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Soa is now Tebowing during the final stage?

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Alright, so my guild was running EV Normal Mode to gear up one of our new 50s, and every time we'd get Soa to the final stage, he would constantly begin to kneel with his shield up. Every two seconds, he'd fall to his knee. This prevented him from being able to be handled by the tank. We haven't experienced this before, is it a new bug? We kept resetting it, but this occurred each and every time we attempted.
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I've never heard of this bug but I have no doubt it's happening


Best advice I can give is to count your losses and let him live or try to make a deal with Soa that if he gives you the loot you won't try to kill him


Also I love how you called it tebowing :)


P.s Soa sucks

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I have noticed Soa glitching in some of our raids. It seems to be a display error. The tanks are screaming "he's down!" "no wait it missed him" "no wait he's down!!" and you lose valuable seconds of pew pew time. I've also seen that sometimes the block doesn't fall where you think it should and misses Soa and hits someone else instead. That's annoying. As with most of the supposed "bugs" I can't say for sure whether it wasn't just player error, because I'm too busy healing my butt off to really watch what everyone else is doing. Maybe the tank was a little off on the positioning, who knows. WTB combat log and instant replay.
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I can confirm this as well. He always drops down to one knee and then stands back up again throughout the whole fight. It happens after the first pillar hits him. Then he decides to randomly drop to one knee while chasing the tank. 4 Month of this game and this fight is still the bugged to ****. Just got to suck it up and deal with it. Fight the game, not the boss, is the motto here.
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