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Commando in PvP


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I do not get on the bords often, but after hitting 50 with my Sith I rolled a Trooper. Am I having bad luck, or are the troopers rather lacking? I got the Grav round I kept hearing about but am unimpressed. Everything I try to do is on a timer, and all the while I am getting beat on.


Seems like a poor combo, having to stand still AND most abilites being on a timer... Is there a skill or something that makes the Trooper have a instant cast shot? Like the Sith Scoreser has? I have been looking but I am not seeint the coolness factor in the Comando trooper,,,

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yes, but it's a lv50 skill on a relatively large cooldown


if you want more mobility, go assault, but vanguard's better for that.



if you want to stick with gunnery, you need to use the environment a lot and work with your team. they really shine when people who could be interrupting them are being distracted by someone else.

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I switched from a defense guardian to a gunnery commando.. Quite possibly polar opposites as far as playstyle is concerned. It took me a while to adjust, but you gotta be good at getting range, keeping range, and finding places where you are both difficult to locate and LOS. It took me some time..
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