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Can we use Tumult in PVP?


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Tumult can't be used in pvp. Low slash an ability you get futher up the infiltration tree is an incapacitate. I believe you can use it on a stunned target to. I can't remember off the top of my head, as I never use this ability.


The ability is nice but extremly situational. I took it off my bars because of this. I have more abilities than bars so something had to go and since you can only use this ability in pve on incapacitated targets it had to go. It's more of a leveling ability I suppose.

Edited by HeliosApollo
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It does not work in PvP. It only works on weak/standard/strong enemies. This means it also won't work against elites, champions, bosses, or players.


It works on any (weak/standard/strong) enemy that is stunned (meaning that they can't move or use skills) or incapacitated (like stunned, but the effect breaks on damage). So Low Slash, Force Lift, and Force Stun, and Spinning Kick will all allow you to use Tumult, if I understand it correctly. I'm not entirely sure; I never even purchased the skill, because I have more skills than space. It's especially bad for me since I'm Cybertech and I love my grenades.

Edited by Philosomanic
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Confirmed it doesn't work in pvp, sad though.


Yeah, I would love it if a Agent had their version available so they could very easily stun-lock me to death instead of just 80% of my health..

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