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Legacy sistem and the relations with companions


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Good afternoon dear readers of this forum.

In advance I apologize if the subject with discussion of this question is created not in that section, and I ask to transfer it (if it is necessary).

As I apologize, if this question was lifted already by someone in this or that look.


Studying with colleagues on Russian community of players of SWTOR of feature of Legacy sistem thought thought of it, there was no yet one interesting question which discussion I want to offer you.


Let's say thanks to Legacy sistem for us is available "jedi knight" races "sith pureblood" a female. Whether it will be possible love affair (relations) between this character and Lord Scourge considering what both of them "sith pureblood"?

Very much the opinion English-speaking (and not only) parts of community on this matter interests.

Edited by Illiryel
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Goharu alert? Google translate or promt-online? Never use it again, whatever it was. Or (at least) translate sentence by sentence, and try to use short ones. Do not translate text or word-by-word. As Yoda Master English spoke clear more then you said what.


Let's say thanks to Legacy sistem for us is available "jedi knight" races "sith pureblood" a female. Whether it will be possible love affair (relations) between this character and Lord Scourge considering what both of them "sith pureblood"?

Very much the opinion English-speaking (and not only) parts of community on this matter interests.


As for your question (if I could retranslate it back to Russian right..which was not easy, I tell you). Companions are currently not involved in legacy family. One can't add them as a husband\wife, one can't "make children" with those. All the romance lines do not depend on species anyhow, each class has fixed "romancables" for each gender. Same gender is not supported (as goharu should already know, lol, they really love this subject). If you make pureblood female jedi - she will have same romance as human, twilek or any other. If BW ever gives new romances as a "legacy rewards" that would be REALLY interesting. I'll roll JC that same day when they unlock Zenith for romance. :t_cool:


Also family tree has no real purposes and does not do anything, it just lets you draw cool lines between chars. Initial idea of giving "kids" their "parents" skills turned out to be pure cosmetical feature, which just unlocks species, skills, stuff and buffs for each and every current (but you can't chage race) and future alt, no matter who was whos father. And you don't even need to place them in that tree (tell me if I'm wrong about it, but that's how I got it from PTS forums and reviews).

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If you make pureblood female jedi - she will have same romance as human, twilek or any other.
well it to me is clear :)

If BW ever gives new romances as a "legacy rewards" that would be REALLY interesting. I'll roll JC that same day when they unlock Zenith for romance. :t_cool:
thanks for attention to this idea :) Edited by Illiryel
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whether it is possible to realize it in future updatings?

Well, anyone who's optimistic and also has his share of imagination can expect anything from future updates. Including legacy missions, class random daylies, new companions and more current companion activities. Not much reasons for being optimistic, but why not? Hope springs eternal...


It's just I wonder - if they did useless "short" 12h (instead of 18h) fleet pass CD for 600k - what actually will they require to get something really nice and interesting?

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