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Highest Pop-PVE Server question


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Hey everyone, lately on my server planets and fleets have been quite dead. I was switching back and forth between Empire and Republic, Empire having more people, but still not a good mixture of levels. Empire was really all 50s while Republic fleet had like 20 - 30 people in it. I haven't been able to do more than half of the FPs due to lack of players and lack of players at lower levels, and couldn't do a lot of higher level heroics. (Ex. Hoth had about 4 - 7 people on the planet while I was on there).


So I have been looking for which server is highly populated, west coast, PvE server, with lots of people on fleet with various levels and on the planets themselves. I figure there has to be a server that has a ton of people on it ALL the time. Right now I play on Hyperspace Cannon, and the two servers that I've seen with the highest population that fits what I'm looking for are The Harbringer and Zakkeg Beast. Anyone on either of those servers give me an average pop count in fleet and on whatever planet they happen to be playing on?


Most appreciated and thank you.

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I'm on The Harbinger. In peak hours (around 7-10 PST is the highest), the population on the fleet can get around 200, and I've seen it get up to 120 or so on Dromund Kaas. The balance between factions is pretty good, too, with about equal numbers on the Republic side of things.


That said, the higher in levels you go, the less people there are in any given area. My main is on Voss currently, and there's only 20-30 characters there at 9 PM-ish.


The GTN is good, you can find what you're looking for most of the time, although more diversity never hurts. I've never had to give up on looking for a group for a Heroic mission, although sometimes it takes 10-20 minutes.

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