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why are you called Darth Nox?


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It depends on your alignment in the end.


If you are light sided when you reach the end you become Darth Imperius


If you are dark sided when you reach the end you become Darth Nox.


Or so I'm told, anyway/


Actually, the LS becomes Darth Occulus

The neutral one is Imperius

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Lightside outcome (more selfless than selfish)= Darth Imperious = means "Empire", you are Darth Empire because you do what is best for the Empire above all else.


Neutral outcome (self involved but not insanely so) = Darth Oculus = means "Eye", you are Darth Eye because you see everything, both the Light and Dark and work in both to get what is best from both.


Darkside outcome (completely selfish and completely sadistic without reason) = Darth Nox = means "Night", you are Darth Darkness what more needs to be said.


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Lightside outcome (more selfless than selfish)= Darth Imperious = means "Empire", you are Darth Empire because you do what is best for the Empire above all else.


Neutral outcome (self involved but not insanely so) = Darth Oculus = means "Eye", you are Darth Eye because you see everything, both the Light and Dark and work in both to get what is best from both.


Darkside outcome (completely selfish and completely sadistic without reason) = Darth Nox = means "Night", you are Darth Darkness what more needs to be said.


well actually Imperious does not mean empire, in english it means bossy, demanding, etc. In Latin it comes from the noun (if used as a noun) Imperium, meaning authority/ability to rule, most of the time I think it is the latter, I think the title is in reference to a sith able to rule, or Darth Imperious.

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