's no travel points to where you want to get to.


PSS-To any admins who feel like deleting this post, I really don't care. I'll be reposting an even longer version of this diatribe on Amazon and GameStop. Places where people actually read reviews.

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I think he had a few to drink.


Perhaps. Not too sure what we really can say about his post, to be honest. His knowledge of German was impressive, and his signature made me laugh internally.

Edited by Ravager
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