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Just some facts about female gamers


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Fact does not exist, nothing can be a fact because a fact to one person can be an opinion to another,


Bzzt! Wrong, but thank you for playing.


c = 299,792,458 mps. There is no "opinion" to it.


G = g(m1 + m2)/d^2. Period. No "opinion" to it.


Pi is the ratio between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. No "opinion" involved.


Et cetera.

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We need more facts in this thread about facts!


Please answer us.


Hey, if I am a geek, does that make you a geekess?


How do you juggle hairstyling and make-up with game time? Or don't you? It is commonly known that we save time by not changing our underwear - how do you cope with the timely demands, maybe we can learn something!


I use geekette =^.^=

Edited by Aiyana
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lol I use geekette to or just nerd for myself


currently my hair is braided so that helps a lot with down time for hair styling (Plus im on a Michonne kick ala walking dead so wanted to try to get my hair looking like hers and have my first sword in hopefully the start of a budding collections of Katana's ^_^)


I don't really indulge in make up unless I have a business meeting find that stuff annoying makes my skin irritated and is unneeded to me most of the time. And the only down time I have trouble balancing is that thing called sleep I need between caring for my son earning a living and gaming I sometimes manage to get some of that :) and make time for my significant other when hes not currently trying to unlock his next game achievement lol.

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lol I use geekette to or just nerd for myself


currently my hair is braided so that helps a lot with down time for hair styling (Plus im on a Michonne kick ala walking dead so wanted to try to get my hair looking like hers and have my first sword in hopefully the start of a budding collections of Katana's ^_^)


I don't really indulge in make up unless I have a business meeting find that stuff annoying makes my skin irritated and is unneeded to me most of the time. And the only down time I have trouble balancing is that thing called sleep I need between caring for my son earning a living and gaming I sometimes manage to get some of that :) and make time for my significant other when hes not currently trying to unlock his next game achievement lol.


I have found that make up is for my other personality, one that I don't really like much. lol Braids or a pony is great for gamer hair! :D

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Bzzt! Wrong, but thank you for playing.


c = 299,792,458 mps. There is no "opinion" to it.


G = g(m1 + m2)/d^2. Period. No "opinion" to it.


Pi is the ratio between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. No "opinion" involved.


Et cetera.



BZZZT WRONG, because wrong is a word defined through a meaning embedded by humans, within human limits anything can be misconstrued between understanding and perception. Mathematics and science, invented by someone, that someone cannot invent facts, done deal

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I use geekette =^.^=


That rhymes with coquette, love it!


To be sung, spur of the moment.


There once was a geekette,

She was very coquette.

She endured all the jankers,

to mow down them clankers.

So dude do not trifle

with the girl holding the assault rifle.


(insert accordion solo)

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My wife plays and she hides her identity not because of being hit on or insulted, but because of the IWK.


Internet White Knights.


Her theory is that it's much easier to chivalrous in the game than it is in real life (where white knighting could be mistaken for flirting, and be turned down). IWKs are obnoxious, constantly defending a female's honor, endlessly groveling for favor, and treating the female as if she has deficiencies which only the IWK can overcome. She can't defend herself or take criticism (especially valid) without a IWK to fall on a sword for her. Woe to the person that doesn't treat the female exactly as the IWK thinks is proper.


Unlike jerks and pimply teenagers, who take the hint when their advances are rebuffed, the IWK will keep at it forever.


This has got to be one of the best things I've ever read in regards to this topic. *clap*

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Yeah, you are so oppressed. You get paid 70 cents to every dollar made by someone of the other gender. No, wait, that's women. You can get murdered for being in possesion of a hoodie and a bag of skittles. No, that's black people.


Wait, what is it that white males have worse than anyone else again?





oh no, and im gonna go start a white man's movement because i'm tired of the asians getting paid more than me (not being racist, just making a point).


*and that little insert about the whole night watch guy vs the teen is a completely irrelevant and blatant grasp at something i'm not sure of, because the media has skewed the whole thing out of proportion, and if you haven't done anything but read the couple of news articles on it, then you would be too ignorant about the situation to understand it completely.... they did after all portray the night watchman in the story by using a photo of him in some sort of jumpsuit (after he got arrested) and they used a picture of the kid from 7 years ago when he was in high school still, instead of a recent one of him all in his street clothes wearing gang colors* < and now back on topic >


there is always someone getting more or less depending on the situation and a lot of factors, but the reason people still actively see the problem, is the people pointing out the problem every day, if people worked more towards a goal instead of calling foul at every job hiring when they see their starting pay, there might not be much of a gap, but we won't know because all i see is posts like this translating to real life every day.


