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Can you make set bonuses that benefit both dps sets equally?


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This is purely from a powertech perspective, heres a list of both bm and rakata combat tech(our dps set) set bonuses;

Battlemasters combat tech:

2/5 - carbonize extra 0.5sec and -15secs on our CC breaker - This is fine.

4/5 - Rocket punch 15% more crit - This is not fine, this bonus benefits only shield tech(tank tree)/advanced prototype(dps tree) and not pyrotech(other dps tree)

Rocket punch for shield tech

30% more crit bonus + 30% more crit and reduces cd on shield procs.


Rocket punch for advanced prototype

30% more crit bonus + chance to make next railshot crit.


Rocket punch for Pyrotech

Just resets railshot.


So 15% more crit on rocket punch clearly benefits the other two trees purely because it does more dmg and should be changed. Currently all pvp pyrotechs choose 4/5 eliminators(merc set) over combat tech(pt set) because it gives 15% more railshot crit(main dmg ability).


Suggestions for replacement bonus

4/5 - Immolate(31 point advanced prototype)/Thermal detonator(31 point pyrotech) buff(crit/more dmg etc)

4/5 - Buff to incendiary missile/retractable blade

4/5 - Buff to HEGC/CGC


Rakata Combat tech:

2/5 - Explosive fuel - 15secd - this is fine.

4/5 - Railshot does 8% more dmg - this is not fine this benefits pyrotech way more than advanced prototype.

Railshot for pyrotech

+9% more dmg on burning targets/30% crit bonus/30% more armor pen/more railshots due to reseting on RP/FB.


Railshot for advanced prototype

Just has a 100% crit on proc of RP/RB.


Railshot is used only once in 15secs for advanced prototype, for pyrotech is used 1-5times depending on your proc rates in 15secs. Because of this its clearly favoring pyrotech in pve with those going advanced having to be sub par.


Suggestions for replacement;

4/5 - buff to thermal detonator/immolate etc etc.


I can confirm that at the moment the pvp bonuses for combat tech remain the same for War hero gear though i can't confirm on the new pve gear. Will we see set bonuses that will affect both specs equally? In both pvp and pve.


Currently as pyrotech i run 4/5 combat tech pve in pvp and rest bm purely because bm combat tech is just useless.

Edited by Shredzz
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The PvP bonuses seem fine. There is a set for each tree.


Shield Tech - Supercommando


Advanced Prototype / Pryotech - Combat Tech (both set bonuses can be applied to a full pyro or full AP, while the 2pc bonus is useless to Mercs)


Pyrotech - Eliminator (this set is directed at Mercs since 2pc bonus is useless)


In PvP the set bonuses even out between mercs and powertechs.



PvE Supercommando bonuses makes sense. But eliminator and combat tech, not so much.


Both the eliminator and the combat tech sets have a bonus that doesn't apply to one of the Powertech trees.


Eliminator has a good 4pc bonus for Pyros, but the 2 piece bonus is useless for Powertechs. Combat tech 2pc bonus isn't used by powertechs at all because Explosive Fuel is coupled with relics and would be a damage loss if used without.


So, it seems the Eliminator set is aimed at mercs since they can actually make use of the 2pc and 4pc bonuses. But the CD reduction on explosive fuel isn't as useful as something like a heat reduction or increased damage for some other universal powertech skill.


The Combat Tech 2pc bonus needs to be more useful for Powertechs. Perhaps it should lower the cooldown on Rocket Punch, or increase the damage. At the very least, the 2 piece bonus should increases the damage of Retractable blade to increase synergy for Pyro/AP hybrids.

Edited by Noollig
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