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Powertech Dps PVE?


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both AP and pyro are good PvE DPSers, however people think pyro is father ahead then it really is because its dippybid easy to play and RNG can allow you to burst really well, but at teh same time RNG can make you spam hammer shot for a while
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I have this same question as I want a character alt that has the option to tank, but I've never loved tanking in games so much it's all I do...


How's advanced prototype? That line interests me much more than pyro... as I want a melee DPS that isn't a lightstick user.

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both AP and pyro are good PvE DPSers, however people think pyro is father ahead then it really is because its dippybid easy to play and RNG can allow you to burst really well, but at teh same time RNG can make you spam hammer shot for a while


Dont listen to that ^_^ garbage. He is the forum spokesman of the subpar AP tree. Right now on the PTS even with 1.2 changes, Pyro is ahead of AP by at least 6%. That is of course with the Pyro nerf AND the AP buff. So it is very obvious to conclude that on live servers the difference is at least 10% and that is without any exaggeration, unlike the above quoted post. But even at only 6% difference, that could often be enough of a difference between killing a HM Boss before enraging, or a wipe.

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How's advanced prototype? That line interests me much more than pyro... as I want a melee DPS that isn't a lightstick user.


If you want a melee dps that isnt a lightsaber user, then I would suggest an Operative. Also be aware of the disadvantage. Some "hardcore" guilds prefer range dps over melee. I dont particularly agree, but the argument is melee dps takes more damage than range because of the proximity to the Boss.

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Even shieldtech dps in PVE is more than sufficient because of the large number of AOEs, the availability of a healer as the first companion, and the high defensive stats...


my shieldtech regularly herded two or three groups in at once to kill in pve which in some ways made him faster than my marauder, but goin one on 3 all the time makes shieldtech feel slower.


plus death from above is an amazing pve aoe ability that we get very early compared to other classes, making any BH spec pveasy

Edited by Prolyfic
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Even shieldtech dps in PVE is more than sufficient because of the large number of AOEs, the availability of a healer as the first companion, and the high defensive stats...


my shieldtech regularly herded two or three groups in at once to kill in pve which in some ways made him faster than my marauder, but goin one on 3 all the time makes shieldtech feel slower.


plus death from above is an amazing pve aoe ability that we get very early compared to other classes, making any BH spec pveasy


you are missing what PVE stands for by the OP. PVE means operations ONLY. no on cares about companions or the leveling process, all the OP is asking for is how viable they are at endgame raiding, namely hardmodes and nightmare modes for enrage timers.


like sorc, it's RNG which means sometimes you will parse super high and other times you will hit like a wet noodle.

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Dont listen to that ^_^ garbage. He is the forum spokesman of the subpar AP tree. Right now on the PTS even with 1.2 changes, Pyro is ahead of AP by at least 6%. That is of course with the Pyro nerf AND the AP buff. So it is very obvious to conclude that on live servers the difference is at least 10% and that is without any exaggeration, unlike the above quoted post. But even at only 6% difference, that could often be enough of a difference between killing a HM Boss before enraging, or a wipe.


This, I have played both AP and Pyro. Pyro is far and away the best dps build. In both PVP and PVE, it outshines AP. I want AP to work, but with no slows and severely subpar damage on Live it's not playable. It's gets closer in 1.2, but Pyro is still ahead in terms of pure dps even with the bonus. However, in 1.2 AP becomes a playable alternative to Pyro. Currently on Live it's not even close.

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Dont listen to that ^_^ garbage. He is the forum spokesman of the subpar AP tree.


So the pyro spokesman is familiar with the AP spokesman?


AP is still competitive, especially for people who tend to overheat a lot. There is no operation or hardmode that is so difficult that an AP won't pull enough DPS to down every single boss if you are geared for that level of content and getting the gear isn't hard.


I haven't seen any parses posted showing Pyro ahead of AP, but someone with a perfect pyro rotation to manage heat and good gear would probably come out on top.


If 6% is that big a deal, then a purely ranged dps is probably your best bet anyway.

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If you want a melee dps that isnt a lightsaber user, then I would suggest an Operative. Also be aware of the disadvantage. Some "hardcore" guilds prefer range dps over melee. I dont particularly agree, but the argument is melee dps takes more damage than range because of the proximity to the Boss.


