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Can PTs/VGs get an answer on Ion Cell/Cylinder Damage?


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I am looking to see if there is an answer to what is wrong with Ion Cell and Ion Cylinder Damage (Tanking "stance") for Powertechs and Vanguards.


Currently it does significantly lower damage then what the tooltip states. (Tooltip modified by Aim/Power etc).


Video link:


If you don't feel like watching, the comparison I did based upon Energy Damage that it does with a Relic that does Energy Damage. Since a lot of people throw out the "Well energy is mitigated by Armor" whenever this is brought up)


Energy Surge Device (Relic): (224 - Energy Damage Tooltip Before Mitigation)

- 168 Damage a Hit, 294 Damage a Crit

Ion Gas Cylinder (609 - Energy Damage Tooltip Before Mitigation)

- 152 Damage a Hit, 267 Damage a Crit


This holds true for the Vanguard Counterpart.


There have been a good portion of posts in BOTH Forums without *any* answer and we've been dealing with this since release.


I have not seen any Patch notes to thread regarding a change with 1.2 (If there is please point me to it). So,


A) Is the Tooltip wrong and it's supposed to be pathetic damage (Which goes against the % Increase talents entirely. 10% of 170 is hardly worth spending multiple points to achieve)


B) Is it not doing proper damage or taking a "base" damage (not modified by Aim/Power) in to account.

Edited by exphryl
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