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IG-88: Resurrection


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Alright back folks with a new story, some of you may have already been reading this before the wipe to the forum came along. So I decided, after much thought to bring this story back because....well IG-88 is one of my favorite characters, who I think should have had much more material written on him then what we have now and how it was all ended. Anyway I still have chapter 1 saved, so i'll just put it down here and then start actually writing again seeing as thats the only chapter I had saved....so without further ado here it is.



Chapter 1: Resurrection



Several months after the battle of endor the rebel alliance had destroyed the second death star, and a redeemed Anakin Skywalker had killed the emperor leaving the empire without a leader. However this did not mean the empire would be finished off so quickly, the death star was destroyed however the war would continue to rage on for another decade or so. What both sides never figured out was that there was a threat that wanted to destroy all organic lifeforms in the galaxy, this threat took the form of a droid known as IG-88 who had the second death star under his control before being destroyed and IG-88 along with it or so thought. The body of IG-88 still remained however, though it was reprogrammed and served as the protector of the Thul family and Tyko Thul had the droid factory on Mechis 3 he didn't realize that IG-88 had created a super computer with his sentience.


The bodyguard IG-88 kept watch over the droid factory while his master was away, however in the droid factory all wasn't what it seemed to be it was still the same but at the same time felt dark. IG-88 patrolled the factory waiting till his master came back, though as the droid walked by a computer it suddenly came to life causing the droid to turn around and walk up to the computer to investigate. IG-88 stared at the screen for a few moments only to look at a static screen and as he attempted to shut down the computer, a powerful shock electrocuted the droid throwing him back to the wall and causing a shutdown of its systems. An hour or so later Tyko Thul came back into the droid factory to check on it, and also to get his bodyguard back though he was shocked at finding IG-88 against a wall and shutdown.


"IG-88! Are you alright?...Well nothing seems to be damaged.."Tyko said looking over the droid's body before reactivating the droid as it came to life.


Tyko seemed pleased that his droid was alright, though before he could get a chance to ask what happened he was grabbed by the throat and his neck was crushed by IG-88 before being thrown into a pile of discarded droids. The computer that the bodyguard had tried to shutdown, actually had a copy of IG-88's sentience within and made its way into IG-88s body once more creating the deadly assassin droid. IG-88 took a look at his surroundings, observing where he was and as he approached the computer console he once more infected all the droids in the factory to turn them under his command.


"I think, therefore I am. I destroy, therefore I endure"IG-88 said as he began to go through the computer systems of the droid factory while the droids in the factory began to kill their masters once more.


Not only did his resurrection give him his body back, but made him more intelligent and observant to his surroundings with his processing IG-88 started to compute his mistakes to make sure that he wouldn't make them again. Within several months the droid factory was churning out old and new battle droids to complement IG-88's army and his plan for his droid revolution.



Well there is chapter 1, i'll work on getting chapter 2 up soon. Also, if any of ya guys have any creative ideas for a battle droid or ship i'd be more then happy to include them in the story. Just PM me with these details, just nothing overpowered or insane. Anyway R&R.




Ship or droid:





Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Chapter 2: The Test



Things were going rather well for IG-88, with the factory under his control it soon turned into a vast base of operations. Durasteel walls surrounded the factory, and a shield generator was active and covered the entire base with the generator itself being inside the factory for better protection. The relay itself though was on top of the factory, covered by two automated plasma cannons the surrounding area of the base had gun emplacements, and a few rocket emplacements. B1 battle droids patrolled the area, and since all the droids had IG-88's sentience in them they performed well and were deadlier then the previous incarnations during the Clone Wars.


Soon enough IG-88 had himself a brand new battle droid, known as a TX-118. It was build like a B1, though it was a little taller and had reinforced chrome armor and had sensors behind its head to detect an attack. It carried a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle, and also a bandoleer which carried several thermal detonators. "An adequate addition to my army..."IG-88 thought as the factory began making these new droids at a quick pace, while IG-88 went over to the main super computer. What was impressive, was that IG-88 had hacked into various data banks of different organizations, including the Empire and Rebellion without them knowing able to steal technology and reserve engineer them into his own army, an example being his new TX-118 battle droid.


"A test is required, to see maximum optimization of droids.."IG-88 said as the computer began to scan the galaxy in search of a proper testing site. Soon a planet was found known as Base Logia, where Empire and Alliance forces were engaged in a skirmish which was a fitting testing site for the droids. IG-88 then gathered up a good sizable force of droids which included, 2 droidekas, 8 magnaguards, 10 of his brand new TX-118 droids, and 5 Super battle droids all of which headed into the hanger and boarded IG-88's brand new IG-2000. Taking off IG-88 activated the cloaking on his ship, and arriving at the planet set down in a good spot not far from the battle taking place.


Exiting the ship, IG-88 looked to his force of droids"leave none alive.."IG-88 commanded as the droid force then moved out, heading towards the battle. The battle was intense, blaster fire being exchanged on both sides and a few grenades being thrown here and there. The droid force split up into two groups, each taking a side where the two factions were fighting and as the battle went on a super battle droid fired his wrist rocket into a group of stormtroopers. This was the signal, as the droid force then attacked the two groups who didn't realize what was going on until it was too late.


The TX-118's were sniping on both sides, killing imperial and rebel troopers from afar with deadly accuracy. Meanwhile, the droidekas were just ripping through troopers with their dual blasters while their shields deflected opposing blaster fire, the magnaguards were quickly beating down the soldiers with their staffs though some used their bulldog RLRs to cause some serious damage. It didn't take long for the battle to end, and when it was over every imperial and rebel soldier was dead while the droids only received 3 TX-118 casualties from multiple thrown thermal detonators.