I main a sniper so it's mostly just for an alternative, thanks for the imput though.

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So the pyro spokesman is familiar with the AP spokesman?


AP is still competitive, especially for people who tend to overheat a lot. There is no operation or hardmode that is so difficult that an AP won't pull enough DPS to down every single boss if you are geared for that level of content and getting the gear isn't hard.


I haven't seen any parses posted showing Pyro ahead of AP, but someone with a perfect pyro rotation to manage heat and good gear would probably come out on top.


If 6% is that big a deal, then a purely ranged dps is probably your best bet anyway.


It's 6% next patch, after the AP buff and the Pyro debuff. It's significantly higher right now. AP is not competitive with pyro right now. It is competitive with say um, maybe a Carnage marauder or maybe whatever the lowest dps is in the game currently.


It's not that it's anyone is worried about heat management, AP is just really really weak especially in heavy movement fights. RB is the weakest dot, You don't have the 30 percent health less damage increase. Yes, AP is fantastic in terms of heat management, but the truth is no semi-decent pyro has problems in pve with heat management as pyro. Rocket Punch, Flame Burst, Rail shot, Incediary Missle, and TD are all manageable as long as you don't spam any of them. If you get consistent RNG procs your Heat never moves, if you don't get the RNG you weave in a Rapid shot and your heat never gets high.


Please don't say it's competitive on live, Bioware might see that and never fix it's damage output. Currently it's so far below pyro in dps, I believe there was a test done where it tested well below 10-15 percent less in a 5 minute fight. Granted it helps that with RNG procs a pyro is probably the highest dps in the game. After the Pyro nerf and the significant upgrade to AP in 1.2, the dps differential is 6 percent using optimal rotations. With the slows, this makes AP viable in 1.2, but not in it's current condition.

Edited by TheOpf
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Please don't say it's competitive on live


Yeah, not worth it on live. Go pyro for DPS if you want to contribute operations. AP can still do hard modes without problems but pyro is better. Wasn't thinking about live. I thought he said he was leveling a PT now and I figured 1.2 would likely be out when he hit 50.



Honestly, even with PTS changes, they need to really bump up the damage of retractable blade to make it worth using. Or at least bump up the bonus from serrated blades to 10/20/30%... maybe 15/30/45. Easy way to even out damage between AP and Pyro. Currently the proc from CGC is better than Retractable blade... and it's a proc.

Edited by Noollig
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Yeah, not worth it on live. Go pyro for DPS if you want to contribute operations. AP can still do hard modes without problems but pyro is better. Wasn't thinking about live. I thought he said he was leveling a PT now and I figured 1.2 would likely be out when he hit 50.



Honestly, even with PTS changes, they need to really bump up the damage of retractable blade to make it worth using. Or at least bump up the bonus from serrated blades to 10/20/30%... maybe 15/30/45. Easy way to even out damage between AP and Pyro. Currently the proc from CGC is better than Retractable blade... and it's a proc.


Are you adding the 5 percent increase gained by HEC?

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So the pyro spokesman is familiar with the AP spokesman?


AP is still competitive, especially for people who tend to overheat a lot. There is no operation or hardmode that is so difficult that an AP won't pull enough DPS to down every single boss if you are geared for that level of content and getting the gear isn't hard.


I haven't seen any parses posted showing Pyro ahead of AP, but someone with a perfect pyro rotation to manage heat and good gear would probably come out on top.


If 6% is that big a deal, then a purely ranged dps is probably your best bet anyway.


No Noolig, I am not the Pyro spokesman. Because like many players who first rolled PTs in beta and/or from launch, really was looking forward to the AP tree. AP is the tree that pretty much EVERY PT would have played had it been designed better. I dont think there is anyone that wouldnt want AP to be more viable.


The question is not whether you can be viable in a raid as AP. It's WHY would you run AP in the first place if your main concern is bringing your best to a raid? How many times do people wipe on a Boss with 3%? or better yet 0%-1% left on health? Yea your raid group shouldnt be ecstatic with you if they knew had you played a pyro instead, the boss would have been dead.


And why would you say range would be better? The only advantage range has, and it is still situational is taking proximity damage. Otherwise, there are many times where melee instant dps puts alot more pressure than a range dps with 1-3sec activation abilities.

