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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Strats - How to unlock stalemates?


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Hey guys! I like to PvP a lot, though I often end up solo queueing (which isn't bad since there are a lot of talented republic players on my server). However, sometimes our team simply isn't AS good as the other team. This could mean we are less geared, or they know how to play their classes better, or even possibly they have a better class makeup (eg us trying to attack doors with 4 healers in voidstar). My question to YOU, is what do you do when all else fails?


1. Scenario 1: Voidstar. You can't burn through them long enough to cap, and they aren't being "stupid" allowing you to cap while they're there. What do you do? Mass outside spawn and half zerg? Make them think you switch then don't? What do YOU do under this situation? I"m looking for ideas, since too often people "give up".


2. Scenario 2: Alderaan. Very similar situation. Can't burn through them quick enough to cap. What do you do for (a) mid or (b) right/left? Will this change when 1.2 comes and they remove the side speeders?


This is a strategy discussion thread. Not everything is gear and experience, but simply thinking quick and outsmarting your opponents. What works for you?



3. Scenario 3: Huttball. A good team can see you passing and leap to the player. This almost ALWAYS initiates an interception. On those close huttball matches with talented players... do you even pass?

Edited by MelliMelon
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1. Scenario 1: Voidstar. You can't burn through them long enough to cap, and they aren't being "stupid" allowing you to cap while they're there. What do you do? Mass outside spawn and half zerg? Make them think you switch then don't? What do YOU do under this situation? I"m looking for ideas, since too often people "give up".


Unfortunately it seems there's really no good answer for this one, and this is why organized groups are worried about it in rated matches...games between good groups just end up 0-0 except in cases of extremely bad respawn RNG.


Alderaan is pretty similar, the distances to run between nodes are so short and the respawns - even with the delay on the speeders now - is so short that it's very, very difficult to take a node from an organized group once they hold it.

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Small server, so I know a fail team when I see one.


If I am in Fail Team, I just pick my favourite Pub targets and molest them the rest of the match.


...haha, funny. But what if you are in a good team, against a good team, like the above poster said?

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On Alderaan it's easier as you can smash one point and then have 2-3 break off when they leave another point weak (because you're attacking with 6-7) and grab the other point. Works all the time.



On Void Star I find that if you can't kill them you're probably just out-classed or have a bad match-up. What works best is zerging one point, have one person break off to the other point to distract and have a stealther come behind to cap, make sure to save your CC for when the cap starts.

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In Voidstar, I've had lots of matches where no one got through the first door on either side. I plant my back against the door and hold it as long as possible. This also allows me to see when the opposing side starts running to the other door.


On offense, I like to run towards one door, duck under the bridge like I'm switching sides, then switch again once I see them taking the bait. But good team vs good team there's not much you can do to turn the tide in Voidstar.


Alderan I usually stick to mid. It's too important to leave it once we cap it. If we don't have it, I try to raid the side and draw away/keep around as many enemies as possible. But again, good team vs good team, the match is already determined in the first two minutes.

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