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That same old sniper rant


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90% of our abilities go through every form of mitigation known to mankind.


It's the main thing limiting snipers. I'm fine with it being mitigated by armor, but going through Dodge and Deflect just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I understand I can increase accuracy to alleviate the issue, but having to lower my damage output just so I can get onto the same level as other other classes is incredibly aggravating.


If nothing else, Ambush needs to be made into Tech damage so that it is no longer deflected/dodged. I think that it would be a reasonable change and isn't asking for too much as Ambush isn't spammable and it has a long cast time.

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AS far as Im concerned, tanks are entitled to their shields and defence because it only really protects them from a few classes.


they are tanks for a reason... if they wanna tank in pvp... i dont see why they shouldn't be able do.


You can easily top damage charts even with white #s if you want to.

Edited by Lithy
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The only thing that annoys me is a Sorceror deflecting my ambush on the rare occasion.


AS far as Im concerned, tanks are entitled to their shields and defence because it only really protects them from a few classes.



I don't mind shielding, thats only a chance at a certain % absorb; It's the assassin class that really brings this to light (partially because there are so many of them).


Assassins get a base 10% deflection and an additional 4% as a 2point Tier 1 talent.



And also, it makes poor sense that Defense should work incredibly well against one or two classes to make up for the fact that it does nothing against other classes.

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Jesus Christ, I'm balls deep in accuracy. I've got so much accuracy I don't know what to do with it, AND I stack crit and surge. It must be a gear problem, because I was over the accuracy softcap (8%) really early.



Edited by VampireGranny
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That is exactly the issue.


Tank gear is useless in PvE because it only counters Snipers and virtually no other class.

Snipers are useless because every tank can at least SOMEWHAT counter said Snipers, regardless of gear.


Having a percent chance to REDUCE damage in PvP is fine. Having a percent chance to IGNORE damage from a potentially huge cooldown nuke is not okay. That's giving RNG too much power. I hate RNG. Anyone who knows computers knows that true RNG does not exist. In fact, many physicists and mathematicians believe the same.


RNG is a poor show of skill. You cannot really have ranked if you have major forms of RNG built into the system. Sure, the occasional fault may happen. You might have the sun in your eyes as a tennis player just as much as you might have a disconnect or power outage while playing a ranked warzone, but at least those factors cannot be solved by the creators of the game. RNG on the other hand, puts random chance into a game that is attempting to be competitive (with the implementation of ranked). That's bad.


So there's my rant on both snipers being too RNG based as well as RNG being a pile of dung... All in one thread!

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50 sniper (marksman, primarily) in fully remodded Battlemaster, for the most part (few champ pieces where theyre currently better than the BM sitting in my bank since i need tog et more pieces - no poiint now)


I feel completely useless in Warzones. Assassins and Marauders (and their mirrors ofc) eat me for lunch. If a Sentinel who isnt in garbage gear gets on me, i might as well just afk for the 3 globals it takes him to kill me.


I cant put out the damage the other pure can, i bring almost no utility to the table, and against anything but squishies i deal junk damage - and even then, since one of the two squishy classes is sorc/sage - they have a higher base deflect anyway (who decided they needed that?!) The number of times ive seen my Ambush/Takedown get deflected when it would have killed someone is absurd.


Im not even sure 1.2 can save the game for me, since all the data coming out of the PTR is that we're the worst dps class in the entire game - by a very not-small margin - in both PvE and PvP.

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50 sniper (marksman, primarily) in fully remodded Battlemaster, for the most part (few champ pieces where theyre currently better than the BM sitting in my bank since i need tog et more pieces - no poiint now)


I feel completely useless in Warzones. Assassins and Marauders (and their mirrors ofc) eat me for lunch. If a Sentinel who isnt in garbage gear gets on me, i might as well just afk for the 3 globals it takes him to kill me.


I cant put out the damage the other pure can, i bring almost no utility to the table, and against anything but squishies i deal junk damage - and even then, since one of the two squishy classes is sorc/sage - they have a higher base deflect anyway (who decided they needed that?!) The number of times ive seen my Ambush/Takedown get deflected when it would have killed someone is absurd.


Im not even sure 1.2 can save the game for me, since all the data coming out of the PTR is that we're the worst dps class in the entire game - by a very not-small margin - in both PvE and PvP.


Well deception/madness assasins are not so scary. Only 1 spec is undoable.


Marauders kills fast, but sniper kills them fast too. Then it really goes to will sniper survive undying cheat/camo or not.

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Well deception/madness assasins are not so scary. Only 1 spec is undoable.


Marauders kills fast, but sniper kills them fast too. Then it really goes to will sniper survive undying cheat/camo or not.


Its almost always the retarded invulnerability bubble that gets me. Why they needed that, i have no idea.

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Its almost always the retarded invulnerability bubble that gets me. Why they needed that, i have no idea.


Marauders and Sentinels are VERY manageable. Just keep your head and counter everything they throw at you


Some tips that maybe useful to you


  • Legshot, legshot, legshot. If they use saber ward or Invul, leg shot them and hold fire….let them cool off for 5 seconds. (same applies for flashbang..if used when they cant break let them sit it out, then leg shot them at the end if you need more time 10 seconds of downtime). While waiting you can put an explosive probe on them.


  • If you knock them back and they go into stealth to avoid your ambush, chances are they are using it to close on you, Call orbital on your position (they will be forced to retreat or commit to dying)


  • 2 pieces of operative PVP gear for 4 seconds of evasion is priceless


  • Diversion, will nullify a great many of their attacks.

  • pre-emptively entrench if you see they are going to commit. Ballistic shield if required


Snipers have the best tool set to send marauders/sentinels to the grave.

Edited by Kalliadies
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