Edited by Agooz
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@Agooz, I'm just kidding with you. You gotta admit that you are pretty quick to point out how pyro is better than AP in nearly every thread, but now I can see it's more out of disappointment in the AP tree than pyro fanboy-ness.


Hopefully bioware can take a look at how AP is being sidelined by the majority of the population for nearly all circumstances and give AP a small damage boost to make it worth running.


My guild has only run into the problem of an enrage timer once, and that was simply due to inadequate gear on half the players. Wipes on bosses tend to be caused by player mistakes rather than lack of DPS, for us anyway.


Yeah, ranged tend to make life easier on the healers and a dead DPS does no damage. Although the Marauders and Sentinels are actually parsing at the top right now from what I've seen. Combat logs and parsers are still buggy and might not be right though. Pyros are up there too, and they actually are half ranged anyway so it's not that bad. I'll withdraw the ranged statement.


Anyway, I hope they increase retractable blade damage.

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So the pyro spokesman is familiar with the AP spokesman?


AP is still competitive, especially for people who tend to overheat a lot. There is no operation or hardmode that is so difficult that an AP won't pull enough DPS to down every single boss if you are geared for that level of content and getting the gear isn't hard.


I haven't seen any parses posted showing Pyro ahead of AP, but someone with a perfect pyro rotation to manage heat and good gear would probably come out on top.


If 6% is that big a deal, then a purely ranged dps is probably your best bet anyway.


no-one has seen the mythcal parses. He also failed to tell everyone that when they were compared it was using incorrect gear for AP, and it was by someone who wants Pyro to seem better then AP.



Anyone can make something "seem" better then another by playing it wrong or gearing it wrong. The AP haters hate because its a fun tree but they lack the ability to play it correctly.

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It's 6% next patch, after the AP buff and the Pyro debuff. It's significantly higher right now. AP is not competitive with pyro right now. It is competitive with say um, maybe a Carnage marauder or maybe whatever the lowest dps is in the game currently.


It's not that it's anyone is worried about heat management, AP is just really really weak especially in heavy movement fights. RB is the weakest dot, You don't have the 30 percent health less damage increase. Yes, AP is fantastic in terms of heat management, but the truth is no semi-decent pyro has problems in pve with heat management as pyro. Rocket Punch, Flame Burst, Rail shot, Incediary Missle, and TD are all manageable as long as you don't spam any of them. If you get consistent RNG procs your Heat never moves, if you don't get the RNG you weave in a Rapid shot and your heat never gets high.


Please don't say it's competitive on live, Bioware might see that and never fix it's damage output. Currently it's so far below pyro in dps, I believe there was a test done where it tested well below 10-15 percent less in a 5 minute fight. Granted it helps that with RNG procs a pyro is probably the highest dps in the game. After the Pyro nerf and the significant upgrade to AP in 1.2, the dps differential is 6 percent using optimal rotations. With the slows, this makes AP viable in 1.2, but not in it's current condition.

funny how you claim these things that are 100% false. AP has no issue on any movement fight, nearly everyone who "claims" to of tested anything also said they were using the incorrect gearing as you having to gear pyro greatly different then AP.



Seeing how you are claming these things with no proof, do tell us how AP is so low when you get an extra 250 stat points of DPS stats not needed to be wasted on accuracy, or how AP is weak on movement fights when no other melee has any issue. AP is better damage then OPs over a longer fight. But hey you are just a person who instead of learning on your own you just vomit it what someone else has claimed using the WZ damage meter which is useless in every regard.


Got to love how people on "official" forums can be completely wrong and act like they know what they are talking about when they never even tested something themselvs.

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funny how you claim these things that are 100% false. AP has no issue on any movement fight, nearly everyone who "claims" to of tested anything also said they were using the incorrect gearing as you having to gear pyro greatly different then AP.



Seeing how you are claming these things with no proof, do tell us how AP is so low when you get an extra 250 stat points of DPS stats not needed to be wasted on accuracy, or how AP is weak on movement fights when no other melee has any issue. AP is better damage then OPs over a longer fight. But hey you are just a person who instead of learning on your own you just vomit it what someone else has claimed using the WZ damage meter which is useless in every regard.


