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Lightspring/Corso Harpoon changes?


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I'm not quite sure if they ever changed the fight on Tatooine where you practically have to use Corso's Harpoon Yoink to defeat it. (I think its called Lightwell, or Lightspring).


Now that they are making Corso Leap to the target and not pull it to him, if this quest hasn't been changed how on earth is it going to be doable? If Corso leaps in, hes going to go down almost as quick as Bowdaar with that Sith ladies AoE.


Just something that popped into my head. /discuss.

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They made the fight easier since then. Still a pain in the butt, but easier. Plus it doesn't fail if you die, so if you can manage to kill one of them before you die, you can revive and go at the other fresh.
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Like the poster above said, it's been made much easier. That being said, for anyone underleveled and doing it for the first time, it may require you to actually use your interrupts/stuns/mezzes smartly.
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I don't have another smuggler, yet they say it was HUGELY nerfed. Also, as said above, it does not reset now.


All class lines and bosses should be ok, as those usually were all single-target things. what really comes on my mind as a trouble - first elite boss fight for the ship at Coruscant's spaceport. There you initially COULD drag adds without disturbing evil guy (and that's what made my win back then). And then - deal with him (probably, with several tries). He also uses aoe, and you're still around 15, afair (so not much skills\gear\experinence - if doing it first time).


Also (probably) two BHs at Darmas', but those were rather papery and I don't remember using harpoon in that fight.


And I suppose we may say "farewell" to solo 2+. Even for a sawbones. There is some fun in overcoming troubles, true, but that would feel :( anyway...

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I don't have another smuggler, yet they say it was HUGELY nerfed. Also, as said above, it does not reset now.


All class lines and bosses should be ok, as those usually were all single-target things. what really comes on my mind as a trouble - first elite boss fight for the ship at Coruscant's spaceport. There you initially COULD drag adds without disturbing evil guy (and that's what made my win back then). And then - deal with him (probably, with several tries). He also uses aoe, and you're still around 15, afair (so not much skills\gear\experinence - if doing it first time).


Also (probably) two BHs at Darmas', but those were rather papery and I don't remember using harpoon in that fight.


And I suppose we may say "farewell" to solo 2+. Even for a sawbones. There is some fun in overcoming troubles, true, but that would feel :( anyway...


The elite on Coruscant isn't so bad if you don't freak out. He can't kill Corso with just 1 of his big AoEs, so long as after the first time you realise it hurts and use your stun and mezz to interrupt his next 2 you won't die. It's a simple fight, stick Corso onto the boss, take out the weaks yourself, then focus on the big bad boss interrupting those big hits of his. The ABCs of fighting groups that doesn't require experience, just common sense.


As for "farewell" to Solos?? I have a 50 sawbones who hasn't used Corso ever since I got Bowdaar, then Risha when I got her followed by Akaavi, and that hasn't stopped me soloing Heroics. Corso's harpoon helps, but it isn't a necessity (esp for Sawbones).

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