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Need advice for advanced class choice


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I need help from experienced PvP players from both Sentinel and Guardian side.

I'm planning to create Jedi Knight alt but I'm not sure what advanced class I want to use.


My priorities and criterias:


  • My main focus is PvP.
  • Whatever I'll pick I will play as DPS.
  • I want to see relatively high numbers flying out from the enemy (at least about the same as my Scrapper scoundrel)
  • I want to have good utility abilities so that I won't be useless while undergeared and could still contribute to the fight



Yes, I know I can't have everything.

Please, tell me what I will gain and what I will sacrifice by choosing either Adv Class.


From observing Jedi Knights I can tell that guardians have more utility. Specifically, they have friendly leap which is awesome in huttball. Sentinels have high damage output and moderate durability. That's all I know about differencies.

Before I make a choice I would like to know more in-depth info about pros and cons.


Thank you in advance.

Edited by Leaxter
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I've been playing as a sentinel both in low & high lvl pvp so i can at least tell you about that:


First I am watchman specced 31/10/0.



The watchman spec has a nice survivability in the fact that all your burn crits will heal you for 2% (talented). Also you're interrupt is on 6 sec cooldown & force leap has a 0-30m range (both talented) so it can be used as a second interrupt. This makes you really usefull versus casters and healers.


Also you have 3 group buff abilities:

  • Inspiration: gives party a 15% Healing & DMG buff for 15 secs
  • Transendence: buffs party with 10%damage reduction & 50% movement speed
  • Zen: will heal the party for 1% per tick of your burning crits


This makes you really usefull for your party to survive some of the bigger fights or some of the really close ones.




Cons:Sentinel has about 10 abilities that you're going to need on hotkeys at least.

We don't have any pushbacks or proper stuns.

Eventho watchman spec gives quite the survivability if you get ganked you'll still die really quick.

Don't spec watchman for the big numbers, we have a lot of small quick numbers with a few big hits in between.


I've also played combat spec, which has a higher burst damage, but a lower sustained.

As well that spec gives a speed buff of 15 or 30% (can't remember exactly)



Please note that I might be a bit biased since I love my sentinel really much, but this pretty much seems like a good image of the sentinel imo.


On that note, here are a few screens so you get an idea of my average highest hit combined with group utility (ie healing)


Huttball DMG

Voidstar DMG

Voidtar Healing


BTW I'm not posting this to show off, just so you get an idea of what you can do as sentinel.


I've seen guardians that can do the same or more dmg as me, think it's also a matter of playstyle preference

Edited by Stealios
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So looking at the screen shots out of all the classes you played with on your team you were the top damage outputer on your team? So Sentinel does the highest dps of all classes in pvp?


I am currently trying to decide either sent or guard and it seems sent is by far the choice since the guardian has no damage compared to the sent. and only slightly higher armor.....

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That's only for REALLY good players. Like I said, sentinel is the hardest class in the game, I have 2 bars fully key binded with abilities that I use for every fight in pvp. Your hands will hurt, but with time and practice sentinels are amazing. Plus they're getting buffed in 1.2. You'll feel weak for a really long time until you get used to it, I'm still getting used to it myself which is why it just seems like sentinels are terrible, but they won't be if you play it a lot and learn how to use all or most of your abilities
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In those matches i was top damage yes. But keep in mind im using this keyboard Awesome keyboard


As you can see i have 5 buttons below the spacebar that are really easy to press with my thumb.


Other than that, guardian definitely has a few bigger single hits than sentinel and can do their fair share of damage. I've seen guardians/juggernauts doing quite some more damage than me sometimes, so dont assume sentinel is highest in pvp.

Every match you got to have some luck and ofc some skill :)


Having said that, I haven't played high lvl guardian yet so what I can tell about them is from what i've seen/heard.


Also I've been playing sentinel since december when game released so I've gotten really well used to it.

Think the main thing for sentinel watchman is to remember your dots + timing you defensive cd's.


Other than that gotta love the 2 lightsabers :)

Edited by Stealios
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