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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fresh 50 Vanguard?


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I'm nearing 50 here, and I'm wondering if anyone knows if any good guides for aspiring PVP vanguards? I'm running tactics ATM, just to get a handle for it when 1.2 hits (to see the buffs and have knowledge of tactics), but I think I'm going to switch to an iron fist spec because tanking is more my thing anyways. If I were to go tanking, would it be a good choice just starting out as a 50 or should I go DPS til I get gear, then go tanking? And if I do go tanking first, what gear should I get? Should I also invest in champion bags? (im 1000 merc/1000 wz capped) or should I invest in champion commendations?
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fresh 50 should tank. guard healer, peel ppl, taunt, snare the runners. around 50% pvper is warhero now. you won't last long as dps.


my advice to you wait for 1.2 to pvp at 50. just go pve or create alt until 1.2


because u lose all centurion and champion gear come 1.2


better just buy recruit set when the time comes. valor is no longer requirement to get BM & Warhero set.

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because u lose all centurion and champion gear come 1.2


Incorrect. You will absolutely not lose your Champion/Centurion gear. I don't know how this rumor got started, but I'm willing to bet it started with someone who didn't know how to read English, and then it spread like wild fire while people freaked out. Here is the post from a dev completely contradicting what the above quote stated:




That being said, I have been running a full 8/31/2 Tactics build with HEC and doing just fine. It was rough at first, but once I got my Cent set with a few Champion pieces, I started to tear up WZ's. Play how you like, if you like tanking, go for it :) but Tactics is more than competitive, and with the small incoming buffs, we'll be awesome :)

Edited by bthewang
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