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What all does Field Aid cleanse?


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I've been a little confused on what Field Aid does and does not cleanse in pvp. Is there a list somewhere on what all cleanses somewhere? Currently I mainly use it on sentinel dots/healing debuff and sniper roots but besides that I don't know and I just throw it when I have a lot of debuffs on me.
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It might not always be clear because of all the chaos, but Field Aid will cleanse more or less anything and everything that a non-Force user wil debuff you with (most of these are Tech/Physical, which we can cleanse). This includes bleeds, burns, shocks, non-Force poisons, and most movement impairing effects of non-Force users. I am not spec'd into it myself, but I know that some of the long CC stuns (such as Concussive Round on Trooper) is classified as mental - which can be cleansed if talented. Not sure if this is true for force-user stuns as well, but if so you can see the benefit of cleansing those CC's on allies.


Everything else is out of your control (ie. crush or fear, etc). Do remember, though, that Marauders/Sentinents for instance put stacks of bleed on their targets despite being force-users - all of those stacks are cleanseable.

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