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Guild Summit Panels have been posted!


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UPDATE 4/3/12: The remaining panels have been posted. If you have any feedback about the structure of the panels, please let us know in this thread. Thanks!



ORIGINAL POST: We've launched a new YouTube playlist featuring the Guild Summit panels, which were held on March 5th in Austin, TX. Today we are releasing the Operations/Flashpoints panel and the Player Vs. Player panel, and we'll be posting more next week.


You'll find the playlist for these videos on YouTube here:



Since this was our first Guild Summit, we're very interested in hearing your feedback about the entirety of the event (as well as the content within the panels themselves). Let us know your thoughts below!

Edited by DavidBass
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awsome videos, alot of good content and poor gabe having to head both panels right after a hefty flight.. i hope you gave him a day off afterwards ;)


love to see more, especially as i wasn't there.

keep up the good work... and dont let me hear you say 'raid' one more time!! :D

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I have searched for this post for ages ,I have watched a couple from when it was postedon the home page but lost the address ,please could you put the videos on the front page or just make them obvious to find ,thankyou very much ,I find them very informative and its nice to see how the developers are thinking .
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Very nice, got to finally watch them (almost) all.


I would be interested in hearing - let's say a sort of a recap. It's been a month since the summit, how has this influenced you (Bioware), where there major surprises, shifts in priorities due to the summit etc.

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