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healing by a lvl 30 Sentinel?


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My alt is a lvl 30 sentinel spec'd almost entirely focus. As far as I can tell, my only abilities to heal are Introspection and health packs.


Am I missing something? When Kira says "I don't think I'm going to make it," I'd like to be able to do more than saying "sorry, babe, you're SOL". And, of course, healing would be useful in hutball and the other WZs.

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The Watchman tree has self healing life tap abilities that can heal yourself and occasionally heal your entire group, but really it isn't for that much. Each burst of healing is about 10% of your health if you rotation right. You need to manage your defensive cooldowns. Watchman is overall the most rounded spec, Focus offers great burst for clearing trash, especially in another couple of levels.


You're getting close to acquiring your healing companion. Keep stocked up on your heal stims and don't pull too many too soon, you should be fine.

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