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Just some facts about female gamers


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There is another thing you guys do, apologize after rocking the boat. Don't do that. The correct reply to my first post, when I implied that this thread was a waste of time would be "bite me". ;p


Okay i'll bite where in that quote was the words I am sorry? I thought it was more of a snarky reply to those who decided "well enough people have called this a cry for attention so I'll attack her grammar or other things instead."


I do not apologize for this thread, don't need to resort to saying bite me to the super serious people who came into this thread and had to say "oh this is so pointless." Though it does make me wonder why they feel the need to give it so much attention if that is the case? I honestly wonder if it some how makes them feel better to post how "cool" they are by saying it doesnt matter when it must have slightly or they would have left this topic alone. I have avoided many on these very boards when I know its something I don't care about. But maybe my definition of cool is different some peoples defenses crack me up though.


I am not sorry I made this thread definitely not sorry some people get butt hurt because another wants to poke fun at sterotypes am not a snowflake sufferer but do like to have fun conversations in a forums and to me this is still better then nerf whining, rage quit threads or asking for things that will probably never be implemented.


And grfu not creepy you were sweet in your asking out didnt push so hopefully you will find someone nice I met my boyfriend gaming so it does happen :)

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Hey--I think the thread is fun!


Other facts about female gamers:

1. Unless we're allergic or get migraines, yes, we do eat chocolate. Or drink chocolate. Or put creme de cacao in our rum-laced coffee.


2. Kittens, puppies, tiny birds, salamanders, and tree frogs are all cute.


3. We make geometric proofs about chocolate:


Dirt is brown.

Chocolate is brown.

Dirt has no calories,

Therefore, chocolate has no calories.

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Okay, we'll let you out of the kitchen so you can get us some xp.


That's a joke, but I am all for girl/women gamers and what they bring to the game. Which is predominantly maturity as what I've gathered in my many years of gaming.

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Okay, we'll let you out of the kitchen so you can get us some xp.


That's a joke, but I am all for girl/women gamers and what they bring to the game. Which is predominantly maturity as what I've gathered in my many years of gaming.


We are not all mature :p , I tend to work jobs that are pretty serious in one way or another and have little time to joke around at work so I tend to let my inner girl out when I am gaming =^.^= .

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If you haven't already come across us, come visit TheGSpot (formerly Star Wars Girls but now covering multiple games) and meet our friendly female gaming community.


TheGSpot is a multi-game forum for women of all ages who play MMOs, FPSs, console, tabletop and anything else. We also have forums for talking about books and movies, sharing recipes, posting pictures of our artistic creations and chatting about upcoming game releases. We've been going for a while now and have a very friendly community.


We aren't exclusively female, men are also welcome


Please come and visit us at TheGSpot.enjin.com!


(The G is for Gaming ;))

Edited by Amonette
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Hey--I think the thread is fun!


Other facts about female gamers:

1. Unless we're allergic or get migraines, yes, we do eat chocolate. Or drink chocolate. Or put creme de cacao in our rum-laced coffee.


2. Kittens, puppies, tiny birds, salamanders, and tree frogs are all cute.


3. We make geometric proofs about chocolate:


Dirt is brown.

Chocolate is brown.

Dirt has no calories,

Therefore, chocolate has no calories.

Oh boy, and here I am, not liking chocolate at all. Does this mean I'm a guy? :confused:

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Oh boy, and here I am, not liking chocolate at all. Does this mean I'm a guy? :confused:


Sometimes it comes as ice-cream, does that help? :)


My wife is a Peggle/Tetris kind of girl. Boy does she ever get competitive there, she won't rest until she beats my scores. But MMO's or any other games, no way.

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I hate cheese.

I love chocolate.

I was married once.

My fiancee also plays.

Her best friend ran a large guild on WoW for 5 years.

A large number of socially awkward/emotionally immature males (generally under the age of 30) play MMOs.


I wish I were married to a Doctor so I could retire. And the bewbies that wink comment wins the day for me today.

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I once knew a guy who would get terribly irate with me over mumble because I refused to concede that he was a woman; I would calmly explain to him that he was simply overweight and that just because he couldn't see his man parts this did not prove he was a female.


I also explained the physics of testicular descent and that one day it too would happen to him as well.


I have to give him credit for his stubbornness; he was quite adamant about being female, I mean he went so far as to invite his husband onto mumble in order to validate his claim. I of course being the ever social progressive praised them of their bravery of an open same-sex relationship and subsequently gave them my support.


Anyway, my point is that we should accept people regardless of whether they claim to be females on the internet or not and treat them how we would treat others.

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Oh boy, and here I am, not liking chocolate at all. Does this mean I'm a guy? :confused:


1. Never liked chocolate.


2. Never put rum in my coffee.


3. Don't think tiny birds, lizards or frogs are 'cute'.


I also don't wear makeup, never wanted children and will happily frag anyone that moves in an FPS.


My prized possessions are my Mini Cooper, my German Shepherd and my 10mm Glock. ;)

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So...are female gamers supposed to be rare? Cause they're not.




Couldn't agree more with this statement. I have met several gamers on SWTOR claiming to be female. To be honest I find gamers claiming to be male far more rare.

Edited by portichae
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So...are female gamers supposed to be rare? Cause they're not.




Only game I've played where female gamers are extremely rare is EVE Online. I jokingly say there are only 5 of them, but I know there are more than that. Possibly as many as 50 women play EVE. Honestly, more female gamers play Halo and Call of Duty.


The running joke in EVE is "EVE, where the men are men, the women are men, and the kids are all DED Agents." :)

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There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )

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I have met several gamers on SWTOR claiming to be female.


"Pics or it didn't happen."


It doesn't matter to me if you really are a male or really are a female. But my point is when someone "claims" to be something over the internet, it still carries absolutely no credibility.

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There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )


What? I thought there was something about mars and venus going on there ...



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There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )


The topic---->equality and peace for mankind----->the hypothetical possibilities for the colonizing of the universe. Well met.

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There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )


Well we still need you guys for one thing yet , but we got top scientists working on that problem :p , then "To The Moooon" with ya =^.^=

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