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Watchman Damage Rotation? (Please Read)


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The title says it all, what's the most effect damage rotation for watchman sentinels in PvE and PvP? Also should master strike/force stasis ever be used in PvP as a watchman considering they're all about burn damage mostly. Please let me know. Thanks. :)
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I cannot answer about PVP, since I have never done it and probably never will.


In PVE, there is no "one right rotation" but as you get to the higher levels and get your burn abilities in and improved, you should be looking to keep burns going as much as possible on your targets. This usually involves combining several strikes powered by Overload Saber with Cauterize. If you time it right you can basically keep an elite burning more or less through an entire battle.

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The title says it all, what's the most effect damage rotation for watchman sentinels in PvE and PvP? Also should master strike/force stasis ever be used in PvP as a watchman considering they're all about burn damage mostly. Please let me know. Thanks. :)


To actually explain what abilities to use at certain times would take a very long time. Your best bet is to PVP a lot and figure it out yourself. Sentinels have a boatload of abilities and there are particular times you would use, say, Force Stasis or Awe or anything else.


As for a damage priority, the above post sums it up. Have your DoTs up and use your best damage abilities. Keep PVPing and you'll start to get it more and more. It takes a lot of trial and error but eventually you'll get it and basically faceroll everyone. It becomes second nature once you figure out all your abilities.


One last thing, keybind everything. EVERYTHING.

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The title says it all, what's the most effect damage rotation for watchman sentinels in PvE and PvP? Also should master strike/force stasis ever be used in PvP as a watchman considering they're all about burn damage mostly. Please let me know. Thanks. :)


Use force stasis on tragets that you have overload and cauterize one... this way u are still damaging them while u are stuck stunning them.


pvp is all situational. i consider there to be no rotation for watchmen but more of a priority. use your big moves and burns when they are up... other wise build focus and use slash. Master Strike on rooted players and bosses that are not gonna move or interrupt you anytime soon

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In pvp I'd say use force stasis to interrupt people, or keep them from moving in things like huttball.

In low lvl pve; use it to take the heat off for a little bit, if you feel you or your companion is getting hammered.

Now in high lvl pve (ie flashpoints, operations): never use it, there are more effective ways to gain focus, and the damage you can do instead of using force stasis is awesome.


Masterstrike: i have it on hotkeys, but almost never use it. Takes quite long for it's biggest hit to land, so in pvp most of the time it misses (if people are moving around).

In pve i rarely use it, sometimes to fill a little time b4 my bigger hits or DoT's are on cooldown.


What you really want is to use your dot's (overload saber & cauterize) and zealous strike & merciless slash as much as possible.


A few things you shouldnt be using in high end pve: blade storm, costs almost as much as merciless slash, but damage is so much lower.


Also stay away from force sweep in pve, damage is worthless

Edited by Stealios
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how to melt someone in pvp as a watchman? Oh it's easy.


Find person to kill, especially if they just finished their resolute thus cannot break your cc.


Jump him, however run up to him force charge, no matter, lets say in theory this... you want 30 stacks of centering already up (not hard as watchman).


pop all your **** adrenals, Inspiration, power relic and then...Leap + Overload Saber, Zeal Strike (1 stack of dot), Slash (2 stacks of Dot), Cauterize (3 stacks)... Val Call, Zen, Force Stasis watch him burn... your Overload Sab depending on gear will be ticking for 1500-1700, Cauterize 600-700 and 900 on choke every tick.


When it is up and he can fight back you will have Dispatch (somewhere around 3k) and if they get a heal or take a stim you ought to have Merc Slash back up which is a 3.5 crit easy, boom dead... of course that is all if you're rocking T3 pvp gear, at least that's what I am getting now and I don't have my 565 power adrenal and I am not the hardest hitting Sentinel on my server.


Unless your target can heal himself or is getting heals it's toast, too much dmg especially if he's already been fighting.


But that's a rare event.


You want 3 stacks of overload Saber before you hit Zen, that's really key. NEver forget to Crippling Throw, or leg slash... although with 1.2 leg slash won't be as sorely needed if you spec the snare on cauterize (i know I will be).

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Start fight with:


1. Overload Saber.

2. Cauterize before your first Merc Slash.


For the rest of the fight, you should:


1. Overload Saber.

2. Zen.

3. Merc Slash.

4. Dispatch.

5. Zealous Strike when Focus <= 6.

6. Cauterize.

7. Master Strike when Focus >= 9.

8. Slash when Focus >= 9.

9. Strike.





- Use Valorous Call with other cooldowns like your adrenals and relics when it's good for the fight (burst phase).

- Slash will not be used after Dispatch range, generally.

- Slash is used minimally when Merc Slash gets 3 stacks.

Edited by EasymodeX
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I really like Kruelhandjorbs post. I find it the most like what I do in PVP, which can be summed up as ripping faces off.


The only thing I'd like to add is that as a sentinel and maybe as any class it requires a great deal of organization at lvl 50 because there are no macros and we have a lot of great skills to use.


This usually includes binding shift and alt and or reorganizing skills to allow for faster clicking if they are unbound.


I want to stress that if your organization gets in the way of your combat slowing you down and making you spam wrong buttons then you won't play a good sent.

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Simply put its not a rotation, but a priority system.


Keep your dots/OL LS on / up as your main priority and make sure not to overwrite when you refresh caut, try and get it just as it falls of to maximize.


That's pretty much the most important thing, aside from that its pretty obvious. You have ability's that reset caut to pay attention to that and keep its up time as close to 100% as you possibly can. Constantly be taping your builder, and use your other main abilitys as they come up, always taking into consideration your dot/procs.


No need to type out a list 1-10 or whatever since its priority and will always change depending on RNG. I assume you know what abilitys you should be using to DPS.


Sent/Mara is very fast paced - just be paying attention and crush the DPS =)

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