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DAOC's glorious time and decline explained


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Well, for one thing the beginning of the decline of DAoC did not begin with TOA, it began with SI, more specifically Spellcrafting.


But why compare a great pvp game like DAoC to SWTOR which is essentially another pvp failure from the WoW cookie cutter school of crap. If DAoC's pvp could be likened to a great symphony, SWTOR's pvp by comparison would be a 4 year old bashing a xylophone with his bottle.

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I know everyone is arguing about other stuff but I just wanted to chime in and say the problem with new frontiers wasn't that pvers were too busy grinding TOA stuff.. the problem was there were no chokepoints any more.


By taking away the milegates and making multiple entrances to keeps it exhasberated the population imbalances.


In DAOC, pre-new frontiers, population imbalance was kept in check via no-los group healing, AE damage, and chokepoints. If a larger side wanted to take the enemy relics for the 20% bonus they gave they would first have to get through the mile gate. If they got through that AE damage they had to get through the AE damage at a keep's gate..if the got through that they'd have to get through the AE damage in the Lord's room. This dance had to be repeated 7 times for all the keeps and then again at the relic keep.


All in all an attacker had to break through 24 chokepoints in vanilla DAOC. In new frontiers there was one quite wide chokepoint at the relic gates... the smaller sides got steamrolled and the game died.

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I found OP quite interesting. Thanks for the read. With that said when I played DAOC (I went from EQ to Daoc to WoW, and then abandoned mmo's altogether for 5+ years after about 1-2 months of WoW) I don't really recall all of this intricate stuff you're talking about.


I mean, when I say I love DAOC PvP (and I still do), I don't mean anything to do with what OP is talking about. I just loved the actual base mechanics of it. The castle sieges with catapults and balistas, and storming keeps with a group to fight against both Npc guards and players who are defending (which incidentally has been replicated somewhat in Lotro monsterplay, but to a lesser extent). There was also the fact that DAOC classes were quite unusual in lot of respects, many of them really went out of the usual cookie cutter types you see in like WoW and Swtor, which made the entire experience a lot more interesting.


I'm not disagreeing with anything OP said, just saying I think the mechanics behind the PvP itself was as important as the dynamics he mentioned about attracting PvE players to get into it as well. That's no doubt important, but PvP was also just a lot of fun in that game as well. I enjoyed the PvP in it more than I have in any mmo since then. Not to say DAOC didn't have flaws, it was hardly perfect, it just did a lot of things really well.

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Don't get me started on DAoC, my first love :)


It had ALOT of things going for it:


- 3 factions with unique classes.


- Realm pride. This faded at some point but you could not have multiple faction chars on one server, start one realm and that's where you belonged, and you did belong.


- Keep and later tower sieges with all sorts of gear and gadgets.


- Dragons: 1 unique dragon for each faction "hidden" deep inside lairs of hard PvE mobs. It took months before people came even close to killing them. People planned raids with 200 people weeks in advance and would wipe continously and end up giving up - good times :)


- Darkness Falls as explained already.



All in all these features required you to work together as a whole realm to succeed in this game. In todays MMOs most ppl don't give a rats arse about the next man.



Enough with the nostalgia.

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