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Sith Warrior - Dark side or Light side?


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In your opinion, which side have the better story?


Dark Side has been done to death. "You're the bad*** evil mutha****a Sith Lord that would kill someone for looking at you." Big whoop, imo.


Light Side is something that gets a LOT of surprised reactions from characters ingame, and the way I played mine was the "Galaxy's most benevolent and honorable jerk", you might say. It was fun, without being goody goody, so I had a blast with the character. :D

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Darkside has more dying and more you are a complete big bad bossness.


Lightside has more interesting interaction with Jedi and more people survive.


But the story is really the same both ways, always the exact same outcome (alignment just changes the fate of others in the story, not yourself).

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Dark side because you throw force powers around like crazy and are a raging ****** that is not duplicated by ANY other darkside character.


its not something you want to miss. and yes, lightside is kinda funny but not nearly as cool

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