(my fiance makes more than all of her co-workers as well, even male. i hate statistics, they help people make uneducated points, am i right?)











unfortunately i doubt this thread will go anywhere, because anyone who doesn't agree with people who say they are discriminated against, are automatically an oppressor, so i bow out. go have a girls night, play some swtor, put on some pretty clothes, and tell bioware you want female characters to get lower prices because it's tougher being female in games.

Edited by Kracin
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Wait, what is it that white males have worse than anyone else again?


Well ... I totally did not want to talk about this, since I think it's the wrong thread and a bit off-topic ... but ok: Pimples.


Can we leave this alone now?

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Welcome to the gang Kalari!


Threads like this are always fun, if we can't have a bit of a laugh at ourselves and each other what's the world coming to!


I really liked the 'White Knights' comment a bit further back, it's so true!

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Snipers rule. :cool:


Also, as a guy, my love of the Commando class is from Doom back in the 90s. I played a lot of it when I was in during the mid-90s. Now my Trooper has an Assault Cannon that looks just like the good ol' BFG-9000! :D


My first FPS was Wolfenstein 3D, and Doom followed shortly thereafter. I know today's FPSs have much better graphics, and a storyline, but sometimes the Old School is more fun. :) Granted, I'm a huge Call of Duty fan as well. Going prone during combat is much more realistic than most other FPSs out there.


And to those who claim that Snipers should be able to go prone in Star Wars: Hey, be grateful we can actually take cover! Star Wars never was big on common sense when it comes to military tactics. lol


Omg, DOOM! That was the first FPS I got addicted to, after having played Wolfenstein as well ("Mein leben!" hahaha). I will never forget the first time I heard a Baron, I was shaking in my boots. Then I saw him come around the corner... EEKS!


Good memories, oldskool is indeed fun!


The first game in general I got addicted to was something completely different though... Lemmings :rolleyes:

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And there are some women that are delicious even without makeup. :D


This ... or better the fries thing ... reminds me about Pulp Fiction. You know, where they put mayonnaise on their fries instead of ketchup.


I'm more of a salty dog.


So, what's about that rumor that female gamers have a mirror attached to the monitor to check their hair every 5 minutes? Myth or fact? Hear it here first.

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So, what's about that rumor that female gamers have a mirror attached to the monitor to check their hair every 5 minutes? Myth or fact? Hear it here first.

That's a lie! We may take a break during raids now and again to file our nails, preferably just after a boss pull, but having a mirror attached to the monitor to check our hair, seriously, that's ridiculous!

Edited by Sauska
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Hey there, folks. A quick reminder to keep real life politics/morality/social commentary out of this thread. This does include talking about real life race and societal standards/classes. We will have to close this thread if these inappropriate topics continue to be discussed in here. Thanks!
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This ... or better the fries thing ... reminds me about Pulp Fiction. You know, where they put mayonnaise on their fries instead of ketchup.


I'm more of a salty dog.


So, what's about that rumor that female gamers have a mirror attached to the monitor to check their hair every 5 minutes? Myth or fact? Hear it here first.


I thought the mayo on fries thing was from Europe in general...


And whenever there's a loading screen you can tilt the computer just so for a quick hair-check in the reflection.

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Hey there, folks. A quick reminder to keep real life politics/morality/social commentary out of this thread. This does include talking about real life race and societal standards/classes. We will have to close this thread if these inappropriate topics continue to be discussed in here. Thanks!


might close it anyway, first post talks about social and gender.


Discussion of political, sexual, or religious topics is prohibited on the forums.
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... Or how many big burly dudes may just be hiding a female...


...Some of us are very vicious and like to play that way... and being blood thirsty in fantasy is fun and gets to showcase a side to myself id never indulge in real life...



Shh! :jawa_eek: Try to save some of the mystery, will ya?:jawa_tongue: *nervously glances around the thread*:jawa_redface:

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