IG-88 soon arrived examining the destruction"test complete, maximum optimization reached now lets return.."IG-88 ordered as him and the droid force soon left the battlefield, and then the planet heading back to Mechis 3. Arriving back in the hanger, IG-88 was soon planning on taking over another world to expand his army. A new battle cruiser was in the works in the hanger, almost complete as well as some brand new fighters.



Alright theres chapter 2, hope ya enjoy.

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Chapter 3: The first take over.



Soon enough it was done, one of many warships that IG-88's army would have was complete. It was big, yet at the same time it was slender and smooth well built and done on the first try without any screw ups. It had durasteel plating and a chrome like finish, the armaments including 60 turbolasers, ranging from light to heavy, 30 point defense laser cannons, 30 ion cannons, and 6 proton torpedo bays able to fire 3 torpedos each at once and hold up to 100 torpedos. The warship could also carry up to 100,000 metric tons of cargo, which was needed since more battle droids and tech would be in design and some of them could be very heavy with resources and weight.


The warship known as a IG-SK8 had a main shield generator, and a secondary backup, as well as a class . 60 hyperdrive and a backup class 1.0 due to some modifications and calculations. There was also a main reactor, and a backup one on the ship and since the droids didn't need sleep or food those areas had long range comm scanners and sensors and other equipment, it also came with a cloaking device. "It is time, prepare for takeoff to claim our first planet.."IG-88 commanded as the droids began to board the warship, and starting off while IG-88 boarded his IG-2000 and when everything was set they took off into space. It was decided, to first start small which would also give a chance to test out the warship and its fighters on the inside should imperial or rebel forces come into range.


The two ships plotted a course for Vaal, it was in the outer rim and controlled by the Empire which if the outpost called for help would make a perfect test for IG-88's warship. Arriving at the planet, the warship uncloaked however IG-88 remained cloaked and watched his warship as several drop ships containing various battle droids went planet side to take over. It didn't take long for the imperials to send out a distress signal, as an imperial victory cruiser came out of hyperspace right in front of the IG-SK8. Inside the captain was at first confused, it wasn't a Rebel warship but something different of course it didn't matter to him he was overconfident.


"Scramble all pilots, I want this thing destroyed"he commanded, and soon TIE fighters, interceptors and bombers came out of the hanger heading towards the warship. The IG-SK8 had its own fighters, the first being an IG-6 attack platform it was shaped in the design of a starviper fighter but its wings were more bent back and and had 4 laser cannons on the wing tips with two torpedo launchers in the front holding 4 proton torpedos each. The 2nd fighter an IG-8B was a more bomber type, it looked more like a V-wing however its wings were horizontal and the front was slightly bent, it also had another seat for an ion cannon on top. The 3rd and last fighter an IG-HS4 was a more all arounder, it had a curved body going down where its two laser cannons were with a torpedo launcher holding 6 torpedos.


The fighters all launched, and engaged the TIEs swiftly overwhelming them before the dog fighting really began. Being that they were droids, the ships didn't come with inertia computers so they were able to pull some maneuvers that gave them an edge against the organic TIE pilots. An IG-6 was being chased by two interceptors, but then spun and pulled back going right behind the two TIE interceptors and blasting them to bits, the warship was doing good as the TIE bombers approached they were destroyed by the turbolasers and what payload they dropped was destroyed by the point defense lasers. The IG-8B attacked the victory destroyer with its payload, unleashed proton bombs and proton torpedos while the IG-HS4 gave them cover.


"I want a status report, whats going on!"the star destroyer captain demanded as, alarms were going off on the bridge. "Sir we lost our shields, power is failing, were no- sir we got a drop ship in the hanger!"a technician replied. "Send in the stormtroopers now!"the captain demanded, as orders were given to the stormtroopers as they made their way to the hanger. The drop ship in the hanger landed, and out came a squad of droids consisting of 3 droidekas, 2 magangaurds, 5 TX-118 battle droids, and 4 super battle droids and as they came out and the stormtroopers arrived in the hanger the firefight started.


Being smart, they took for cover while the droidekas used their shields and began to blast at the stormtroopers while the TX's used them as cover and sniped the stormtroopers with their rifles. It wasn't long before the troopers were being pushed back into the hallways, one of them threw a thermal detonator but with quick calculations a magnaguard picked it right back up and threw it back at the group as it detonated. The two magnaguards then broke off, going down another hallway while the other droids fought the stormtroopers while they headed for the main reactor. Approaching the reactor, they set it to overload before heading back to their forces giving the signal as the other droids soon retreated going back to the drop ship and taking off away from the hanger.


The droid ships soon moved away from the star destroyer, and broke off from the dog fight heading back to the warship. Meanwhile the imperials cheered, thinking they had won the battle and the captain was being smug however the technician wasn't so happy. "SIR! the reactor its go-"but thats all he had time to say, before the victory cruiser blew apart and then was completely destroyed in a fiery explosion that destroyed the majority of TIEs nearby. The IG-6's and the IG-HS4's then went in and mopped up the remaining TIEs, that didn't get caught in the explosion while IG-88 finally uncloaked after analyzing the battle that had just taken place.


The droids didn't take heavy losses, they had only lost 2 IG-6's and 3 IG-HS4's due to the imperial's ion cannons and being caught in the ship's explosion. "Commence occupation of the planet"IG-88 commanded, soon supplies were sent down to Vaal and a base was constructed just in a mere month and 2 more months after, the droids soon had another IG-SK8 warship.



Well theres chapter 3 folks! Remember, will include any droid, ship idea if anyone has them just follow the layout I put in Ch 1 and PM me it if you want it in the story!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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