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Rage or Annihilation?


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I find 1v2 situations to be great in Annihilation if you have 1 or 2 cooldowns available. You can set up your bleeds on the first with cloak of pain up, and kill him. If the second guy gets you down to very low hp camo yourself, build up fury with s. slash/smash and pop undying rage when he sees you, apply your bleeds and pop berserk to get at least half his health down while in the process being invulnerable and healing up to 30-40%. Rage spec (IMO) is not currently viable as a marauder pre 1.2 and while in 1.2 it will be better than it is currently, it is being nerfed from a jugg perspective and there are gaping holes that marauder's cant fill compared to juggernaut's such as the vindicator set bonus for 10% damage bonus 5 secs after smash.


Overall anni is currently better for numbers but carnage should be interesting in putting up high numbers in 1.2

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I just posted this in another thread:


I have put hours into my sentinel. Swapping mods/adrenals/relics etc. Theory crafted and whatnot.


My heart was deadset on Watchman/Annhilation. I put hours into it, I was a healers nightmare. 6s kicks, 0m force leaps.. etc. My Merciless Slash/Annihilate would crit easily for 4k (rarely hit 5k unless I had my consumables ready to go. I was living the dream.


So up until a week ago I switched to Focus/Rage. With all my battlemaster gear, Surge to 75%. and my Power relics/Power Adrenals. I was bursting full Battlemaster's for over 5K.


I can produce so much dmg against a healer, that enemies pull off to kill me. All while eating my crits.


I could easily get 300k dmg playing the objective and focusing on the healer. I will tell you right now that my sole objective, is to make a healer's life a living nightmare.


Rage is just too good and trumps Annhilation IMO. And I played for months as Annilation. I'm always at the top of the Republic boards, and I'm always.. as best I can.. playing the objective in any gametype.


Smart Rage vs Smart Anni.. I'd say Rage will win.


As said above.. take it for what you will. It's the player behind the M/K that will make their spec shine better than others. There is no "I win spec". It's all about you and you avatar.

Edited by Stalzy
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I just posted this in another thread:


I have put hours into my sentinel. Swapping mods/adrenals/relics etc. Theory crafted and whatnot.


My heart was deadset on Watchman/Annhilation. I put hours into it, I was a healers nightmare. 6s kicks, 0m force leaps.. etc. My Merciless Slash/Annihilate would crit easily for 4k (rarely hit 5k unless I had my consumables ready to go. I was living the dream.


So up until a week ago I switched to Focus/Rage. With all my battlemaster gear, Surge to 75%. and my Power relics/Power Adrenals. I was bursting full Battlemaster's for over 5K.


I can produce so much dmg against a healer, that enemies pull off to kill me. All while eating my crits.


I could easily get 300k dmg playing the objective and focusing on the healer. I will tell you right now that my sole objective, is to make a healer's life a living nightmare.


Rage is just too good and trumps Annhilation IMO. And I played for months as Annilation. I'm always at the top of the Republic boards, and I'm always.. as best I can.. playing the objective in any gametype.


Smart Rage vs Smart Anni.. I'd say Rage will win.


As said above.. take it for what you will. It's the player behind the M/K that will make their spec shine better than others. There is no "I win spec". It's all about you and you avatar.


Yeah I have found from a pure damage standpoint that I can pull more with rage (500-700k) but it seems against another competent mara in a 1v1 anni is the only way to go atm, for pvp in general it's a complete toss up between your playstyle. IMO rage is like sleepwalking, so easy and puts up massive burst.

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I think that I will start with a Rage spec and then maybe go over to the Annihilation or Carnage later on (If Carnage is good after 1.2).


Because I am quite new to PvP and I only have my Marauder at level 10, you see.

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The Rage tree is a lot easier to learn and you'll have less of a hassle playing it.


Annihilation takes a bit of time to micro manage your CD's and you have to be on top of your game to press em. Also an elusive play style with healer harassment is the best way to play Watchman/Annihilation IMO

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I like the control in Carnage, suites me better.


1) Ravage now roots the target -off resolve.

2) Throw -forget which one- roots the target -off resolve

3) Damage is burst based, DoTs add 2x% per ability -so F. Scream with the bleed does an extra 2x% and so on.

4) 15% movement speed buff.

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