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Dat Lightning Spec


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So help me understand the hatred towards the lightning spec. At level 50, with zero pieces of PVP gear, I can pull 300k damage with lightning spec, compared to my madness spec which only pulls 220k. Explain to me why everyone hates it?
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Madness can pull 750k with a good warzone, at least until 1.2. The issue with lightning is its lack of mobility, which is a direct result of its reliance on cast-time abilities. In addition, they have a rather sincere lack of burst, excluding the occasional stars-align Blast->Barrage->CL combo. That's the reason the hybrid builds are generally considered better, they grant superior mobility, superior AoE, and superior burst (also, superior single-target sustained).
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I get focused a lot in WZs these days. I have so little time to stop moving and cast spells that I actually run out of Force at least once nearly every match ie I can't even stop moving long enough to get off enough tics of FL to regen.


Lightning spec would just be asking to get slaughtered on the regular.


I wish I played on your server.

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clearly you fought scrubs, if anyones on you at all your pretty screwed. and your not good at madness, 350k+ is easy with low gear.

Thundering blast is extremely underwhelming i find, find the root on creeping terror more useful in pvp.

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If damage totals at the end of warzones are all you care about, any dps specc'd class can pull 300k at the end. Especially if you ignore objectives and/or have a pocket healer.


Being a ranged class is even easier if people choose to ignore you.


Taken out of context damage totals at the end of warzones mean nothing, and are a big reason hybrid sorcs are getting nerfed because people dont like seeing a good sorcerer do over 500k damage.


That being said Lightning is incredibly immobile, with an under powered 31 point ability and a very weak filler spill.

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Because spamming nothing but FL is better damage than Lightning's pathetic damage?


I wish that wasn't even serious, but you can literally do nothing but stand there spamming FL and do significantly more damage than a Light sorc will, Light Strike is garbage and Thundering Blast is almost as bad.

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1. They need to increase LS dps on par with FL.


2. They need to increase the chance of LS to proc insta CL.


If they did that I'd be more inclined to accept the turret play style.


Can you even imaging yourself standing there casting lightning strike for 800 damage a hit every 1.5 second assuming not interrupted while a marauder is running towards you with 2 glowsticks? btw Force Charge does 10% more damage than a lightning strike... and I am not even joking... yes their "instant cast" gap closer will deal slightly more damage than your "main nuke" as a lightning sorc.


And you realize lightning strike is further nerfed in 1.2 as well right?

Edited by warultima
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Can you even imaging yourself standing there casting lightning strike for 800 damage a hit every 1.5 second assuming not interrupted while a marauder is running towards you with 2 glowsticks? btw Force Charge does 10% more damage than a lightning strike... and I am not even joking... yes their "instant cast" gap closer will deal slightly more damage than your "main nuke" as a lightning sorc.


And you realize lightning strike is further nerfed in 1.2 as well right?


The answers to your questions are in the post you quoted: "... I'd be more inclined...".


Admittedly that's starting from a pretty low baseline inclination... :p


So let me fill you in a little on my recent Lightning spec' adventure:


I recently repsec'd to pure Lightning (not tried it since late beta) and found it highly dependent on thoughtful positioning. Briefly, your concerns regarding classes with gap closers is reasonable - they require your full attention. Usually the Marauder/Sent that charged me was ganked in short-order because they were jumping away from their support. Electric bindings rarely lasted more than 2 seconds due to collateral damage.


I interrupts were not overly problematic as few people in PUG's bother, it seems. Against premades in rated matches this will be more evident I'm sure.


Did I enjoy it? Yes. More than my current hybrid? No... but the playstyle was sufficiently different that I'd definately try in 1.2.

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After hundreds of hours of PvP and lots of pre made game play I have come to the realization that sorcerer is NOT a DPS AC in PvP.


Get DPS out of your head guys, just forget it or go play another class.


All the XXX damage you see is meaningless in 4 v 4 or 8 v 8 when every one is in BM/War Hero gear.


In high skill/competitive matches ALL that matters is a WIN and to get that as a Sorcerer you better have all your UTILITIES on CD before even thinking of DPS, which also include a CD+Stim+Adrenal Dark Heal x2!


IF you reject what I say or want to DPS thats fine ofc BUT you must realize that against any good player in best gear you must run/LoS/Heal.


Yes this is Sorcerer, guerrilla warfare type of tactic to win -so you waste much time doing so called DPS when your team would benefits SO MUCH more from you using utilities first then top-up DPS on focus target.

Edited by Cempa
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I need to adapt and move away from CL+Wrath hybrid and yah will have to get healing its just how it is.


Dark Heal is just too weak unless I use CD+Stim+Adrenal and thats only 2 casts!


I'm just not happy with the AC design PvP wise, no chance to put pressure on Medium or Heavy armor that outweighs healing and CC!


Energy damage needs to hit a 700 Expertise Heavy/Medium just as hard as it hits Light Armor targets.

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