Got to love how people on "official" forums can be completely wrong and act like they know what they are talking about when they never even tested something themselvs.


Haha, you are so funny! I didn't once attack you. You jump on everyone's case when it has been tested and proven countless times. Not once have you turned in any sort of counter test to prove that AP is in the least pit competitive. All you do is argue and attack with those who disagree with you. Have you ever fought anything with Pyro? Have you seen Burnout? Is there a reason you are so hostile to people?


In no way did I attack or argue against AP. Both the poster who I replied to and I agree on the points. I simply corrected his verbage. The 6 percent difference is a combat logged parsed record that showed a dps difference of 6 percent IN 1.2 that means with the slight buff to AP and nerf to Pyro's triple proc AP moved to within 6 percent. This means that live it's definitly a greater difference than 6 percent.


In pvp, it's even worse. You gain absolutely nothing that Pyro doesn't have better. Why do you think they are giving slows to the AP Tree because a 10 sec CD on Grapple is horrible in terms of total value. Gaining 30 percent speed is nothing when you are slowed. Look AP has no utility that any of the hybrids can't provide with greater survivability, and Pyro provides significantly more burst (which is why they are being nerfed).


Instead of being such an angry twilek woman, why not write something constructive. Show us proof that you can out damage and out dps a Pyro. Give us a rundown on your spec and your rotation so we can see how you did it. Than quit attacking those who disagree with you. I swear, I wanted to play AP. I like the look and feel of AP, but once you try pyro and things go down much faster, you realize the lackluster feel of AP. There is no bonus to AP, that is necessary with Pyro's damage output.

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Haha, you are so funny! I didn't once attack you. You jump on everyone's case when it has been tested and proven countless times. Not once have you turned in any sort of counter test to prove that AP is in the least pit competitive. All you do is argue and attack with those who disagree with you. Have you ever fought anything with Pyro? Have you seen Burnout? Is there a reason you are so hostile to people?


In no way did I attack or argue against AP. Both the poster who I replied to and I agree on the points. I simply corrected his verbage. The 6 percent difference is a combat logged parsed record that showed a dps difference of 6 percent IN 1.2 that means with the slight buff to AP and nerf to Pyro's triple proc AP moved to within 6 percent. This means that live it's definitly a greater difference than 6 percent.


In pvp, it's even worse. You gain absolutely nothing that Pyro doesn't have better. Why do you think they are giving slows to the AP Tree because a 10 sec CD on Grapple is horrible in terms of total value. Gaining 30 percent speed is nothing when you are slowed. Look AP has no utility that any of the hybrids can't provide with greater survivability, and Pyro provides significantly more burst (which is why they are being nerfed).


Instead of being such an angry twilek woman, why not write something constructive. Show us proof that you can out damage and out dps a Pyro. Give us a rundown on your spec and your rotation so we can see how you did it. Than quit attacking those who disagree with you. I swear, I wanted to play AP. I like the look and feel of AP, but once you try pyro and things go down much faster, you realize the lackluster feel of AP. There is no bonus to AP, that is necessary with Pyro's damage output.

again where are these parses, and again what is the gear of the people parsing, all i have herd is people using BM gear to parse which is much better suited to Pyro then AP seeing how it has about 300 points of accuracy useless to AP thus making it perform less then it should.

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again where are these parses, and again what is the gear of the people parsing, all i have herd is people using BM gear to parse which is much better suited to Pyro then AP seeing how it has about 300 points of accuracy useless to AP thus making it perform less then it should.


You answered none of my questions, and proved nothing so I ask you, where are your parses, build, and rotation? You provide no proof to anything except the claim that you can harrass people to a greater degree.

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You answered none of my questions, and proved nothing so I ask you, where are your parses, build, and rotation? You provide no proof to anything except the claim that you can harrass people to a greater degree.


lol you are the one claiming to have these parses that show pyro as so much better

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OP go with the spec you want/feel is better for dps (right now that is Pyro but it might be changing in 1.2) To everyone bashing on each other Arsenal Merc's Blow PTs out of the water when it comes to BH dps


Interrupt tracer missile, and you can wipe out every single one of them :p. MMMMM, me love me some Arsenal Mercs. Chomp! Chomp!

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